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{536}{590}{y:i}I was no stranger|to Mr Gilbert's office.
{592}{661}{y:i}I often popped by with a complaint|or a suggestion
{663}{697}{y:i}on how I thought the school|could be better run.
{699}{768}{y:i}But today was different -|he'd actually invited me.
{770}{796}Sit down, McKenzie.
{798}{864}Actually, I'm glad|we've got this opportunity to chat,
{866}{905}- as there's a couple of things...|- Shut up.
{947}{998}The headmaster, in his infinite wisdom,|has decided it would be a good idea
{1000}{1113}for the sixth formers to participate in|the Duke of Edinburgh Awards scheme.
{1115}{1162}- I'd like you to co-ordinate it.|- Me?! Really?!
{1164}{1248}The Duke of Edinburgh|representative for the entire year?
{1250}{1325}- Yes.|- I am honoured, sir.
{1327}{1371}Thanks very much. Why me?
{1373}{1438}You're a virgin, aren't you,|McKenzie?
{1484}{1545}A virgin. You haven't had|full sexual intercourse?
{1547}{1587}Um... no, I haven't.
{1589}{1640}Well, there's your answer.|Now get out.
{1642}{1691}Maybe we should arrange|a weekly meeting,
{1693}{1728}just to check on my progress.
{1730}{1794}You can if you like,|but I won't be there.
{1796}{1872}Or maybe I could compose|a regular memo with how it's all going.
{1875}{1955}OK. Why don't you drop that|in my pigeonhole?
{1958}{1984}Great. Where's that, sir?
{1987}{2121}Any bin. Any rubbish bin you see in,|or indeed, out of the school.
{2124}{2221}Just pop all your thoughts|in a rubbish bin, and they'll get to me.
{2224}{2264}Goodbye, McKenzie.
{2267}{2361}{y:i}So now I was Will McKenzie|"By Royal Appointment".
{2364}{2440}{y:i}But like all great leaders, I need|some idiots to use as cannon fodder.
{2443}{2470}{y:i}Now, where would I find some idiots?
{2472}{2501}Look at this one.
{2549}{2610}Holy shit! That poor fucker's|had all his hair removed with lmmac.
{2612}{2636}What's that?
{2638}{2700}It's what birds use|to get a nice, smooth fanny.
{2702}{2749}I think my mum uses it|for her legs.
{2751}{2800}She wants to try using it on her moustache|and the backs of her hands!
{2857}{2908}Gilbert's just told me|some great news.
{2910}{2966}The school's handing out|free briefcases to speccy twats?
{2968}{3011}- No.|- Your mum's giving out free blow jobs?
{3013}{3033}Nothing to do with my mum.
{3035}{3097}You've been asked|to appear on Who's The Gayest?
{3099}{3148}Don't think that's even a real show.
{3150}{3198}What's happened is,|Gilbert has registered the school
{3200}{3255}for the Duke of Edinburgh Awards,|and I'm the co-ordinator.
{3257}{3301}Oh, sorry,|I thought you said you had good news.
{3303}{3334}{y:i}This is good news.
{3336}{3424}Think how good a Duke of Edinburgh Award|will look on our UCAS forms.
{3426}{3476}Oh, now it sounds awesome
{3478}{3558}Simon, trust me, this will look|great on our uni applications,
{3560}{3636}cos we get to help the community and also|do some pretty incredible activities,
{3638}{3738}like whitewater rafting,|abseiling, even mountain climbing.
{3740}{3780}Sounds like|a queer adventure holiday.
{3782}{3847}Just who is this Duke of Edinburgh?|Does he teach it?
{3849}{3918}No, course he doesn't teach it,|you fucking idiot.
{3920}{3974}The Duke of Edinburgh|is Prince Charles.
{3976}{4060}Um, no, he isn't. It's his dad.
{4062}{4102}King Philip?
{4104}{4209}No, that is the Duke of Edinburgh|you're thinking of, but he's not the king.
{4211}{4244}He fucks the Queen, though.
{4246}{4300}- Oh.|- Probably up the arse.
{4302}{4360}- Look, do you want to sign up or not?|- You've got to be fucking joking.
{4362}{4433}There's no way I'm going|to get bummed by some royal bloke
{4435}{4471}- on a mountain.|- Yeah, fuck it, I'm in.
{4473}{4546}- Why, you twat?|- I've never met the Queen.
{4576}{4620}- I'll think about it.|- Come on!
{4622}{4681}You can't just have "moping after Carli"|on your UCAS form.
{4683}{4724}I actually do loads of things|in my spare time.
{4726}{4779}Masturbating doesn't count|as a hobby, Simon.
{4781}{4837}- Oh, fuck it, go on, then.|- Brilliant.
{4839}{4867}I'll go and register us now.
{4869}{4918}- See you Sunday!|- Sunday?
{4920}{4955}Yes, Sunday.
{4985}{5018}My mum's barbecue?
{5048}{5082}Do you remember anything|I invite you to
{5084}{5108}Not really.
{5110}{5204}Don't worry, I'm coming. Wherever|your mum's snatch is, I'll be there.
{5227}{5263}{y:i}So the good news|for fans of overcooked meat,
{5265}{5326}{y:i}tedious small talk and weird neighbours
{5328}{5410}{y:i}was that it was the day of my mum's|barbecue, and it was rocking.
{5413}{5460}This is a shit party.
{5462}{5523}It's a middle-aged woman's barbecue.|What were you expecting?
{5526}{5575}- The Playboy Mansion?|- Still shit.
{5577}{5653}Um, Si, I just saw your mum inside.|She looked pretty upset.
{5655}{5733}- Oh, no! Blubbing?|- She was a bit, yeah.
{5735}{5815}Oh, bloody hell! She's been a total baby|since Dad moved out.
{5817}{5877}- Your dad's moved out?|- It's no biggie.
{5880}{5946}They've not been getting on lately,|so he's moved out for a few weeks
{5948}{5987}- while they sort stuff out.|- What, like her face?
{5990}{6015}It'll take more than a few weeks|to sort that mess out.
{6018}{6062}Shut up, you cock!
{6065}{6102}Do you maybe want|to just check if she's OK?
{6105}{6174}Not really. I've had it all bloody week.|It's so embarrassing.
{6176}{6260}- Do you want me to get rid of her?|- Um, no, it's fine.
{6262}{6307}All right, then,|I'd better go and mingle.
{6309}{6357}Don't break anything|and don't steal anything.
{6359}{6411}All right, all right!|We'll just go inside and get a beer.
{6413}{6488}- No, you are banned from going inside.|- Why?
{6490}{6568}Because you'll do something|like steal my mum's knickers
{6570}{6612}to sniff and then wank with.
{6614}{6653}- With?|- Yes, with.
{6655}{6700}And then you'll take great pleasure|in telling me
{6702}{6787}how you wrapped my mother's knickers|round your cock
{6789}{6826}and used the friction generated
{6828}{6880}whilst thinking about her tits|to make you come.
{6882}{6978}- Hello, Will.|- Oh, hello, Mrs Cooper.
{6980}{7010}Simon, do you mind if we go?
{7012}{7051}Oh, bloody hell, really?
{7086}{7135}OK! Fine!
{7193}{7272}{y:i}While Simon offered his mother|a surly shoulder to cry on,
{7274}{7306}{y:i}I mingled with a fellow|tank top enthusiast.
{7335}{7365}Shouldn't you be revising?
{7367}{7414}Ha, yes. One day off won't hurt.
{7416}{7476}It might do.|My nephew went to Center Parcs
{7478}{7538}six weeks before his entrance exam|to Oxford.
{7540}{7609}He didn't make the cut,|decided to take a year out.
{7611}{7665}All his friends went to university.
{7667}{7737}By the time they returned for Christmas,|he'd hanged himself.
{7807}{7843}Thanks, Roy.
{7893}{7935}Oh, sorry!
{7937}{8000}Hello, Will!|You probably don't remember me.
{8002}{8043}- I used to baby-sit for you.|- No, course I do.
{8045}{8088}You're Daisy, Maggie's daughter.
{8090}{8158}Wow. Nice to see you again.|You look really different.
{8160}{8272}{y:i}You don't. I recognised your glasses|straight away and your funny walk.
{8274}{8308}Do people still laugh|at your funny walk?
{8310}{8355}{y:i}Did people laugh at my walk?
{8357}{8438}- No. A... bit.|- Great
{8440}{8500}Sorry, it's not that funny.
{8502}{8561}- It's just... different.|- To a normal one?
{8563}{8644}- Yes, but who wants normal?|- Well, me now!
{8646}{8709}Oh, come on, there's a guy at uni|with six toes. Everyone loves him.
{8711}{8771}Right, good to know.|So what are you doing here?
{8773}{8842}- Well, I was invited.|- Yes, course.
{8844}{8903}And I'm working part-time|at the old folk's home up the road,
{8905}{8956}- so I thought I'd pop by.|- Wow,
{8958}{9009}what an incredibly selfless thing to do!
{9012}{9047}Not really.
{9049}{9110}I'm hoping one of the rich ones|might write me into their will.
{9112}{9188}Sounds amazing. Amazing.
{9190}{9243}Well, we're always on the lookout|for volunteers.
{9245}{9302}Really? We're doing|a volunteering scheme at school.
{9304}{9357}Maybe you could get us into the home.
{9360}{9399}It's volunteering|at an old people's home.
{9402}{9461}- There's not a long waiting list.|- Yes. Sorry, course.
{9464}{9509}So, you're still at school?
{9512}{9566}Technically, yes, but I'm very mature.
{9569}{9614}- Right, you coming? >|- Oh, God.
{9616}{9682}Look, sorry,|I have to deal with something.
{9684}{9711}Oh, what's happened?
{9714}{9759}Two of my friends|have just gone into my house.
{9762}{9817}It doesn't sound catastrophic.
{9820}{9906}You don't know them.|Look, can you wait there?
{9908}{10001}I'm off soon, but do get in touch|about the volunteering.
{10003}{10054}Now let's see that funny walk again.
{10056}{10101}- Really?|- For old times' sake.
{10103}{10231}OK... I don't really know how I do it.
{10337}{10375}There it is!
{10377}{10419}{y:i}Daisy was perfect for me.
{10421}{10502}{y:i}She was older and more sophisticated,|caring and, best of all,
{10504}{10559}{y:i}owned her own nurse's uniform.
{10561}{10595}I've got some great news.
{10597}{10661}I spent the morning|setting up our first D of E assignment.
{10663}{10703}- It starts today after school.|- The what?
{10705}{10765}D of E.|It stands for "Duke of Edinburgh".
{10767}{10825}It's what people|on the course refer to it as.
{10827}{10873}Do we need to pack?|Is it mountain climbing?
{10875}{10940}- No.|- Shit, I hope it's whitewater rafting.
{10942}{10989}- Nope!|- Oh, God, this is killing me.
{10991}{11042}- What are we doing?|- We're doing voluntary work
{11044}{11091}- at an old people's home.|- Up a mountain?
{11093}{11149}No, just round the corner from school.
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