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{530}{627}{y:i}All in all, it had been a strange|few months for me and my friends.
{629}{710}{y:i}My plan to raise our social standing|had been a qualified success.
{712}{767}{y:i}To be honest, if anything,|we'd slipped down the social ladder.
{769}{818}{y:i}Although I did now know|the worst way to impress a girl.
{820}{857}Feisty one, you are.
{859}{921}{y:i}Or kill a fish.|But the end was in sight.
{923}{1023}{y:i}The end of term, the end of year,|and if I didn't pass my AS-levels,
{1025}{1081}{y:i}the end of my life. But at least|Simon wasn't feeling the pressure.
{1083}{1166}- Hi Simon.|- Huh? Oh, shit.
{1168}{1192}Revising hard?
{1194}{1285}- Oh. Yeah. Shit.|- Are you OK?
{1287}{1372}Sorry, bit wet. Mum'll get it out,|though, not to worry.
{1374}{1417}Sorry to disturb you,|I wanted to ask a favour.
{1419}{1460}- Yes.|- You don't know what it is yet.
{1462}{1489}Sorry. Go on.
{1491}{1545}Can I come over to yours|and revise sociology with you?
{1547}{1635}Yes. God, yes. Come over anytime.|Come over now.
{1637}{1669}Well, I can't come over now.
{1671}{1759}- No, course not.|- But this is really great of you.
{1761}{1818}It's so hard to revise at the moment|because we've got the builders in.
{1820}{1889}Oh, right, is that a euphemism?
{1919}{1970}You know, like having the painters in.
{1973}{2032}Sorry, I don't really get it.
{2035}{2096}Oh, don't worry.|It wasn't that funny.
{2098}{2155}- What did you mean?|- Come on, Simon, what does it mean?
{2158}{2308}OK, just..."having the painters in"|means being on your period, right?
{2311}{2364}So when you said|you couldn't concentrate
{2367}{2466}cos you had the builders in,|I thought that might be a euphemism
{2469}{2520}for you being on your period.
{2523}{2601}Right. OK, I see.
{2603}{2636}Wasn't that funny, really.
{2638}{2718}No, it's fine. I get it.|See you tonight, then?
{2721}{2789}Cool. See you tonight.
{2792}{2831}You're going to that freak's house?
{2834}{2873}{y:i}So despite him behaving like a tool,
{2876}{2921}{y:i}Carli was actually going round to Simon's
{2923}{3005}{y:i}and even stranger things|were happening at Jay's.
{3155}{3212}No, Jay. I'm not ready, sorry.
{3215}{3319}No, I'm sorry.|I don't want to rush things either.
{3322}{3370}- Really?|- Yeah,
{3372}{3450}I'd hate for you to think|I'm only after you for sex.
{3452}{3527}But just so you know, if you do|want to touch me downstairs,
{3529}{3566}then I'm totally fine with that.
{3568}{3610}I'm OK for now.
{3660}{3700}I'd better go, though -|my mum's expecting me,
{3702}{3745}and shouldn't you be revising?
{3747}{3807}Maybe I should.
{3809}{3887}But when you're near me, Chloe,|I can't think about anything else.
{3889}{3932}You're so sweet.
{3934}{3977}I'll walk you home.
{3979}{4038}Unless you want to...
{4040}{4090}Um, no, thanks.
{4092}{4132}Yeah. No. Come on.
{4134}{4203}{y:i}Unlike the others,|my revision strategy went beyond
{4205}{4255}{y:i}trying to get into girls' knickers.|I was studying hard,
{4257}{4347}{y:i}and by hard, I mean doing|literally anything to avoid revising.
{4349}{4399}- No, Mum, I had a bath yesterday!|- All right?
{4401}{4460}- Oh, it's you.|- Yeah. What is all this shit?
{4462}{4532}It's not shit. The schedule alone|took me two days to make.
{4534}{4568}Well, anyway, you'll never guess...
{4570}{4597}- Don't sit down.|- What?
{4599}{4640}Don't sit down.
{4642}{4720}Look, I only came round|cos I've got the most amazing news.
{4722}{4828}Carli asked me, she asked me,|if she can come round to my house
{4830}{4881}to revise.|Amazing, yeah?
{4883}{4923}Just have a look at this|for me, will you, Simon?
{4925}{4981}- Sure, what is it?|- It's my revision schedule.
{4983}{5015}What am I looking for?
{5017}{5087}Does it say anywhere,|"Listen to Simon witter on
{5089}{5131}"about his futile crush on Carli D'amato"?
{5133}{5182}Don't be a dick. We're mates|and I wanted you to be the first...
{5184}{5210}- Goodbye.|- I just wanted...
{5358}{5400}Look Simon, I told...
{5436}{5474}- All right?|- Did you just see Simon?
{5476}{5547}Nah, your mum let me in.|She's looking hot, if I may say.
{5549}{5600}- You may not.|- Oh, right.
{5602}{5633}Anyway, I need help revising.
{5635}{5686}- What subjects do you do?|- What, now?
{5688}{5748}- Yes, now.|- Tech and design and PE.
{5819}{5871}And that's an actual AS-level|at the school I now attend, is it?
{5873}{5947}Oh, God, Neil! I don't know -|go for a run or something.
{5949}{6016}Oh, yeah, I hadn't thought|of that. Nice one.
{6018}{6058}{y:i}Neil jogged home.|And later that evening,
{6060}{6130}{y:i}Simon had Carli where he'd always|wanted her. In his bedroom.
{6132}{6189}{y:i}Unfortunately, she was fully clothed|and discussing sociology.
{6191}{6265}And I suppose the big thing is that|Parsons' description of the family
{6267}{6305}is one of the traditional|nuclear families,
{6307}{6379}so that means that what he says|might not be relevant for everyone.
{6381}{6427}Yeah. You could be stronger on that.
{6429}{6491}It clearly doesn't mean that all|his work on the family is invalid,
{6493}{6526}but it's a pretty important qualification.
{6528}{6594}Right, course.|Do you wanna watch a DVD?
{6596}{6663}Overall, was his theory|evolutionary or revolutionary?
{6665}{6716}Um, revolutionary.
{6767}{6818}Shit, I knew that.
{6820}{6873}Oh, Simon, I've just brought you|some biscuits.
{6875}{6948}What do you think you're doing?|You know you're not allowed in here.
{6950}{7013}All right, all right, I'm going.|Say hello to your mum for me, Carli.
{7015}{7059}Go away!
{7110}{7157}- God, she's a nightmare.|- My mum's the same.
{7159}{7229}It's like when I split up with Tom,|she was like always, like,
{7231}{7283}hanging around when I was on the phone|and stuff, trying to listen in.
{7285}{7325}Right, yeah.
{7408}{7486}Sorry, did you say|you'd split up with Tom?
{7488}{7518}I thought everyone knew.
{7521}{7591}Oh, yeah, course... they do.
{7639}{7686}He's a stupid lanky twat, isn't he?
{7688}{7760}I don't really want to talk about it.
{7763}{7816}No, course.
{7819}{7889}I might put some music on.
{7923}{7982}Jay got me in to this.
{8152}{8210}Simon, do you mind|if we do something different?
{8213}{8269}Not at all, what were you thinking?|Maybe we could watch that DVD...
{8272}{8352}I'm really shitting myself|about my last exam.
{8355}{8416}I know you don't do geography, but would|you mind helping me out with it a bit?
{8419}{8520}- I'm finding it really hard.|- Now?
{8523}{8609}No, no problem at all. My pleasure.
{8612}{8688}Thanks, so I thought|we'd do longshore drift first.
{8691}{8745}Just... Just turn that off.
{8748}{8814}{y:i}So, while Simon was cramming|for an exam he wasn't sitting,
{8816}{8853}{y:i}Neil had his own learning difficulties.
{8855}{8948}- How's your revision going?|- Terrible. I think I pulled a hamstring.
{8960}{9014}All right, benders?|You miss me, then?
{9016}{9058}- Jay! All right, mate.|- Where have you been?
{9060}{9090}I've been busy.
{9092}{9144}- Doing what?|- I've met a girl.
{9146}{9217}Oh, yeah? What's this one,|a Russian lap dancer?
{9219}{9290}No. Her name's Chloe|and she goes to Saint Claire's.
{9292}{9344}We met at the bus stop,|just got chatting.
{9346}{9394}Did you fuck her behind|the bus shelter, then?
{9396}{9439}- No, Neil.|- Fingers?
{9441}{9483}- No.|- Let's see a picture, then.
{9485}{9526}Yeah, of her strumming herself.
{9528}{9579}Neil, can you stop talking like that?
{9607}{9712}I've never felt like this about|a bird before. Chloe's special.
{9714}{9768}What, more special than|them twins that only wanted anal?
{9770}{9870}What? Them? Nah, yeah, nah, this|is different, that was purely sexual.
{9872}{9929}Chloe's a real lady.
{9931}{9986}If she's real, you should have a photo.
{9988}{10021}There you go.
{10023}{10061}Hot stuff.
{10063}{10111}Oh, she seems nice, mate.
{10113}{10154}Yeah, she's good.
{10156}{10203}You've nicked that photo off|some random girl's Facebook site.
{10205}{10240}I thought you were revising.
{10242}{10319}It's almost impossible with the amount|of noise you idiots are making.
{10321}{10429}Look. Here we are together.|I've got loads.
{10431}{10478}Hmm. Doesn't prove anything.
{10480}{10556}- And do you love her, then?|- Fuck off.
{10558}{10633}- No denial, you fucking love her.|- Shut up.
{10635}{10690}I thought I recognised her.|She pulled David Glover, didn't she?
{10692}{10739}Don't be a tit, Neil, course she hasn't.
{10741}{10799}- I think she has.|- Look, one, she's not like that,
{10801}{10869}and two, she doesn't know|anyone from our school.
{10871}{10914}- I'll ask. Oi, David!|- What?
{10916}{10976}Neil, don't. Seriously, don't.|Please don't.
{10978}{11035}Oh, nothing.
{11075}{11150}Honestly, Neil, she doesn't know|anyone from our school.
{11152}{11179}Ask her yourself.
{11181}{11275}We're going down the Fox and Hounds|after the last exam on Friday. Come along.
{11277}{11303}And what, not get served?
{11305}{11399}Nah, Chloe reckons|she gets served there all the time.
{11401}{11438}- Oh, and wear your wellies, Neil.|- Why's that?
{11440}{11519}Cos you'll be knee deep|in grammar school clunge.
{11521}{11573}{y:i}So, somehow, Jay had|an actual non-fictional girlfriend.
{11575}{11671}{y:i}But I wouldn't let it distract me|from my new revision strategy.
{11673}{11765}{y:i}Staring at books|and praying something went in.
{11908}{12025}Sorry about the other night, it's just|politics is really important to me
{12027}{12087}and it's my last exam.|I di...
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