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CAM for Rhinoceros
Rhino-NC is a easy-to-use CAM system for toolpath generation from 2 to 5 axis
running inside Rhinoceros.
This version of Rhino-NC allows to manage the machining either on curves, surfaces and solids.
The software comes complete with several libraries like "Tools Archive" and "Machines Archive" which can be
updated and customized by the user.
The graphic interface is based on wizard with text fields and
related images. It allows a simple and intuitive input of the
different parameters to control each strategy, with graphic
dynamic help, varying the displayed images on the basis of
selected parameter.
The advanced multi-axis machining module, provides new
machining strategies for an advanced use of the multi-axis
technology (4 o 5), thanks to the increased accuracy and
fluency of the toolpath generation it's possible to reduce
machining times.
The generated toolpath can be simulated inside Rhinoceros
using the cinematic simulation with full collision detection.
The cinematic simulation considers the upload of the full
CNC, of the equipment and the piece to be machined. This
offers the ability to create toolpaths avoiding any risk of
wrong positioning and to be ready for the production.
Simple management of multi-axis post-processing once the
CNC cinematic has been set up.
The output file for the machine tools is managed by post-
processors fully user-definable by means of a simple text
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