(eBook) - NLP - Psychic Seduction.pdf

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Table Of Contents
Containing highly controversial techniques of psychic seduction, this book merely serves as a
tool to promulgate hidden knowledge as a form of entertainment. In no way does the author
endorse the use of these techniques to bend the will of others. You the reader, are advised to
exercise necessary discretion and to consult your personal code of ethics. Ponder this well.
At the end of this manual, you will have mastered arcane wisdom which allows you to arouse
feelings of attraction. Inciting infatuation in the minds of others will come easily. This is no
power to be taken lightly. Use it wisely .
The magic of mental seduction and control. It is the ultimate power. Envision
yourself stepping into a room exuding tremendous charisma. Feel yourself bathing
in the stares of many admiring, fawning eyes. What would you give to wield such
Notice how some people “just seem to have it?” And strangely, many of them are
average looking. Their manner of dress may be nondescript. Physically, they have unremarkable
features. But somehow… an aura of appeal, charm, dominant sexuality emanates and draws
others like flies to a honey pot. These men and women are naturally endowed with mental
powers that subconsciously draw others to them. But don’t despair that you’re missing out on the
The techniques and instructions that you are about to learn in this book will unleash that power!
The idea that you have the power within you to change your reality is not implausible. It’s been
done it for ages. So why haven’t you learned or heard about these techniques before? Well, there
is a gamut of possible reasons why this valuable type of knowledge has slipped from your hands.
Some reasons might involve the secrecy of occult cults, atrociously priced courses and lectures,
and systems shrouded in religions. Mind power skills, sadly, have largely been underdeveloped
for the aforementioned reasons. Mostly, however, it is because mystical knowledge is considered
passé in this day and age.
Society cannot reconcile the intangible with the scientific world. Such is the folly of mankind
and the reason for slow progress over the centuries. Scientists of the old were considered
crackpots, magicians and lunatics only because the forces they dealt with were largely invisible
and misunderstood. It took eons to generate acceptance for the theories which we now take for
granted, such as gravity and the existence of radio waves. Today, we are no different from the
myopic men of the past. We close our eyes in skepticism to powers that are out of the realm of
our experience. Extrasensory perception, magick, thought waves, psycho kinesis, and
parapsychology are still subject to much scoffing and skepticism. Perhaps in the future, magic,
thought waves and human frequencies may transform into household science.
The Mind
The mind has conceived millions of thoughts and ideas which have shaped our world; hence
mind power is a form of strength. What you will be able to do after you read this book is to
strengthen your ability to think and use your thoughts to shape reality . This is the ultimate reason
you purchased this manual: to influence others and your environment. Once you learn how to
unleash the power of your thoughts, you will detect subtle but wonderful changes in your life.
Enhancing your thought energy is accomplished by one main skill-- becoming conscious. You
must be aware of your true self, and your surroundings. I will teach you how to ‘become fully
conscious’ like a zen master. Consciousness is of penultimate importance for psychically-
induced mental influence. Throughout this manual, you will develop your powers of
concentration and visualization. These skills are the foundation of mind power control. Having
accomplished these basic skills, you will learn how to activate and heighten your other senses of
hearing, touch and smell to further intensify the control you possess over your hidden powers.
Hidden Frequencies
It is important that you understand that there is more that goes on around you than you are aware
An illustration, for clarity: You carry within your belief system certain things that you cannot see
with your eyes. You don’t think about these things; nevertheless, you affirm its existence. For
instance, you detect aromas but you cannot generally see the odor as it wafts in the air. You
snuggle in front of television, but you cannot see the radio waves coming into your antenna. You
can hear music sounds from a hi-fi but you can’t generally see those sound vibrations with your
You cannot see these things with your physical eyes in everyday living but a part of you is
conscious of these seemingly invisible things.
Is it not intriguing that you are not able to see many things around you; nevertheless you are
conscious or aware of the fact that they do exist. These invisible entities are not a bizarre concept
to you even though you might not fully understand the science behind them. You absorb it within
and take it as a reality. When it transforms into your reality, you usually don’t give it conscious
With all the invisible frequencies, radio waves, and plasma emanations that pass through us from
our environment, why do we overlook that there is human invisible frequency that passes
through us? The knowledge that your mind has the ability to affect the events and world around
has been toyed around for eons. It has been ascribed various labels, such as positive thinking ,
goal discernment and even white magic. The mind has tremendous power. And truly, it can
create reality out of the immaterial. Seduction and mental influence is just a small fraction of the
applications of mind power.
It is necessary to learn about the unseen things around you. This invisible world around you will
become your reality as you begin to practice mind power techniques. Through discipline, you
can reign in your untapped powers and focus it upon results.
Unlike chaotic invisible particles zooming around your meatloaf in a microwave, the invisible
energy realms around you can be harnessed and taken control of. You may never actually see
these invisible realms with your physical vision, but this will never stop you from wielding these
unseen forces to realize your wishes. As you begin to do this, this new awareness will become
your reality, and then emanations coming from your brain to the brain of others will become as
easy as activating your TV set. By harnessing such thought waves, you induce a strong psychic
rapport which serves to attract others irresistibly to you.
The ultimate aim of this tome is to allow you to influence others without ever uttering a word or
making explicit gestures. It is solely through your mind that you will control, seduce and
manipulate the will of others. Understand that you are going to be learning how to influence
others through covert tactics.
The techniques presented in this manual are for the mental seduction of others. A bonus is that
the system can be extended to suit your other needs. Furthermore, this book also teaches you
how to use the universal forces for other self-improvement purposes. Psychic healing, telepathy
and psychic command are among them.
Just as with Ph.D of Persuasion, most of the theory has been milled away, leaving the core
application of mind power techniques. This book seeks to teach methods with as minimal
explanation of theory as possible. Just as you operate a TV with the barest perception to its
operation, you will confidently activate your latent powers of mental influence without
understanding why it is working in the first place. But rest assured, it WILL work.
From the moment of its conception, this book was destined to be a concise manual under thirty
pages, which will be a “survival book” to be rapidly referred to. The development of this book
actually began four years ago, but its release had been temporarily halted because much study
was first carried out to ascertain the veracity of its theory and application.
Use this book as a reference for mind power developments. Read once, then get about practicing
the techniques. Don’t stop your training at any level. Push on and reap the benefits. Remember
that only you possess this power. That is your advantage.
(For any further questions on theory, kindly participate in the forum or mailing list. Your queries
will be attended to there.)
In a while you will master mental seduction techniques; you shall insert potent thoughts into
others minds compelling others to be attracted to you as if it was their own idea. Powerful?
Truly. This is ultimate influence since the person never realizes they are being seduced! You
hold a powerful weapon of seduction.
Wield your powers wisely.
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