Jacket, pants, hat_EN.pdf

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“Hunting fever” – Instructions
Jacket & Pants
You need:
A jacket with side back seams and a
pair of pants.
From a hooded pullover, the hood,
10 cm (4") from the lower edge of
each sleeve, and the hem band.
Pre-folded bias tape (Gütermann
creativ) 2 cm ( 3 4 ") wide. Decorative
folklore-style buttons. A scrap of
fabric similar to the jacket fabric,
approx. 30 x 60 cm (12" x 24").
You need:
Fusible buckram S531, batting 295
(both from Freudenberg non-
wovens). Scrap of fabric, approx. 25
x 50 cm (10" x 20"). Hair comb
(Rayher). Feathers (atelier renato).
Pre-folded bias tape, 3 cm (1 1 4 ")
wide, and textile glue (Gütermann
Trace the pattern piece from this
page. Cut hat piece once each from
buckram and batting and twice from
fabric. Cut into buckram and batting
pieces as marked on pattern piece.
On the buckram piece, overlap the
cut edges by 3 cm (1 1 4 ") and glue in
place. The adhesive side of the
buckram lies on the lower side of
the hat. Lay one fabric piece on the
lower side of the hat, laying the
fabric in a fold over the cut, and iron
the fabric piece in place. Sew fold in
place by hand. Sew comb to front
edge of hat, approx. 3 cm (1 1 4 ") from
front edge of hat, with comb teeth
pointing toward back edge of hat
(= cut). Glue batting to top side of
buckram, overlapping cut edges. Lay
2nd piece of fabric on top of batting
(top of hat), laying small pleats over
the cut. Edgestitch outer edges of all
layers together. Unfold one edge of
bias tape. Stitch bias tape to outer
edge of hat, right sides facing,
stitching along fold. Turn ends of
bias tape under so that fold edges
meet. Fold bias tape over edge to
inside and sew in place on lower
side of hat. Sew feathers in place
over the small pleats, as illustrated.
Stitch the hood to the jacket along
the back collar attachment seam and
along the lapel folds, right sides
facing. Slide the sleeve pieces from
the pullover into the jacket sleeves.
Stitch the lower edges of the jacket
sleeves to the pullover
For the peplum, open
the side back jacket
seams, from the lower
edge to waist level. On
the fabric scrap, draw 2 quarter
circles for the godets: radius = slit
length (see diagram above). Cut out
the godets, adding 1 cm ( 3 8 ") seam
allowances to all edges. Stitch
godets to edges of opened seams on
jacket back.
Binding jacket edges: Unfold one
edge of pre-folded bias tape. Stitch
this edge to edge of jacket, right
sides facing, stitching along the fold.
Leave ends of bias tape extending
past upper edges of lapels, 1 cm ( 3 8 ")
wide. Turn bias tape over attach-
ment seam. Unfold second edge of
bias tape. Now stitch the unfolded
edge of the remaining bias tape to
the bias tape which has been stitched
to the jacket, right sides facing,
stitching along the fold. Turn ends
of bias tape under at upper edges of
lapels. Fold bias tape to inside along
seam and sew inner edge in place by
hand. Bind the collar edges in the
same manner.
Stitch bias tape to pocket flaps, turn-
ing ends under at flap attachment
seams. Sew buttons to jacket as shown.
Cut pant legs approx. 10 cm (4")
below the knee. Lay hem band from
pullover around each calf and cut to
the needed length. Unfold hem
band. Stitch narrow edges together,
right sides facing. Fold each hem
band in half, wrong side facing in.
Stitch open edges together to lower
edge of pant leg, stretching hem
band as needed.
Copyright 2008 by Verlag Aenne Burda GmbH & Co. KG, Am Kestendamm 1, D-77652 Offenburg, Germany.
All models, pattern pieces, and illustrations are copyrighted. Commercial use is prohibited.
The publishers cannot be held responsible for damages due to improper use of the pattern or materials,
improper carrying-out of instructions or tips, or improper use of finished models.
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