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1.     Regarding the liver, all are true except

A.      ?    15% of the liver is composed of cells other than hepatocytes

B.      ?    clearance of bacteria, viruses and erythrocytes is done by Kupffer cells

C.      ?    Ito cells have a role in the uptake and storage of vitamin A

D.      ?    Vitamin K and folic acids are stored in a huge amount

E.      ?    hapatic synthesis of urea, endogenous proteins and amino acid release by the liver all are suppressed during fasting

2.     The following statements are true except

A.      ?    low blood urea is seen in many acute and chronic liver diseases

B.      ?    high blood urea in the context of severe liver damage may indicates gastrointestinal hemorrhage or hepatorenal syndrome

C.      ?    hyponatremia is very common in severe liver disease and usually multifactorial

D.      ?    raised gamma GT enzyme level may occur during treatment with carbamazepin

E.      ?    large increase in serum aminotrnsferases activity with a small rise in alkaline phsophatase activity is in favor of biliary obstruction

3.     Drugs that induce hepatic microsomal enzymes, all are true except

A.      ?    chronic ethanol ingestion

B.      ?    glucocorticoids

C.      ?    Grisofulvin

D.      ?    carbamazepin

E.      ?    Cimetidin

4.     Imaging in liver diseases, all are true except:

A.      ?    ultrasound of the liver is a rapid, cheap and easy method and usually the first imaging to be done, yet its main limitation is that small focal lesions less than 2 cm will be missed

B.      ?    color Doppler studies are very useful and used to investigate hepatic veins, portal vein and hepatic artery diseases

C.      ?    MRI is usually used for pancreaticobiliary diseases rather than parenchymal liver diseases

D.      ?    outlining the biliary tree can be done by injecting a contrast medium into the biliary tree through the skin or by an endoscopic approach

E.      ?    plain abdominal radiographs are very helpful in liver diseases

5.     Regarding liver biopsy, all are true except

A.      ?    the patient should be cooperative

B.      ?    the PT prolongation if present, should be less than 4 seconds above the upper normal control value

C.      ?    severe COPD is a contraindication

D.      ?    marked ascites will make the procedure easier

E.      ?    local skin infection should not be present

6.     Regarding the metabolism of bilirubins , all are true except

A.      ?    every day, about 300 mg of indirect bilirubin is produced

B.      ?    jaundice will be seen clinically if the total bilirubin exceeds 50 micromole / L

C.      ?    about 100-200 mg of stercobilinogen is lost in stool

D.      ?    about 40 mg of urobilinogen is passed outside in urine

E.      ?    the indirect bilirubin will be conjugated in the endoplasmic reticulum of hepatocytes to be water soluble

7.     Causes of indirect hyperbilirubinemia ,all are true except

A.      ?    B12 deficiency

B.      ?    Wilson's disease

C.      ?    Gilbert's syndrome

D.      ?    Rotor syndrome

E.    ...

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