The Present Tens2(1).doc

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The Present Tense

The Present Tense

Present Tense

Simdiki zaman

Present Tense -- Negative

Present Tense -- Interrogative

Present Tense -- Negative Interrogative

yorgunum --
I am (I'm) tired

yorgun degilim --
I am (I'm) not tired

yorgun muyum? --
am I tired?

yorgun degil miyim? --
am I not tired? aren't I tired?

yorgunsun --
you are (you're) tired

yorgun degilsin --
you are not tired, you aren't tired

yorgun musun? --
are you tired?

yorgun degil misin? --
are you not tired? aren't you tired?

yorgun(dur) --
he/she/it is tired

yorgun degil(dir)--
he/she/it is not tired

yurgun mu(dur)? --
is he/she/it tired?

yorgun degil mi(dir)? --
isn't he/she/it tired?

yorgunuz --
we are tired

yorgun degiliz --
we are not tired

yorgun muyuz?--
are we tired?

yorgun degil miyiz? --
are we not tired?

yorgunsunuz --
you (all) are tired

yorgun degil siniz --
you (all) are not tired

yorgun musunuz? --
are you (all) tired?

yorgun degil misiniz? --
aren't you (all) tired?

yorgun(dur)lar --
they are tired

yorgun degil(dir)ler --
they are not tired

yorgun mu(dur)lar? --
are they tired?

yorgun degil mi(dir)ler?--
are they not tired?

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