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Bulling is cruel, pointless and makes a lot of people very unhappy, but it’s a big problem in many schools.









1.     Look at the article and the photos. What is bully? Do you think is a problem in all schools?



Can you recognize a bully?

                                What should you do?

   Who are the victims?

                         Why do they do it?

          How big is the problem?   

   Kristy’s story                     I was a bully

3.     Read the texts in the boxes. Choose the best title for each text from the list bellow.

1.      _________________

- One in 10 pupils in secondary school is bulled.

- It isn't just boys who are bullies. Girls can be bullies, too.

- With boys, bullying is usually physical, while female bullying is normal verbal. But words can hurt just as much as being punched.

- A lot of bullies become criminals when they grow up.

- Every year, about 10 young people kill themselves because they are bullied at school.






2.      ______________________


   People always called me names because I’ve got long red hair and freckles. They call me “Carrot Head” and things like that. I suppose it's because redheads are different, but I like my hair.

   I don't usually do anything when people call me names. I just ignore it. But a few weeks ago I was in the park, and someone shout, “Oi, Carrot Head!” It was two girls and a boy who go to my school. I told them they were stupid and walked away, but they chased me. Luckily, they didn't catch me because I run quite fast.

   When I saw them in the playground at the school the next day, however, I couldn't escape. They pushed me and called me names. And it was the same everyday after that. It was terrible.

   Then one day when I came out of school, they were waiting for me . they pushed me again, and pulled my hair. Then my glasses fell off. When I bent down to pick them up, one of the girls punched me and another one kicked me. I shouted and screamed and they ran away.

   When I got home, I was still crying. I told my mum all about it and she phoned the police. They came round to talk to me. Then they went to the bullies` houses to talk to their parents.

I was really worried for a few weeks after that. I often saw the kids who did it at school, but luckily they just left me alone. I’m glad I told my mum about it. If you keep it to your self and don't say anything, the bullies will just carry on.

4. _________________________________


   You might think that bullies are not very nice people, but that’s wrong. A recent study on bullying in London showed that a typical bully isn't a big, ugly kid that nobody likes. In fact, the opposite is often true.


·         Bullies are usually popular and have a lot of friends.

·         They aren't stupid. In fact, bullies are often very clever. They can find their victims´ weak points very easily, and they’re very good at hiding what they do from teachers.

·         They are usually good-looking and popular with the opposite sex.

·         They were fashionable clothes. Bullies are often the fashion leaders in a school.



   Anyone can be a victim, but most victims are kids who are different in some way.

·         People who have different colour or religion.

·         Kids who are very small or fat or, like Kristy, who just have a different hair colour.

·         People who wear glasses.

·         Kids who are new at school

·         People who are naturally quiet or shy.

·         Kids who prefer to be on their own rather than a part of a group.















3. Work in a group and discuss these questions:


a)      Why do people become bullies?

b)      Think of three ways to stop bullying at schools.  Use this expressions:


You shouldn't               put up with it.

Don’t                            ignore things

                                    Keep it to yourself.


You should                 talk to ……

If you’re worried         tell… about it.



Keep a diary

Give… your support

Listen to their problem

Expel / punish bullies


c) Present your ideas to the class.















4. Use your ideas from 3 and the questions bellow. Write some advice either to add to the article, or to make a poster.


Bullying: what can we do?


What should you do if you’re the victim?

What can schools do to stop the problem?

How can friends and parents help a victim?






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