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W08-P11 Weather-Wise
Rib pat B—Fisherman’s pat in rnds
Work according to chart B. Numbers on
right edge of chart indicate rnds. Rep the 2
sts bet arrows for pat. Work rnds 1 through
4 once, then rep rnds 3 and 4 for pat.
Basic pat Work according to chart C. Num-
bers on right edge of chart indicate RS rows.
Numbers on left edge of chart indicate WS
rows. Rep rows 1 through 4 for pat.
18 sts and 19 rows = 4”/10cm in basic pat
Cast on 32 (38, 44) sts and work in basic
pat as foll: selvage st, rep 6-st pat from
chart C 5 (6, 7) times, selvage st. Shape
front Inc 1 st on left edge (end of RS
rows) alternating every 4th and 2nd row
5 times; then every 4th row 8 times; then
every 6th row 11 times—56 (62, 68) sts.
Incorporate new sts into pattern. Shape
kimono sleeves When piece measures
20”/50cm from beg, inc 1 st at beg of
next RS row; then every 4th row 3 times;
then every RS row 3 times. Cast on 2 sts at beg of
RS row 3 times; then cast on 3 sts at beg of RS
row once; and cast on 32 (32, 26) sts at beg of RS
row once—104 (110, 110) sts. Shape neck
When sleeve measures 4¼ (4½ , 4½)”/10.5 (11.5,
11.5)cm along right side edge, bind off 19 sts at
beg of next WS row for neck; then bind off 2 sts
at neck edge 3 times, and 1 st once—78 (84, 84)
sts. When sleeve measures 5¾ (6¼, 6¼)”/14.5
(15.5, 15.5)cm, place sts on holder.
Work as for left front, rev all shaping.
Move sts from holder to longer circular needles
and cast on 32 sts for back neck bet left and right
fronts—188 (200, 200) sts. Work over all sts in
basic pat until piece measures 5¾ (6¼, 6¼)”/14.5
(15.5, 15.5)cm from back neck. Shape kimono
sleeves as for fronts, rev shaping—92 (104, 116)
17¼ (18½, 18½)”
5¼” 2¼”
3” 7½ (8½, 9½)” 10½ (10½, 9¾)”
Bust 42 (46, 50)”/105 (115, 125)cm
Length 32 (32½, 32½)”/80 (81, 81)cm
Upper arm 23½ (24½. 24½)”/59 (61, 61)cm
Berroco “Peruvia” (medium-weight yarn); 100%
wool; 174yd/159m; 3½ oz/100g
• Color #7115 gris marengo: 31½ (35, 38½)
oz/900 (1000, 1100)g; 1575 (1750, 1925)
yds/1440 (1600, 1760)m
• Size 10½ (6.5mm) needles
• Size 10½ (6.5mm) circular needles, 16”/40cm
and 40”/100cm long
• Size J/10 (6mm) crochet hook
Stitch symbol key Visit Verena Knitting Pattern
Shop at to download
Abbreviations and Symbols page.
Rib pat A—Fisherman’s pat in rows Work ac-
cording to chart A. Numbers on right edge of chart in-
dicate RS rows. Numbers on left edge of chart indi-
cate WS rows. Rep the 2 sts bet arrows for pat. Work
rows 1 through 4 once, then rep rows 3 and 4 for pat.
sts. Work even until piece measures same as front.
Bind off all sts as they appear.
Block pieces to measurements.
Sleeve edging With RS facing, pick up and knit 40
(44, 44) sts along end of sleeve. Work in rib pat A for
5½”/14 cm. Bind off all sts loosely as they appear.
Collar, worked in rnds Lap right front over
left front. With short circular needle and RS
facing, pick up 62 sts around neck edge, work-
ing through both layers where fronts overlap.
Work in rib pat B for 3¼”/8cm. Yo and turn
work. Cont in rib pat B, and knitting the yo at
end of row together with last st. Cont in rib
pat for 7½”/19cm. Bind off all sts loosely as
they appear. Sew all seams. On sleeve edging,
rev seam for last 3”/7.5cm. On collar, rev seam
for last 7½”/19cm.
Pockets (make 2) Cast on 13 sts and work in
Rib pat A, starting and ending with a selvage
st. Shape pockets Inc 1 st at beg and end of
every RS row 4 times—21 sts. When pocket
measures 6”/15cm, bind off all sts loosely as
they appear. Sew pockets to fronts as indicated
in schematic.
With RS facing, work 1 row sc along front edges.
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