Word formation, fill in thegaps, multiple chioce exercises.docx

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Paraphrase the following sentences using a derivative of the italicised word. The letters in brackets indicate what part of speech you should use

Free from the restriction of the conscious mind, they can be a useful insight into our character. (adj)

Faces are a sign of sociability or a lack of it. (adj)

You also have a tendency to be sentimental. (v)

Faces looking to the left are a sign of shyness and reserve. (adj)

You’ve probably been disappointed in love. (n)

This makes for chaos and a lack of self-control. (adj)

Houses indicate a desire for love and a fulfilled marriage. (n)

Beware of becoming too complacent. (n)

A little untidiness in a house makes you feel comfortable, secure and happy. (n)

The greater the pressure the more likely you are to use sarcasm. (n)

But you lack confidence to step out into the world. (adj)

Affectionate and spontaneous, you long to belong to someone.(n)

I think it’s important to be spontaneous. (n)

Criticism towards oneself shows that one has a strong ego. (adj)

I am studying psychology that is analysed through the behaviour. (adj)

Denying the holocaust is in some countries treated as crime. (n)

The author was prosecuted for publishing the book. (n)

The altar in this small church has recently been treated as if it were not a sacred place. (v)

Zionists have a preoccupation with building a strong Jewish state. (adj)

These facts were stated with much emphasis at the meeting. (adv)

The massive extermination of Jews took place during WW II. (v)

The flight was delayed because the co-pilot refused to risk taking off in such conditions. (n)

He is generally disliked, because he is hostile to the people he meets. (n)

The expulsion of Palestinians from their country has triggered the creation of terrorist anti-Zionist groups. (v)

After France was defeated, he became a prominent Communist deputy. (n)

He never ceased to defy all conventions. (adv)

Her provocative outfit aroused outrage among elderly members of the audience. (adv)

To say that all Jews are greedy would simplify the matter too much. (n)

She avoided answering directly with much skill. (adv)

The key to better remembering is to form a diversity of connections between new facts and old ones. (adj)

My mom shows a lot of affection to poor people.(adj)

He fell down unconscious. (n)

The latest figures indicate a decline in smoking. (n or adj)

We had to pay $5 to be admitted into the club. (n)

Because they are pragmatic, it is easier for them to organize time. (n)

He said this because he is spiteful. (n)

This antique table has great value to me. (adj)

The fact that she is so docile still surprises me. (n)

Making public demonstrations of their sexuality fills them with delight. (v)

I like this text because it discusses the issue to such a great extent. (adv)

I tried to show her how much I could do for her, but nothing could impress her. (adj)

He was so exhausted that he soon died. (n)

The society here is very homogenous, which makes it quite intolerant. (n)

This teacher has some favourite pupils. (v)

How do you perceive this problem in the light of our discussion. (n)

He said that his ethnic origin wasn’t important to him. (n)

Paraphrase the following sentences using a derivative of the word in brackets. The word MUST be changed using affixes.


1. The political situation in Russia is very uncertain and changeable. (stability)

2. She believes everything she hears and gets excited about anything. (impression)

3. He is considered to be a primitive person. (simple)

4. Bush’s attack which was not approved by the UN may lead to further weakening of the organization. (author)

5. She was unable to comply with their rules. (capable)

6. US soldiers are said to fight for the liberty of the Iraqi people. (liberal)

7. The bomb squad rendered the bomb harmless. (able)

8. The fact that they rebel so much is not welcome by the UN forces. (defiant)

9. She made it very clear that she wouldn’t cooperate with the new boss. (emphasis)

10. One of the greatest assets of a businessman is the ability to get what you want without being aggressive. (assert)

11. It is vital that we behave exactly as the resolution tells us. (accord)

12. He thinks he is worse than everybody else. (inferior)

13. He is considered to be a primitive person. (simple)

14. How you see him depends on what you have heard about him. (perceive)

15. I was really surprised to see him get naked in front of everyone. (astonish)

16. Her enthusiastic behaviour made everyone eager to participate. (exuberance)

17. The load shifted in the cargo of the ship, which became unstable. (unstable)

18. The audience were impressed by how deep her thoughts were. (profound)

18. Unfavourable conditions in the early stages of gestation may cause a child to be mentally retarded. (retarded)

19. They chanted slogans about the freedom to demonstrate as the police stated shooting. (assemble)

20. They rubbed the lotion into their skin hoping it would prevent mosquitoes from biting, but it turned out that the substance was supposed to attract the insects, and the manual said its purpose was to be placed away from the camp. (repel)

21. The new tank now being developed is supposedly impossible to destroy by means of conventional weapons. (destroy)

22. They say marihuana makes people insensitive and stupefied. (sensitive)

Fill in the gaps with a derivative of the word in brackets.

Imagine my enthusiasm when I read his article about schizophrenia. That was a real …… to me. (reveal)

Early ……….  in America said that Britain’s rule had to be ended if the new state was to develop freely. (separate)

The war against Germany was at that time extremely difficult, for the  …. eclipsed France with its weaponry and its numbers.(aggressive)

Over the years the church has fallen into a state of …. (neglect)

She was listening to him so …. that her eyes bulged and her ears moved forward and made her look like a hyena encircling its victim. (attention)

I think the most important things in life are self –satisfaction and self-……….. (fulfil)

He is so …! He looses his keys 6 times a day and is often stuck inside, rifling through the piles of papers and dirty clothes lying around the room. (organisation)

Stop …! All I did was come 40 minutes late, which is an improvement, by the way, if you think of the 2 hours yesterday. (grumpy)

She can’t come. She’s rather … (disposition)

He and his wife are both prominent Manhattan …, and therefore frequent victims of tabloid press. (sociable)





Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word so that the sentences make logical sense and are grammatically correct.


1. An _________________ engine is one that obtains little horsepower from a lot of gasoline.

2. A nuclear explosion will make an area of 13000 square miles _________________ for the next 25 years – no one will be able to live there.

3. The previous generations _________________ the legacy of pure water and pristine forests, so we have now great difficulty obtaining these resources.

4. As most _________________ will agree, the fall of Napoleon was brought about by his conspicuous lack of modesty and an oversized ego. But you don’t have to study history to know this.

5. Sadistic tendencies are usually identifiable by the pleasure a person experiences while _________________ pain on others.

6. Holland’s greatest problem is a shortage of _______________ land, so most farmers use heavy doses of fertilizer to boost their crops..

7. They sent their daughter to a _________________ school, so they only see her once a month, when they drive 45 miles to visit her in the dorm.

8. The location is not easily ___________________ - there are high mountains all around it and the area is usually shrouded in thick fog, so it’s quite risky to go by helicopter.

9. I thought she was done for, but she came out of the crash safe and _________________.

10. Man has _________________ many species of animals into extinction.

11. The 2 nations, at war for 13 years, finally signed a _________________ agreeing to cease all military actions and suspend further armament.

12. Let’s not _________________ over the price anymore – the quality of service is more important than the cost.

13. When discussing the differences between good and bad teachers, you usually take into consideration such ___________ as whether the teacher is competent, well prepared, systematic, fair, objective and willing to help.

14. Whether a teacher is well prepared for class is usually verified when the lesson is ______, i.e. too much time is wasted, and the effect is not proportionate to the amount of time spent doing a task.

15. This idea bears no __________ to his previous suggestions – it is entirely new and innovative.

16. This school ______ pride in the liberal, comprehensive education it offers.

17. The plane was loosing power …. the minute, and the pilots were prepared for the worst.

18. They have always prided themselves ……… their ability to recognise true talent and turn it into a great success.

19. The pharmaceutical industry has been able to stay ……….… of the developments in genetic engineering and is now producing intelligent, customised dugs.

20. The commander decided not to send in reinforcements, thus leaving the scouts …… the mercy of Iraqi soldiers.

21. I managed to pass the test only because I had a … sheet tucked up the sleeve.

22. By destroying the enemy’s rocket launchers they intended to … the final blow and end the war.

23. This school …. A heavy emphasis on memorisation, rather than on critical thinking.

24. The reflex of cheating is so deeply … that it seems impossible to eliminate it .

25. He demanded a … of 5000$ for every performance he gave.

26. The main reason why American students do not cheat is the … atmosphere, which basically means that you have to be better than others to succeed.

27. He … an advantage over his opponents by throwing rocks at their feet, which obviously slowed them down.

28. We see cheating through a different … and that is why it doesn’t seem so bad for us.

29. Please sign your papers before … them in.

30. We must do something to at least make an impression of trying to … the problem of unemployment – let’s organise another meeting.

31. The Beetles were all the …………….. Great Britain, and everyone wanted to own their record.

32. Some things in life are ………….. granted, and we use them without thinking what I would be like if we didn’t have them.

33. It is not uncommon to see drunks lying in ………… by the road, unconscious or choking on their vomit.

34. I thought she couldn’t sing, but ………… my surprise she was judged as the best vocalist of the year.

35. Iraq …. the resolution in the same contempt as he did before 1991.

36. We should be thankful to Powell for …. Bare the deceit Saddam’s regime is practicing.

37. It is imperative that Saddam be absolutely certain that UN will … its will, whether by peaceful or military means.

38. The evidence must now be carefully examined by UN specialists for this assembly to be able to …. clear conclusions about the course of further action.

39. It is obvious that Saddam has no intention to … with any resolution UN may come up with.

40. We must not …. war on the basis of evidence provided by the US administration, as we know president Bush to have an axe to grind in the region.

41. The sites already inspected can and must be … under surveillance, so that Iraq is prevented from re-populating them with military bio-chemical specialist.

42. The only way of … at a peaceful settlement of the conflict is through thorough and impartial examination of the evidence.

43. Girls brought up by overprotective parents are not able to ………. for themselves in adult life.

44. There’s more to him than meets ………….. eye.

45. He used to beat his wife ………….. recognition, and finally she got tired of it and turned him in.

46. She was very protective ………….. her daughter.

47. Get real! Your fantasies are just …………… in the air.

48. Latest research indicates that nature plays as important a role as ……….. in shaping a person’s character and abilities.

49. As the play ……. . to a close, the audience started turning around, putting on their jackets impatiently and gathering their belongings – after all, 4 hours without a break was far more than an ordinary mortal could take.

50. The commander decided not to send in reinforcements, thus leaving the scouts …… the mercy of Iraqi soldiers.

51. Extensive irrigation and the use of pesticides can render the soil ………… after 5 years.

52. He lay unconscious, with no pulse and he wasn’t breathing, and the paramedics were applying mouth-to-mouth in an effort to ………. him.

53. The prices of petrol have been on a ……….. rise since the beginning of the war, and no one knows at which level they will stabilise.

54. …………….. is typically accompanied by uncontrolled expulsion of body wastes and dehydration. It often leads to deaths of infants .

55. The plane was loosing power …. the minute, and the pilots were prepared for the worst.

56. I fell down from a tree and ……………… my hip. I need to have it set as soon as possible.

57. The USA is high up on the list of the biggest polluters, ……….. only Mexico, which has the most litter per person and the highest levels of CO2 in the atmosphere.

58. They have always prided themselves ……… their ability to recognise true talent and turn it into a great success.

59. Move silently across the hall, and avoid touching the walls. This would ………. the alarm, and the sentry would come and get you within 3 minutes.

60. He’s in a state of stupor. I hope he ……… out of it son because we need his judgement and his critical comments.

61. Women ……….. their independence a long time ago, yet men still refuse to acknowledge it.

62. The pharmaceutical industry has been able to stay ……….… of the developments in genetic engineering and is now producing intelligent, customised dugs.

63. If the peasants continue to …….. pressure on the woodlands, they will soon be flooded by the Ganges.

64. What are you watching? Oh, I see - the ……… - well, it’s 4 a.m. and the channels are having a technical break. Turn it down, this white noise makes me nervous.

65. He's popular enough within the leadership but he doesn't have much ………-roots support.

66. I’ve made a ………….. hypothesis about the outcome of my research, and now I’m going to verify it by scrutinising the evidence I have collected.

67. Mobs and bootleggers ……………. during the times of the prohibition, and smugglers had never had it so good.

68. The house is bare and simple, with no …..……….. of any kind, no ornaments or decorations.


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