(ebook - PDF - Healing) Reiki Shiki Ryoho - Level II Manual.pdf

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Reiki Shiki Ryoho – Level II Manual
Contents ……………………………….……………..2
Reiki II Ethics ………………………………………..3
Reiki II Symbols (with Illustrations) ………………...3-4
Absentee/Distance Healing …………………………..5
Exercise Using the Symbols …………………………6-7
My Opinions/Views ………………………………….7
Reiki Ryoho Gakkai – Timeline ……………………8-9
Disclaimer ……………………………………………9
Suggested Reading …………………………………..10
Reiki Over Distances:
When you send distant Reiki, understand that although some people tell you they
want the Reiki, they might unconsciously reject it. Try to always place in your
sending the intent that the energy be sent elsewhere if not accepted by the recipient.
You can send to those in need, the universe, the Earth, or your choice.
If the recipient is not conscious, or you cannot get an answer from the person
directly, ask their “Higher Self”. Now many ask, “What does this mean?” Some
people say they have Reiki "Guides" or “Angels” that they ask and receive an answer
from. My advice to you is to send some Reiki and if you feel uneasy or resistance,
that should tell you it is not being accepted. If the Reiki pours from your hands then it
is probably a safe guess that the recipient is accepting it.
With Reiki, once you reach Level II, three symbols are to be learnt. They are
Cho-Ku-Rei, Sei-He-Kei, and Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen. These symbols are, in my
opinion, a teaching aid so students can better grasp what energy they are attuning
to. For example, if I were to say to you now, “I want you to draw more power/energy
and try to help <Recipient> on the emotional level”, more than likely you may not
understand what I mean. This is not a bad thing, you are simply learning, so the
symbols are used. Remember, this is only my opinion… if you want to use the
symbols at all times, do so. Personally I just “think” the name of the symbol when I
want the particular effect associated with it. The following is a description of the
three symbols you will learn:
Cho-Ku-Rei : (pronounced: cho-koo-ray ) is the “Put more power here” or “More
energy” symbol. This symbol is used when you want more power or energy for a
particular healing. An example is when you are performing a healing for someone
with a terminal disease or someone who is very ill. Cho-Ku-Rei is a traditional Reiki
symbol and is originally from Mikao Usui’s teachings.
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Sei-He-Kei : (pronounced: say-hay-key ) is the “Emotional” or “Mental” symbol. This
symbol is used when you want to heal the mental level of the particular recipient. It is
also used in Distant Healing when you want to connect with the mind of the recipient
to ask questions and receive answers to better help with their affliction/problem.
Sei-He-Kei is also a traditional Reiki symbol from Mikao Usui’s teachings.
Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen : (pronounced: hone-sha-ze-show-nen) is the “Absentee” or
“Distance” healing symbol. This symbol is used in all Distant Healings exclusively.
Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen is another traditional Reiki symbol from Mikao Usui’s
Note : Make sure to follow the numbered steps when drawing the symbols.
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Reiki Absentee/Distance healing is used when the recipient is either not nearby or
cannot be touched/visited, i.e. Abuse or burn victim(s), people far away, etc.
There are roughly 9 steps to Absentee/Distance healing with the easiest way using
a proxy such as a pillow or teddy bear as the “recipient”.
The procedure is as follows:
i. Hold hands up parallel to each other (palms facing each other with a small
gap). Say in mind, “< NAME HERE >, would you please present your thought
form between my hands,” Repeat question 3 times.
ii. Say in mind, “I bless the Divine Spirit (or God) in you. This healing energy is
given in love. It is yours to accept or reject. If you reject this energy, let it go
iii. On the face of the thought form, draw a Cho-Ku-Rei , Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen ,
and then a Cho-Ku-Rei again.
iv. Place the thought form in front of you on the proxy, with the head positioned
to the left if you’re right handed, and the opposite if you are left handed. This
is just for ease and is not a strict rule, so whatever side the head is on is up to
v. Indicate to the proxy in your mind, “I’m going to place your thought form on
this < PROXY NAM E>”, eg. pillow. Move the thought form up and down the
proxy to work on it. Make sure to tell the thought form what you are doing.
vi. Draw a Cho-Ku-Rei over the proxy (body) and start hand positions for the
front of the body. Write down each position you are working on and any
thoughts/pictures/words/feelings that come to you. Make sure to ask
questions to initiate/maintain communication and if any “extras” need doing.
vii. Move the thought form so that the proxy is now the recipient’s head. Make
sure to tell the thought form what you are doing. Draw a Cho-Ku-Rei over
the crown area. If you have a need to/are talking to the recipients
subconscious, also draw a Sei-He-Ki then another Cho-Ku-Rei . Ask in mind,
“May I please speak with < NAME HERE > subconscious mind”. Repeat
question 3 times. “Does subconscious mind have anything to say to
conscious mind?”. When finished, thank the subconscious for
communication, and then proceed.
viii. Turn proxy over, again explaining to the thought form what you are doing. In
this case, working on the legs and feet. Draw a Cho-Ku-Rei over the proxy
and perform the positions for the legs and feet.
ix. Turn the proxy over, thank, bless, and then dismiss.
The procedure for Absentee/Distance healing is now finished.
Note : If you leave the proxy for any period less than one hour, draw a Cho-Ku-Rei
and resume where you left off. If the proxy is left for more than one hour, call in the
thought form again. Also, draw a Cho-Ku-Rei over each position that you do.
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