Manning - Java Swing (2003).pdf

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Praise for the First Edition
“What’s significant about this book is that the examples are nontrivial. It’s clear that
much effort went into thinking out useful designs that both demonstrate the technolo-
gies and leave the reader with a practical starting point for professional development …
the book is full of pragmatic solutions … the very kind you need to address in produc-
tion and can’t typically find answers for anywhere. I recommend this book to any serious
Swing developer. If you’re a Swing beginner, you’ll get something out of this book, thanks
to its frank, no-nonsense approach to teaching Swing development. What impressed me
most was the focus on developing comprehensive examples… All in all, this is a real value
for any Swing developer.”
–Claude Duguay
“UI development is a very time consuming business. Even with such a powerful next gen-
eration API at your fingertips it can be still overwhelming. Swing is a wonderful book that
lightens the burden. It presents a complex subject in smaller manageable portions for the
programmer who has learnt the basics and wants to go much further. This excellent book
is impossible to take in at the first reading, because of the scope and breadth of its subject
matter. I think you will find that it hits its target audience and goals repeatedly. A massive
quality and quantity win for the publisher, Manning.”
–Peter Pilgrim
C Vu Journal
“How many times have you opened a book in search of a solution and found not only an
answer, but also an elegant enhancement to your application? How many times have
you ignored an O’Reilly book on the same subject lying on your table? The answer is
Manning’s new book Swing authored by Matthew Robinson and Pavel Vorobiev. And
that is my final answer.”
“An excellent resource for the developer of mid-level and advanced Swing applications. Many
of the techniques I’ve had to investigate and develop over the last two years are described in
this text. One of the few books to address the needs of serious Java 2 apps (e.g. printing,
tables, trees, threads and Swing). Especially useful are the real-world NOTES and
WARNINGs describing issues and anomalies.”
–Christian Forster
“This book covers everything there is to know about Swing. Here you will go deep into
the internal workings of Swing to do some amazing things that frankly I, as a Windows
programmer of five years, cannot do in Windows. The book has real good coverage of all
the different classes in the Swing library, how they are used, and most importantly, how
they are useful…”
–Robert Hansen
“…The book is considered a classic in Java Swing developers community and is highly
recommended to anyone with some basic Swing understanding…”
–Vadim Shun
“I bought this book three weeks ago (right before our mission critical project). I was given
just two weeks to finish the coding and unit testing. It was not a big project, yet, I thought
I would like to use Swing for it and I came across your book… I spent four continuous
days reading the book and in another four days I was done. You won’t believe the excite-
ment I felt when I finished the project on time and the users were very astonished by the
GUI. I would like to let you know that I am very grateful for this great book. It could not
have been written in a more simple way than this.”
–Unni Krishnan
“One of the best books for understanding the Swing components. I have had problems
with rendering in JList and JTree, and after reading this book, everything seems so
simple. The material is very unique.”
–Kirthi Venkatraman
“I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to find out more about advanced
Swing. It is packed full with good examples and explanations of those examples. The
examples are very detailed and can be used as a starting point for your own projects.”
–John Sullivan
“…one of the best books available for learning the more advanced Swing features.”
–Marty Hall
Johns Hopkins University
“I strongly recommend this book … especially for developers serious about getting
into Java.”
–Mark Newman
“I love the use of detailed examples … sets it apart from all the other books on Swing.”
–Joel Goldberg
“This is a must-have book for any kind of sophisticated UI development using Swing.”
–Jaideep Baphna
Dataware Technologies
“The JTree text and detailed examples alone have already saved me many hours of work
and have expedited my research code development.”
–P. Pazandak, Ph.D.
Object Services and Consulting
“…will satisfy readers from beginner to advanced ... starts with easy-to-understand
concepts and then drills down until it hits advanced intellectual pay dirt.”
–Kirk Brown
Sun Microsystems
“Looking for a book on Swing with in-depth coverage of the how’s and why’s? Then
Swing by Matthew Robinson and Pavel Vorobiev is it. ...Overall this is an excellent book,
and I would recommend it for the intermediate to advanced Swing developer.
–AnnMarie Ziegler
UI Guidelines by David Anderson
Code Notes by David Karr
(74° w. long.)
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