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2½ (3¼, 3½)
2½ (3, 3½)”
2½ (3¼ 3½)”
3½(3¾, 4)”
3½ (3¾, 4)”
6¼(7, 8)”
1½” 7¼, 8, 8¾)”
4 (4½, 5½)”
7¼ (8, 8¾)”
Skill level: ))
Size: S, M and L
Finished Measurements
Bust: 35½, 38½, 41” (cm = 90, 98, 104)
Length: 22¼, 22¼, 22¼” (cm = 56,5, 56,5, 56,5)
Stitch symbol key and general instructions for
reading charts Visit the Pattern Shop page at www.Ver- to download Abbreviations & Symbols.
Materials: Wetterhoff “Sivilla“ (70% wool, 30% tussah
silk, approx 278 yds/250 m; 1¾ oz/50 g): 5, 6, 7 balls of
gray, col # 924, and Artyarns “Beaded Mohair & Sequins“
(80% silk with glass beads and sequins, 20% mohair, 115
yds/104 m; 1¾ oz/50 g): 1 ball in silver, col #247; Addi knit-
ting needles, size 3/3 mm; Addi circular needle,size 3/3 mm,
24“/60 cm long.
Seed stitch: p 1, k 1 and stagger sts in each ensuing
Rib pat: k 1, p 1
Full-fashioned dec, right edge: k2tog, p marked st. Left
edge: worked marked st in rev St st, SKP.
Full-fashioned inc, right edge: M1, k 1, p marked st. Left
edge: p marked st, k 1, M1.
Gauge: 32 st and 42 rows St st with size 3/3 mm needles
= approx 4 x 4“/10 x 10 cm.
Back: With Sivilla, cast on 145 (157-169) sts and beg with
1 WS row in foll st placement: selvage st, 6 sts seed stitch
for the slit band (beg with with p 1), 131 (143-155) sts rib
pat for the waistband (beg with p 1), 6 sts seed stitch for the
slit band (beg with with p 1), selvage st. When work mea-
sures 1“/2.5 cm = 11 rows from cast-on, work 2 rows of
seed stitch over all sts. Then cont in seed stitch over the
outer 7 sts on each side and work in St st over the
center 131 (143-155) sts. When St st measures 1¼“/3
cm = 12 rows of St st, end slit bands and work St st over
all sts. After 3 3 / 8 “/8.5 cm = 36 rows of St st, place
markers on the 55th (58th-61th) st from each edge, for
the darts. During the dec and inc, work these sts in rev
St st. Now work 1 full-fashioned dec before the right
marked st and after the left marked st = 2 st dec in row.
Work these dec in every 4th row, 13 more times = 117
(129-141) sts. When work measures 5 3 / 8 “/13.5 cm =
56 rows from 1st dec, now work 1 full-fashioned inc
before the right marked st and after the left marked st = 2
sts inc in row. Work these inc in every 4th row, 10 more times
= 139 (151-163) sts. When work measures 4“/10 cm = 42
rows from 1st inc, again work St st over all sts. When work
measures 3 / 8 “/1 cm = 4 rows from the last inc, bind off 9 sts
at beg of next 2 rows, for the armholes, and bind off 3 sts at
beg of foll 2 rows, 2 sts at beg of next 6 rows, and 1 st at
beg of next 4 rows = 99 (111-123) sts. When armholes
measure 8“/20.5 cm = 86 rows, bind off the center 49 (51-
55) sts, for the neck, and complete the left half first, shaping
neck as foll: at neck edge, in every other row, bind off 2 sts
2 times and 1 st once. When work measures 5 / 8 “/1.5 cm =
6 rows from beg of neck, bind off the 20 (25-29) shoulder
sts. Complete right side in same manner, reversing shaping.
Front: Work as for back, but for the darts, mark the 55th
(58th-61st) st from each edge when work measures 5¼“13
cm = 54 rows St st. During the dec and inc, work these p
these sts. Now work 1 full-fashioned dec before the right
marked st and after the left marked st = 2 st dec in row. Work
these dec in every other row 13 more times = 117 (129-
141) sts. When work measures 2 5 / 8 “/6.5 cm = 28 rows from
the 1st dec, now work 1 full-fashioned inc before the right
marked st and after the left marked st = 2 sts inc in row.
Work these incs in every other row 10 more times = 139
(151-163) sts. When work measures 1¾“/4.5 cm = 20
rows from 1st inc, again work St st over all sts. AT THE SAME
TIME as the 1st armhole dec, bind off the center 11 sts for
the slit and complete the left half first. When work measures
5½“/14 cm = 68 rows from beg of slit, bind off 8 (9-11) sts
on inner edge, for the neck, and shape neck as foll: at neck
edge, in every other row bind off 4 sts once, 3 sts once, 2 sts
3 times, and 1 st 3 times. Complete right half in same man-
ner, reversing shaping.
Sleeve: With Sivilla, cast on 64 (74-88) sts. Work in rib pat,
beg with 1 WS row and with selvage st, p 1. When rib pat
measures 1“/2.5 cm = 11 rows, work 2 rows of seed stitch
over all sts. Then cont in St st. After 5 / 8 “/1.5 cm = 6 rows of
St st, inc 1 st on each side and shape sleeve as foll: inc 1 st
on each side of every 6th row 17 more times and of every
4th row 2 more times = 104 (114-128) sts. When work
measures 3 / 8 “/1 cm = 4 rows from last inc (=120 rows =
11¼“/28.5 cm of St st), bind off 10 sts at beg of next 2 rows,
for the sleeve cap and shape sleeve cap as foll: bind off 3 sts
at beg of next 2 rows and 2 sts at beg of foll 2 rows, then
dec 1 st on each side of every other row 10 times, of every
4th row 4 times, and again of every other row 4 times, then
bind off 2 sts at beg of next 2 rows and 3 sts at beg of foll 2
rows. When work measures 5¼“/13 cm = 54 rows from
beg of sleeve cap, bind off rem 28 (38-52) sts.
Breast pocket: With Sivilla, cast on 29 sts. Work in rib pat,
beg with 1 WS row and with selvage st, k 1. When rib pat
measures ¾“/2 cm = 7 rows, work 2 rows of seed stitch
over all sts. Then cont in St st. When St st measures 2¼“/5.5
cm = 24 rows, bind off all sts.
Finishing: . For the front bands, use Beaded Mohair & Se-
quins to pick up 30 sts from each front slit edge. Work
1“/2.5 cm = 9 rows of rib pat, beg with selvage st, p 1. Work
selvage sts as chain stitch selvage. Then bind off all sts as
they appear. Lay one front band on the other and sew the
narrow edges to the bound off edge of the slit. Close shoul-
der seams as invisible horizontal seamsS. For the collar, use
the circular needle and Beaded Mohair & Sequins to pick up
30 (32-34) sts from each front neck edge and 37 (39-43)
sts from back neck edge = 97 (103-111) sts. Work rib pat
between selvage sts, beg with p 1. Work selvage sts as chain
stitch selvage. When rib pat measures 2“/5 cm = 19 rows,
inc 1 st after 1st selvage st and before last selvage st and
cont in pat. When work measures 5 / 8 “/1.5 cm = 6 rows
from the inc, bind off all sts as they appear. Sew breast
pocket in place as shown in schematic, using mattress
stitch. To do this, fold bound off edge and selvage sts to
wrong side and ease the bound-off edge slightly. Sew side
seams and sleeve seams. Sew sleeves to armhole edges.
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