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Eastern Skies
Eastern Skies
By Becki Howden
I came across these lovely glass stars which
are perfect for this style of card. If you cannot get
them many other possibilities exist, e.g. beads,
stickers, hand-cut from holographic paper or you
could mould one from glittery fimo, any of these
would give a good result.
Materials Required:
Black paper 7cm x 11cm.
Sequin or peel off Silver stars.
Scrap of White mulberry paper.
Glass star 2cm across points.
Old newspaper.
Tracing paper and pencil.
Black Blo-pen.
UHU All purpose adhesive.
Card mount: SF03U, Bright Blue.
To Make The Card:
Fold the card and place on some old news-
paper. Beginning at the top, spray the front of
the card using the Blo-pen. The spray should
be fairly thick at the top and fading to almost
nothing by the time you reach the bottom.
Place the tracing paper over the diagram and
trace over the lines. Place this face up onto the
black paper and retrace over the lines pressing
firmly with the pencil or an embossing tool to
indent the paper. Cut out the black skyline and
glue onto the card.
Tear a small piece of mulberry paper to fit
behind the glass star. Glue the mulberry towards
the top left of the sky and glue the star onto this.
Add a few silver stars using UHU to affix
them, the stars
will look more
natural if they are
arranged in irreg-
ular groups rather
than spread evenly
over the sky.
Actual Size
14007224.001.png 14007224.002.png
We hope you enjoy this free project. You may hand make copies of this project,
to give away or sell, as many times as you like. You may not use the pattern,
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any automated process.
The project was taken from a back issue of the Craft Creations Magazine.
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