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1957 – Spaghetti Bumper Crop
Panorama, a BBC news show, broadcast a report
from Switzerland, where farmers were enjoying a
bumper spaghetti crop. It showed Swiss peasants
pulling strands of spaghetti down from trees.
HOAX n [C]
a false warning about something
a bomb hoax
hoax calls (=telephone calls giving false
information) to the police
an attempt to make people believe
something that is not true
an elaborate hoax
I got an email about another computer
virus, but I'm pretty sure it's just a hoax.
To everybody's great relief, the bomb
scare turned out to be a hoax.
The actual broadcast is available on the BBC’s website:
(You need the RealVideo player to see it.)
1993 – Asterix Village Found _(X)_
hoax [ verb ], hoaxer [ noun, person ]
to pull sb’s leg [ informal ] – to make a joke
by telling sb sth that is not actually true
to play a joke/trick on sb – to do sth to sb as
a joke or trick
I was trying to play a joke on you.
1994 Drunk Driving on the Net _(Z)_
1994 – Chewy Vodka Bars ___
1995 – Lenin in France? ___
(X) “The expedition of
archaeologists, led by Professor
Barry Cunliffe (Oxford University)
and Dr. Patrick Galliou (the
Univesity of Brest), discovered a
2000-year-old settlement. It is
situated near Lannion (France),
almost precisely in the location
where Rene Goscinny, the cartoon’s
creator, had placed it. One of the
most important discoveries was a
collection of Iron Age menhirs
(standing stones), as well as Celtic
coins with the image of a wild boar.
1996 – Safer Beverages ___
1997 – Internet Spring Cleaning ___
1998 – Burger King’s Innovation ___
1999 – United Europe ___
1999 – True Age of Celebrity ___
2000 – Sox Diet ___
(Z) “A new bill concerning the
internet is going through Congress.
According to the bill, using the
network while drunk will be illegal.
Similarly, it will be illegal to discuss
sexual matters. The FBI will be
allowed to tap the phone line of any
person breaking the new regulations.
To receive further information
contact Lirpa Sloof, giving the
reference number of the bill —
2001 – Titanic in England ___
2002 – Whistling Carrots ___
2003 – ???
2004 – ???
Designed by Bartosz Michałowski for Pearson Longman
Adapted from the The Museum of Hoaxes ( )
Definitions from Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
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