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History of the Chemical Threat
Chapter 4
History of tHe CHemiCal tHreat,
CHemiCal terrorism, and its
impliCations for military mediCine
Jeffery K. Smart, ma * ; al mauroni, mS ; BenJamin a. Hill J r , Do, mS, me d ; a n d allart B. KoK, mS §
development of CHemiCal Weaponry
History of CHemiCal terrorism
CHemiCal Warfare Capabilities
CHemiCal Weapons agreements
present and future impliCations for military mediCine
* Command Historian, US Army Research, Development, and Engineering Command, 5183 Blackhawk Road, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland
Senior Policy Analyst, Northrop-Grumman Information Technology, 8211 Terminal Road, Suite 1000, Lorton, Virginia 22079
Lieutenant Colonel, US Army Medical Corps; Physician Faculty, Chemical Casualty Care Division, US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical
Defense, 3100 Ricketts Point Road, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21010-5400
§ Biomedical Scientist, Science Applications International Corporation, 3465 Box Hill Corporate Center Drive, Abingdon, Maryland 21085
Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare
this chapter is the third in the series of historical
investigations into the use of chemicals as weapons,
following Chapter 2, History of Chemical Warfare,
which focuses on the history of chemical warfare on
the battlefield, and Chapter 3, History of the medical
management of Chemical Casualties, which describes
the organizational management of the resultant
casualties. over the last 20 years, the nature of the
chemical threat dramatically changed. this chap-
ter outlines the historical progression of chemical
weapon development, summarizes how conventional
and unconventional agents may be delivered in the
contexts of conventional conflict and terrorism, and
addreses the status of current chemcial warfare capa-
bilities in relation to the evolution and implementaion
of international chemical warfare agreements.
development of CHemiCal Weaponry
Before World War i, the united States knew little
about the potential of chemical warfare, particularly
in terms of preparing soldiers for future wars. By the
end of the war, the large-scale chemical warfare used
by and against american soldiers on the battlefield had
drastically changed the situation (figure 4-1).
early History
few of the chemical agents first used in combat dur-
ing World War i were 20th-century discoveries. many
of the key agents (table 4-1) were already known to
chemists; they were actually discovered during the
18th and 19th centuries and could have been used on
earlier battlefields. the 18th-century finds included
chlorine (Cl 2 ), discovered by Carl Wilhelm Scheele,
a Swedish chemist, in 1774. Scheele also determined
the properties and composition of hydrogen cyanide
(HCn; north american treaty organization [nato]
designation: aC) in 1782. in the 19th century, Charles
a Wurtz first discovered cyanogen chloride (nato
designation: CK), which was synthesized in 1802
by a french chemist, Comte Claude-louis Berthol-
let. in 1812 phosgene (nato designation: CG) was
synthesized by a British chemist, Sir Humphry Davy.
Dichlorethylsulphide (commonly known as mustard
agent, H, or HS) was synthesized by Cesar-mansuete
table 4-1
early CHemiCal Warfare agents
us army Code
Hydrogen cyanide
Cyanogen chloride
fig. 4-1. the German 150-mm t-Shell, which mixed xylyl
bromide with an explosive charge. the explosive charge was
in the front and the chemical agent in the rear compartment.
this design is similar to the one proposed in 1862 by John
Doughty during the american Civil War.
reproduced from: army War College. German Methods of
Offense. Vol 1. in: Gas Warfare. Washington, DC: War Depart-
ment; 1918: 59.
lung agents
CG (phosgene) Carbonyl chloride
DP (diphosgene) trichloromethyl chloroformate
HD (mustard)
bis -2-Chloroethyl sulfide
tear gas
Vomiting gas
Dm (adamsite) 10-Chloro-5,10-dihydrophenarsazine
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History of the Chemical Threat
fig. 4-2. filling 75-mm artillery shells with mustard agent
at edgewood arsenal, maryland. facilities designed to fill
shells with chemical agents were notoriously hazardous.
anecdotal reports from mustard shell-filling plants indicated
that over several months, the entire labor force could be
expected to become ill.
Photograph: Courtesy of Chemical and Biological Defense
Command Historical research and response team, ab-
erdeen Proving Ground, maryland.
and four chemical agent production plants. the first
shell-filling plant filled 75-mm shells with a mixture
of chloropicrin and stannic chloride (designated
nC) and livens projectiles with phosgene. a second
plant filled 75-mm shells with mustard agent. two
additional shell-filling plants were started but not
completed before the end of the war.
the four agent production plants made the agents
thought to be the highest priority for use on the western
front in 1917. these were chlorine, chloropicrin, phos-
gene, and mustard agent. By 1918 the first two were no
longer considered critical agents, although chlorine was
used in phosgene production. over 935 tons of phosgene
and 711 tons of mustard agent were produced at the
arsenal by the end of the war. Government contractors
also produced these four agents and lewisite, named after
Captain W lee lewis, a member of the CWS research
Division. lewisite, however, never reached the front and
was disposed of in the atlantic after the armistice. 4,5
Chemical Weapons
the CWS used foreign technology during the war
for offensive weapons (see Chapters 2 and 3). the ini-
tial mode of offensive chemical attack was the portable
chemical cylinder, designed to hold 30 to 70 lb of agent.
to release the agent from the cylinders, soldiers opened
a valve and relied on the wind to carry the agent in the
correct direction. the resulting cloud could drift many
miles behind enemy lines or, if the wind changed,
contaminate friendly troops. the British improved on
Despretz in 1822, by alfred riche in 1854, and finally
fully identified in 1886 by a German chemist, Victor
meyer. in 1848 chloropicrin (PS) was synthesized by a
Scottish chemist and inventor, John Stenhouse. 1
numerous chemical weapons were used or pro-
posed for use during campaigns and battles prior
to World War i (see Chapters 2 and 3). in 1887 Ger-
many apparently considered using lachrymators (tear
agents) for military purposes. the french also began a
rudimentary chemical weapons program, developing
a tear gas grenade containing ethylbromoacetate and
proposing to fill artillery shells with chloropicrin. 2,3
World War i
Chemical Agent Production
Shortly after entering World War i in april 1917,
the united States initiated a large-scale chemical
weapons program. Chemical agent production and
chemical shell filling were initially assigned to the uS
army ordnance Department, and then to the Chemi-
cal Warfare Service (CWS) when it was organized in
June 1918. the primary facility for production and
filling was edgewood arsenal, maryland, erected in
the winter of 1917–1918 (figures 4-2 and 4-3). the
facility was designed to have four shell-filling plants
fig. 4-3. interior view of the mustard agent production plant
at edgewood arsenal, maryland. Photograph: Courtesy of
research, Development and engineering Command His-
torical research and response team, aberdeen Proving
Ground, maryland.
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Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare
this delivery system by developing the livens projec-
tor, an 8-in, mortar-like tube that shot or projected a
cylinder into the enemy’s lines (figures 4-4 and 4-5).
its range was 1,700 yd, with a flight time of 25 seconds.
the livens system had several problems; a battery of
the projectors required extensive preparation because
they were electrically fired and could not be moved
once they were set up, and a battery could normally
only be emplaced and fired once a day. this limited
mobility required the element of surprise to prevent
the Germans from taking counter measures.
British 4-in trench mortars, called “Stokes mortars”
(figure 4-6), provided a solution to some of the prob-
lems with the livens projectors. Stokes mortars did not
require extensive preparation and could be moved as
needed. Because it was not rifled, the mortar’s range
was only 1,200 yd, which meant about a 14-second
flight time. the small shell held only about 6 to 9 lb of
agent, but experienced gunners could fire 25 rounds
per minute. american troops used both livens projec-
tors and Stokes mortars during the war. an american
version of the Stokes mortar failed to reach the front
before the end of the war.
in addition to the special chemical weapons, the
CWS fired chemical rounds from 75-mm, 4.7-in, 155-
mm, and larger caliber guns. many of these guns had
ranges of 5 to 10 miles and payloads of as much as 50
lb of agent. Because of a shortage of shell parts and the
late completion of uS shell-filling plants, uS artillery
primarily fired french chemical rounds. 2,4,5
the 1920s
the 1920s brought reports of isolated chemical
attacks during the russian civil war, as well as later
accounts of the British, french, and Spanish using
chemical weapons at various times during the decade
(see chapter 2). 6 in addition, reports of italy’s develop-
ing chemical warfare service particularly alarmed the
united States. 7–9 the CWS improved various delivery
systems for chemical weapons during the 1920s. as
early as 1920, Captain lewis m mcBride experimented
with rifling the barrel of the Stokes mortar, and in
1924 a rifled Stokes mortar barrel was tested. truing
the inside diameter of the 4-in barrel before rifling
expanded the bore’s diameter to 4.2 in. this increased
the range of the mortar from 1,100 yd (0.63 miles) to
2,400 yd (1.3 miles). in 1928 the improved mortar was
standardized as the m1 4.2-in chemical mortar and
became the CWS’s prized ground weapon for deliver-
ing toxic chemical agents as well as smoke and high
explosives. 5
an expanded role for airplanes in the next chemical
war was predicted in 1920:
the dropping of gas bombs of all kinds upon assem-
bly points, concentration camps, rest areas and the
fig. 4-4. a battery of dug-in livens projectors, with one gas
shell and its propellant charge shown in the foreground.
electrically-controlled salvo firing was the usual mode of
operation. emplacement was a slow process that limited the
possibility of a surprise attack.
Photograph: Courtesy of research, Development and engi-
neering Command Historical research and response team,
aberdeen Proving Ground, maryland.
fig. 4-5. Sectionalized view of a livens projectile. the cen-
tral tube contains a small explosive charge, which, when
detonated by the contact fuse, breaks the shell, aiding in the
dissemination of the chemical agent. the usual weight of the
chemical agent was 30 lb; the shell weighed an additional
30 lb. Photograph: Courtesy of research, Development and
engineering Command Historical research and response
team, aberdeen Proving Ground, maryland.
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History of the Chemical Threat
in 1937 edgewood arsenal rehabilitated its mustard
agent plant and produced 154 tons of mustard agent
to increase its stockpile. the same year, the phosgene
plant was renovated for additional production and the
CWS changed phosgene from substitute standard to
standard chemical warfare agent. 14
the confidence in these selected agents resulted in
the CWS overlooking the development of several key
new agents. in the same article quoted above, Waitt
fig. 4-6. a complete Stokes mortar with ammunition and
accessories for firing.
Photograph: Courtesy of research, Development and engi-
neering Command Historical research and response team,
aberdeen Proving Ground, maryland.
occasionally a statement appears in the newspapers
that a new gas has been discovered superior to any
previously known. Such statements make good copy,
but not one of them has ever been veriied. Today no
gases are known that are superior to those known
during the World War. it is unlikely that information
about a new gas will be obtained until it is used in
war. the chemical agent is too well adapted to se-
crecy. the only insurance against surprise by a new
gas is painstaking research to ind for ourselves ev-
ery chemical agent that offers promise for offensive
or defensive uses. it seems fairly safe to say that to-
day mustard gas is still the king of warfare chemicals
and to base our tactical schemes on that agent as a
type. 13(p285)
like, will be so fruitful a ield for casualties and for
wearing down the morale of armies in the future that
it will certainly be done and done on the very irst
stroke of war. 10(p4–5)
However, the reign of mustard agent was already
ending. in 1935 Kyle Ward, Jr, published an article de-
scribing nitrogen mustard, an odorless vesicant agent.
the CWS investigated the substance, but found it less
vesicant than mustard. it was eventually standardized
as Hn-1, and while the united States discounted it,
Germany took a great interest in the new vesicant. 5
Germany also developed tabun and sarin in the late
1930s and began production of the new agents by the
time World War ii began in 1939 (see chapter 2). 15,16
in response to this prediction, the CWS standardized
the m1 30-lb chemical bomb, which held only about
10 lb of agent because of its thick shell. 2 to test the use
of airplanes in a chemical war, the CWS simulated
chemical attacks against battleships in 1921. 11 in 1928
the CWS began stockpiling select chemical agents (see
Chapter 2). 12
the 1930s
New Chemical Weapons
New Chemical Agents
in preparation for a future war, the CWS continued
to stockpile chemical agents and weapons, primarily
the livens projectors, Stokes mortars, and portable
cylinders, as well as chemical shells for 75-mm, 105-
mm, and 155-mm artillery pieces. the production of
the new 4.2-in chemical mortar eventually made that
weapon the key ground delivery system for the CWS
(figures 4-7 and 4-8). Between 1928 and 1935 the army
attempted to make the 4.2-in a mechanized weapon
by mounting it on various vehicles. the CWS also
began experiments in 1934 to make the mortar a more
versatile weapon by testing high explosive shells as an
alternative to chemical rounds.
the improved m1a1 mortar was standardized in
1935. it had an improved barrel, an improved base-
the CWS continued to maintain stockpiles of the
key World War i chemical agents during the 1930s. in
1935 Captain alden H Waitt, then secretary of the uS
army Chemical Warfare School at edgewood arsenal
and later chief chemical officer, summed up the CWS’s
planning for the next war:
Foreign writers agree that at least for the irst few
months of any war, should one occur within a few
years, the gases that were known at the end of the
World War would be used. of these, the opinion is
unanimous that mustard gas would be the principal
agent and the most valuable. opinion in the united
States coincides with this. 13(p285)
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