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Chapter 1. The vi Text Editor
UNIX has a number of editors that can process the contents of text
files, whether those files contain data, source code, or sentences.
There are line editors, such as ed and ex , which display a line of the
file on the screen; and there are screen editors, such as vi and
emacs , which display a part of the file on your terminal screen. Text
editors based on the X Window System are also commonly
available, and are becoming increasing popular. Both GNU emacs
and its derivative xemacs provide multiple X windows; an
interesting alternative is the sam editor from Bell Labs. All but one
of the vi clones described in Part II of this book also provide X-
based interfaces.
vi is the most useful standard text editor on your system. ( vi is
short for vi sual editor and is pronounced "vee-eye.") Unlike emacs ,
it is available in nearly identical form on almost every UNIX system,
thus providing a kind of text-editing lingua franca . [1] The same might
be said of ed and ex , but screen editors are generally much easier
to use. With a screen editor, you can scroll the page, move the
cursor, delete lines, insert characters, and more, while seeing the
results of your edits as you make them. Screen editors are very
popular, since they allow you to make changes as you read through
a file, like you would edit a printed copy, only faster.
[1] Actually, these days, GNU emacs is pretty much the universal version of emacs ; the only problem is it
doesn't come standard with most commercial UNIX systems; you must retrieve and install it yourself.
To many beginners, vi looks unintuitive and cumbersome—instead
of using special control keys for word processing functions and just
letting you type normally, it uses all of the regular keyboard keys
for issuing commands. When the keyboard keys are issuing
commands, vi is said to be in command mode . You must be in a
special insert mode before you can type actual text on the screen.
In addition, there seem to be so many commands.
Once you start learning, however, you realize that vi is well
designed. You need only a few keystrokes to tell vi to do complex
tasks. As you learn vi , you learn shortcuts that transfer more and
more of the editing work to the computer—where it belongs.
vi (like any text editor) is not a "what you see is what you get" word
processor. If you want to produce formatted documents, you must
type in codes that are used by another formatting program to
control the appearance of the printed copy. If you want to indent
several paragraphs, for instance, you put a code where the indent
begins and ends. Formatting codes allow you to experiment with or
change the appearance of your printed files, and in many ways,
give you much more control over the appearance of your
documents than a word processor. UNIX supports the troff
formatting package. [2] The and formatters are popular, commonly
available alternatives.
[2] troff is for laser printers and typesetters. Its "twin brother" is nroff , for line printers and terminals. Both
accept the same input language. Following common UNIX convention, we refer to both with the name troff .
( vi does support some simple formatting mechanisms. For example,
you can tell it to automatically wrap when you come to the end of a
line, or to automatically indent new lines.)
As with any skill, the more editing you do, the easier the basics
become, and the more you can accomplish. Once you are used to all
the powers you have while editing with vi , you may never want to
return to any "simpler" editor.
What are the components of editing? First, you want to insert text
(a forgotten word or a missing sentence), and you want to delete
text (a stray character or an entire paragraph). You also need to
change letters and words (to correct misspellings or to reflect a
change of mind about a term). You might want to move text from
one place to another part of your file. And, on occasion, you want to
copy text to duplicate it in another part of your file.
Unlike many word processors, vi 's command mode is the initial or
"default" mode. Complex, interactive edits can be performed with
only a few keystrokes. (And to insert raw text, you simply give any
of the several "insert" commands and then type away.)
One or two characters are used for the basic commands. For
change word
Using letters as commands, you can edit a file with great speed.
You don't have to memorize banks of function keys or stretch your
fingers to reach awkward combinations of keys. Most of the
commands can be remembered by the letter that performs them,
and nearly all commands follow similar patterns and are related to
each other.
In general, vi commands:
Are case-sensitive (uppercase and lowercase keystrokes mean
different things; I is different from i ).
Are not shown (or "echoed") on the screen when you type
Do not require a RETURN after the command.
There is also a group of commands that echo on the bottom line of
the screen. Bottom-line commands are preceded by different
symbols. The slash ( / ) and the question mark ( ? ) begin search
commands, and are discussed in Chapter 3 . A colon ( : ) begins all
ex commands. ex commands are those that are used by the ex line
editor. The ex editor is available to you when you use vi , because
ex is the underlying editor, and vi is really just its "visual" mode. ex
commands and concepts are discussed fully in Chapter 5 , but this
chapter introduces you to the ex commands to quit a file without
saving edits.
1.1 Opening and Closing Files
You can use vi to edit any text file. vi copies the file to be edited
into a buffer (an area temporarily set aside in memory), displays
the buffer (though you can see only one screenful at a time), and
lets you add, delete, and change text. When you save your edits, vi
copies the edited buffer back into a permanent file, replacing the old
file of the same name. Remember that you are always working on a
copy of your file in the buffer, and that your edits will not affect
your original file until you save the buffer. Saving your edits is also
called "writing the buffer," or more commonly, "writing your file."
1.1.1 Opening a File
vi is the UNIX command that invokes the vi editor for an
existing file or for a brand new file. The syntax for the vi command
$ vi [ filename ]
The brackets shown on the above command line indicate that the
filename is optional. The brackets should not be typed. The $ is the
UNIX prompt. If the filename is omitted, vi will open an unnamed
buffer. You can assign the name when you write the buffer into a
file. For right now, though, let's stick to naming the file on the
command line.
A filename must be unique inside its directory. On older System V
UNIX systems, it cannot exceed 14 characters in length (most
common UNIX systems allow much longer names). A filename can
include any 8-bit character except a slash (/), which is reserved as
the separator between files and directories in a pathname, and
ASCII NUL, the character with all zero bits. You can even include
spaces in a filename by typing a backslash (\) before the space. In
practice, though, filenames generally consist of any combination of
uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and the characters dot
(.) and underscore (_). Remember that UNIX is case-sensitive:
lowercase letters are distinct from uppercase letters. Also remember
that you must press RETURN to tell UNIX that you are finished
issuing your command.
When you want to open a new file in a directory, give a new
filename with the vi command. For example, if you want to open a
new file called practice in the current directory, you would enter:
$ vi practice
Since this is a new file, the buffer is empty and the screen appears
as follows:
"practice" [New file].
The tildes (~) down the left-hand column of the screen indicate that
there is no text in the file, not even blank lines. The prompt line
(also called the status line) at the bottom of the screen echoes the
name and status of the file.
You can also edit any existing text file in a directory by specifying
its filename. Suppose that there is a UNIX file with the pathname
/home/john/letter . If you are already in the /home/john directory,
use the relative pathname. For example:
$ vi letter
brings a copy of the file letter to the screen.
If you are in another directory, give the full pathname to begin
$ vi /home/john/letter
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