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741244820 UNPDF
Bionic Arduino
Introduction to Microcontrollers with Arduino
Class 1
11 Nov 2007 - machineproject - Tod E. Kurt
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Class Info
Thumbdrive is being passed around, with:
Arduino software for Mac OS X & Windows
Source code (“sketches”) used in class
Copy files off, then pass thumbdrive around
Sunday classes: 3 hours
two ~1.5 hour chunks, w/ 15 min. break in middle
Tuesday classes: ~2.5 hours
with some review at the beginning
PDF version of these notes
What’s for Today
Setting up your Arduino Environment
Your first Arduino sketch
Basic digital & analog output control
Basic digital sensor inputs
Making LEDs glow and blink on command
How to read buttons & switches
Introduction to Arduino
Can electronic senses mimic human ones?
Do electronic “muscles” work as well as biological ones? Or
What can electronic senses detect that humans can’t?
How would you augment yourself with these new abilities?
This class is about exploring the various input & output
components used in robots, cell phones, video games, and
automobiles, using the friendly Arduino board.
Your devices are watching and responding to you, know their limitations
so you can defeat them when the machine uprising comes.
At worst, you’ll be able to fashion a convincing disguise from pasting Arduinos on your body.
Class Kit I Contents
Class Kit 2 comes next week
A little shoebox-sized plastic storage bin makes a good holder for your electronics stuf.
Not shown, RGB LED. oops. It showed up late to the photoshoot.
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