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"Dairy Substitutes", In kirk-Othermer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology
1. Introduction
Dairy products have been an important component of the human diet for thou-
sands of years. The popularity of dairy products is due to the wide range of
diverse products (in both texture and flavor) that can be made from milk, and
to the high nutritional value of milk and milk products. In part, this popularity
has led to the emergence of a market for dairy substitute products, which offer a
similar texture and taste to traditional dairy products, but may have differen-
tiated properties, eg, low or no lactose, reduced fat, or may be completely dairy
free. The market for these products has been driven at least in part by the nega-
tive health image of saturated animal fats, and the increasing demand for vege-
tarian and vegan products. In addition to this, a number of consumers will have
allergies or intolerance to certain dairy foods–ingredients. Dairy substitutes
allow them to enjoy dairy-like foods without the negative health implications.
There are no universally accepted definitions of substitute dairy foods,
which are referred to as imitations, simulates, substitutes, analogues, and
mimics, and are associated with terms, such as filled, nondairy, vegetable non-
dairy, and artificial milk, cheese. The term nondairy has been used indiscrimi-
nately to describe both imitation dairy products and products legally defined
as not being imitation dairy products. Dairy substitutes can be divided into
three types: those in which an animal or vegetable fat has been substituted for
milk fat; those that contain a milk component, eg, casein or whey protein, and
those that contain no milk components. The first two types make up most of
the substitute dairy products.
The International Dairy Federation (IDF) has defined the following terms
1. Substitute dairy foods. A substitute dairy product is a food stuff where the
intended use is to substitute for milk or dairy foods that have legal stan-
dards of identity. In some countries, the term substitute requires that
the food be nutritionally equivalent to the product for which it substitutes.
2. Imitation dairy foods. An imitation dairy food is a substitute dairy product
in which the general composition, appearance, characteristics, and in-
tended use is similar to milk or to a dairy food that has a legal standard
of identity. Filled milk products are included under this definition.
3. Synthetic products. These are made in semblance of a dairy product and do
not contain a milk component, although some include sodium caseinate.
Sodium caseinate is classified as nondairy because of its industrial usage.
4. Filled. Filled imitation dairy products are made in semblance of a dairy
product. A vegetable or animal fat is used to substitute for milk fat.
5. Nondairy. Milk–protein-based imitation dairy products are made to resem-
ble a dairy product and contain one or more proteins derived from milk.
Nondairy in this case has previously referred to imitation dairy products
that contain proteins derived from casein because the FDA has ruled
that such proteins are chemicals and cannot be considered dairy products.
Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Copyright John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
More recently, the term nondairy has been used for products that contain
whey proteins derived from milk, using the same rationale as for casein.
2. Ingredients
To reproduce the texture and properties of dairy products, manufacturers of sub-
stitute and imitation dairy foods make use of a range of functional ingredients.
The major ingredients are fats–oils, emulsifiers, proteins, polysaccharides and
sugars, and salts. Careful selection of ingredients is an essential part of the for-
mulation of imitation products, as the properties of the product are controlled by
these. Each component of a formulation is added for a specific function, but often
there is a synergistic interaction between different ingredients that contribute to
product texture. The major ingredients of dairy substitutes are discused below.
2.1. Fats and Oils. Fats and oils play a large role in determining the
texture of imitation dairy products. For example, the creamy mouthfeel of fluid
milks and substitute milks comes from the properties of the fat emulsion (3). The
distinction between fats and oils is one of physical state. Fats are solid at room
temperature, while oils are liquid. At the molecular level, fats have a higher
melting temperature than oils due to differences in the fatty acid composition
of the constituent triglycerides. Fats have a higher proportion of unsaturated
fatty acids, while oils are rich in polysunsaturated fatty acids. In general, fat
are derived from animal sources, eg, bovine milk fat, while oils are plant derived
(eg, soya bean oil, palm oil). The melting point of a fat is an important considera-
tion for its use in dairy substitutes. Fats with a melting point in the range 31–
368C are favored since these will melt in the mouth and contribute to flavor and
mouthfeel of a product. It is common practice to modify the melting properties of
vegetable oils by hydrogenation, which converts unsaturated to saturated fatty
acids, thus turning an oil into a fat.
There are several properties that a fat or oil must possess if it is to be used
in an imitation dairy product. These are bland flavor, low peroxide value and
good flavor stability, low levels of free fatty acids, resistance to hydrolysis,
and a desired solid fat content over the use temperature range of the product.
Thecommonfatsusedinsubstitutedairyfoods are hydrogenated coconut, cot-
tonseed, soybean, groundnut, palm kernel, and various blends of these pro-
ducts. The solid fat content is particularly important in products, such as
whipped toppings and imitation whipped creams, where hardened oils are
used to give optimum whipping properties (4). For powdered coffee whitener,
a long shelf-life is desirable, and so good oxidative stability is a prerequisite
for the fat (4).
2.2. Emulsifiers. The term emulsifier is usually taken to denote an
ingredient that helps in the formation of a dispersed fat emulsion. As such, the
term includes both low molecular weight emulsifiers and protein emulsifiers. In
many dairy substitutes, the fat is found in the form of discrete droplets dispersed
in an aqueous phase. This is termed an emulsion. In this state, the fat is only
kinetically stable, and there is a thermodynamic tendency for the fat to separate
out from the aqueous phase. To stabilize the fat droplets and to impart a satis-
factory shelf-life on fluid emulsion products, emulsifiers are added that adsorb to
the surface of the emulsion droplets and protect them from coalescence (5). In
other products, eg, margarine, the aqueous phase forms droplets, dispersed in
a continuous fat phase. To stabilise these so-called water-in-oil emulsion droplets
requires the use of a different type of emulsifier compared to those needed to sta-
bilize oil-in-water emulsion droplets.
Food grade low molecular weight emulsifiers are usually amphiphilic esters
that contain a hydrophilic and hydrophobic region. The hydrophobic region is
usually a fatty acid (commonly stearic, palmitic, oleic, or lionoleic acids) while
the hydrophilic character often comes from hydroxyl or carboxyl groups. In
dairy substitutes, common emulsifiers are mono- and diglycerides, lactic acid
and fatty acid esters of glycerol, polyglycerol esters of fatty acids, sorbitan esters
of fatty acids, polyoxyethylene esters of fatty acids, and propylene esters of fatty
acids. Frequently, a combination of emulsifiers are used to achieve the desired
characteristics in the final product.
Selection of emulsifiers for a particular function is often an empirical excer-
icse informed by the experience of the formulator. To aid in this exercise, a sys-
tem of classification of emulsifiers has been devised called the HLB (Hydrophile–
Lipophile Balance) system (6). In simple terms, it is a measure of the relative
hydrophobicity or hydrophilicity of an emulsifier, and it can be used to predict
whether an emulsifier will stablize oil-in-water or water-in-oil emulsions. The
HLB number for a particular emulsifier is estimated from the molecular formula
by using the group contribution method proposed by Davis (7). The HLB values
for emulsifiers range from 1 to 20, with higher values denoting a more hydrophi-
lic character. Emulsifiers that promote oil-in-water emulsions typically have
HLB values in the range 8–28, and those that form water-in-oil emulsions 3–
8. The HLB numbers for a range of emulsifiers are shown in Table 1.
In addition to the role of emulsifiers in aiding formation of emulsion dro-
plets, there are several other functions attributed to emulsifiers. In whipped top-
ping, imitation cream and ice cream the emulsifiers are required to destabilize
the fat emulsion so that when it is whipped the fat droplets are able to adsorb
to the surface of the air bubble and to stabilize them (8). In fluid milks and
milk substitutes emulsifiers aid in the heat stability of the fat emulsion (9).
While in powdered formulations emulsifers are used both to give heat stability
during drying, and to act as wetting agents to aid redispersion of the powder
in water (10). In coffee whitener formulations, emulsifier blends of sodium stear-
oyl lactylate and and monoglycerides are used as a replacer for sodium caseinate
(11). The emulsifier here forms a complex with the remaining caseinate (12),
which gives improved fat encapsulation in the dried powder state, thus allowing
a cost saving through the reduction in caseinate concentration.
2.3. Proteins. Proteins play a role as both functional ingredients in sub-
stitute dairy products. In addition to emulsification, proteins are also used as gel-
ling agents, thickeners, for water binding, to improve melting properties, and for
foaming–whipping properties.
Protein from a wide range of sources can be used in dairy substitutes. These
include: animal proteins, ie, skim milk in liquid, condensed, or dry form (filled
products); casein, caseinates, and coprecipitates; whey proteins; oil-seed pro-
teins, fish proteins; and blood proteins. Oil-seed protein sources include soybean
protein concentrates and isolates, groundnut protein, cottonseed protein, and
sunflower seed, rapeseed, coconut, and sesame seed proteins. Other sources are
leaf and single-cell proteins. Of these protein sources, milk and soybean
proteins are most widely used. Protein usage is based on economics, flavor, func-
tionality, and availability.
Milk Proteins. Many dairy substitutes still contain a considerable propor-
tion of dairy derived protein ingredients. Of these, the various casein and whey
protein products, and skim milk powder (SMP) are the most important, although
newer milk protein products that contain both casein and whey, but at a higher
protein content than SMP, are finding increasing use in the food industry.
Skim Milk Powder (Non-fat Dried Milk). To prepare skimmed milk
powder (SMP), whole milk is first separated in a centrifugal separator to produce
a skim milk stream with a fat content of 0.1%. The skim milk is then concen-
trated to 45–50%, and then dried to a powder. Three forms of SMP (high heat
SMP, medium heat SMP, and low heat SMP) are manufactured depending on
the severity of the heat treatment given during processing. The three types of
product find different applications. Low heat SMP is favored for dairy and imita-
tion dairy products. A preheat treatment is usualy given to the skim milk before
concentration as this is believed to protect the casein micelles against extensive
heat damage (13).
Casein and Caseinates. The caseins in milk are found in the form of the
a supramolecular association structure, the casein micelle. Casein micelles are
stabilized in milk by a hydrophilic layer of k-casein at the surface. This is highly
charged and provides both electrostatic and steric stabilization. To separate the
casein protein from milk, one can either remove the charge from the stabilizing
layer, or remove the layer itself. Both charge neutralization with acid, or hydro-
lysis of k-casein with rennet enzyme will precipitate the casein micelles, and
allow separation from the whey stream of the milk.
In the prepartion of casein, the first stage is defatting (skimming) of the
milk. This stage is followed by precipition with either a mineral acid to give sul-
furic or hydrochloric casein, with lactic acid to give lactic casein or with rennet to
give a rennet casein. The precipitate formed is either pressed and dried to form a
casein powder, or it is further processed by heating with a food grade alkali
(sodium, calcium ammonium, or potassium hydroxide) to form a caseinate.
Sodium caseinate has a higher solubility than casein and makes an excellent
emulsifying agent. It is used in many product for this function (14). Calcium
caseinate has a highly aggregated structure, due to interactions between calcium
and phosphoserine. This reduces its solubility, making it a less potent emulsify-
ing agent. It is, however, favored in imitation cheese applications. Typical com-
positions for the various casein types are given in Table 2.
Whey Protein Concentrates and Isolates. Whey is the name given to
the liquid left over after the precipitation of casein from milk. Two general
types of whey are formed: sweet whey from cheese manufacture, and acid
whey from casein manufacture. The composition of whey can be variable as it
depends on the conditions used to separate the casein. For sweet whey, the com-
position depends on the type of cheese that is being made since this determines
the coagulation pH, and thus the structure of the curd (15). Similarly, acid whey
composition depends on the acid type used for coagulation (16). Different curd
structures retain differing amounts of whey and thus influence the final whey
compositon. The way in which the curd is handled after precipitation also affects
whey composition, eg, the inclusion of washng steps, and the method of separa-
tion of coagulum from the whey.
Dried acid whey contains 12.5 wt% protein, 11.0 wt% ash, and 59 wt% lac-
tose, whereas sweet whey contains 13.5 wt% protein, 1.2 wt% fat, 8.4 wt% ash,
and 74 wt% lactose.
Whey proteins have been used in dairy substitutes only since the develop-
ment of technology to remove nonprotein components of whey, which allows the
production of high protein dried powders. Two types of high protein whey powder
are available, whey protein concentrate and whey protein isolate. Concentrates
are made by concentrating the whey using ultrafiltration. This is a membrane-
filtration process where the membranes are selected so as to retain protein, but
allow water, lactose, and minerals to pass through and be removed. After drying,
protein content up to 80 wt% protein can be achieved. Whey protein isolates use
a different processing technique, whereby the protein components of the whey
are selectively removed using ion-exchange onto specially selected resins to
achieve high purity and proten content. This process is expensive, and means
that isolates are only used in high value-added products where their cost can
be justified.
An increasing number of WPI products are now being manufacturerd using
membrane process, eg, microfiltration and a combination of ultrafiltration and
Whey proteins have a functionality that is significantly different from that
of the caseins. Being globular proteins, they denature, aggregate, and gel when
heated, and so can be used as thickeners and gelling agents. Unlike the caseins,
whey proteins are stable at acid pH and can be used as emulsifiers in acidic
environments. Whey protein concentrates are utilized in a limited number of
substitute dairy products; ice cream and other frozen desserts, fermented pro-
ducts, coffee whiteners, whipped toppings, and infant and enteral formulations.
In infant and enteral formulations the whey proteins are often hydrolyzed to aid
digestion, and to reduce the intolerance that some infants have to the protein b-
lactoglobulin. A range of hydrolysate powders have been produced to service this
Whey proteins that have been heat precipitated under very high shear have
a particle size between 1 and 3 mm, and give the impression of fat in some pro-
ducts. These microparticulated whey proteins are being used as fat replacers in
frozen desserts and processed cheese substitutes.
Milk Protein Concentrates. Milk protein concentrates (MPC) have been
developed over the last few decades as a way of utlizing both the casein and whey
protein fractions in a single product without the need for a two-stage preparation
of casein and whey powders. Their production uses ultrafiltration to remove lac-
tose and minerals from skimmed milk. The resultant high solids concentrate is
dried to produce MPC powder Depending on the degree of concentration by ultra-
filtration, the protein content in the powder can typically be in the range 56–
85%. The processing conditions are relatively mild compared to casein manufac-
ture, and therefore the casein in MPC retains much of its micellar structure. The
highly aggregated state of the casein protein means that MPC is a relatively poor
emulsifer compared to sodium caseinate, although it is comparable to SMP (17).
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