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Viking Pattern
Even though he’s only 3” tall he still has
that Viking raider attitude.
Basswood or Tupelo is recommended for
this carving due to the detail that can be
added. I carved the example out of
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Tools: I carved this guy with a Big detailer 104 and a string beaner.
The horns, axe head, and axe handle are all carved separate and glued on
Axe or spear or ?: You can replace the axe with a spear or for the gentler viking, a flower-
Hair: Burn the hair and mustache, use a string beaner, or the classic V- tool
Painting: I used a metallic gold for the shield and helmet rivets, a straight grey for the axe and straight
out of the bottle acrylic paints for the rest. I then used an antiquing gel to give him and overall ‘dirty’ look.
Other ideas; You could use your favorite football teams colors: Purple &Gold.
Make the Helmet smooth and paint it chrome along with the shield. Paint your hostile takeover company’s
logo on th Shield. Invert one horn to give him that looney look.
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