Do You Remember Me by kurbyjoon COMPLETE.pdf

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Do You Remember Me?
By kurbyjoon
Chapter: One
Do You Remember Me?
I wasn't sure what clued me in first, the movement or the sound, but I stiffened as I began to
pry my eyes open. It felt like myeyelids were made of sandpaper. Oh crap. Maybe I had gone
out last night and brought a guy home and I was too hung over to remember. That would
explain the eyes and the light groan I had just heard.
"Bella, you need to wake up now. The doctor said we needed to check every couple of hours."
What the hell? That was Edward's voice. What was he doing in my bed?
"Baby, come on, open your eyes." He was slightly shaking my shoulder.
I managed to open my eyelids a crack. His green eyes were peering down at me and he had a
worried look etched on his face.
"What are you doing here?" Eww. My voice sounded like the croak of frog. I couldn't believe
how dry my mouth was.
"I have to check on you every two hours to make sure you're okay. How are you feeling?" He
started to stroke my arm. Holy crap, what did I do last night and how did my best friend's
younger brother end up in my bed?
"I don't know what you're talking about. Why are you in bed with me?" I was able to open my
eyes a bit more so I was able to see he was wearing a tee shirt. Whew! I guess we hadn't had
sex. Not that he wasn't hot, he definitely was. It was just that he was my best friend Alice's
brother. Her very hot, younger brother.
"Do you not remember what happened last night?" Suddenly his face creased into a frown.
"Uh, not really. Did we go out drinking?" Drinking seemed like the only reasonable answer.
"No. We went to dinner at the new Thai place and then you fell outside on the way back to
the car. You hit your head pretty hard on the curb so I called my dad and he said I should just
watch you overnight since you wouldn't go to the hospital to get checked out."
"Where was Alice?" And why isn't she with me right now?
"She wasn't with us. You wanted to try out the new place for the blog, remember?"
I totally don't remember. I can't really remember the new Thai place either. Why was I going
to a new restaurant alone with Edward? My stomach started a slow roll. Something wasn't
adding up.
"Do you want some water?" He leaned over me to the night table and grabbed a glass half
filled with water and some mostly melted ice cubes.
"Yeah, thanks." I took the glass and gulped a huge swallow. My mouth now felt better but I
was still confused.
"Does your head hurt at all? Dad said to call him if it does."
"Um, I don't mean to be rude but why are you here?"
He looked at me strangely for a moment. "Bella I live here, where else am I supposed to be?"
I looked around the room and recognized the furniture, my furniture. We weren't at
Edward's apartment, this was my house. My room.
"Edward, this is my room. I think it's time you left."
He stared at me and then his eyes widened. "Do you know your name?"
"Bella, duh, what's your problem?" I was getting a little uncomfortable now; I think
something might be wrong with Edward. "How did you get in here?"
"I'm going to call my dad, just hang on a sec." He rolled over to the other side of the bed
where the phone was and started dialing.
"What do you think you're doing?" I hissed as I grabbed for the phone. "Don't call your dad.
How do you think you're going to explain being here?"
He held the phone out of my reach and scooted to the edge of the bed. "Just calm down, don't
get over excited, my dad will know what to do." He sounded freaked out, kind of like how I
was feeling right now.
"Hey Dad, sorry to call so late, but something's wrong with Bella. She doesn't remember last
night and she asked me what I was doing in her bed? No, she hasn't mentioned that, hold on.
Bella, are you having any trouble with your vision?"
I shook my head feeling mortified. Edward was telling his dad he was here at my house atI
looked at the bedside clock, 3:34! What was he doing here in the middle of the night? My
heart started pounding. Something wasn't right. That wasn't my bedside clock. My clock had
bright blue illumination so I could easily see it. This clock was round and old timey looking.
Like the ones my parents used to have. What the hell is going on?
"Okay, yeah, I'm going to take her right now. Thanks, bye." He hung up and set the phone
"Dad said we should go down to the hospital. It sounds like you might have a concussion."
"Hospital? I don't have a concussion. My head doesn't even hurt." I put my hand up to my
head and felt around. "See? I'm fine." Right about then I hit a tender spot on my right temple.
"Ahhg." A searing pain shot through my head followed by a low throb. I slouched back down
onto my pillows.
"Come on Baby, lets get you down there so they can check you out."
I noticed he'd called me baby, but I let that slide since I had a bigger issue on my hands. "I am
not going to the hospital, I just need some Tylenol and I'll be just fine." My breath was now
coming in pants. I could feel a panic attack coming on. I couldn't think . I started groping
around the bed, but I don't know what I was reaching for. Suddenly I felt hands on my upper
arms and then Edwards face was directly in front of mine.
"Just breathe. It's okay, everything will be all right. Calm down." I knew I was about to lose it
and right at this moment I was glad Edward was with me to try and calm me down. The only
problem was that he was why I was panicking. "I'm going to get you a cold towel. Hang on."
He got up off of the bed and bolted into the bathroom. I could hear the water running and
seconds later he was back, holding the towel to the back of my neck.
"Okay, I'm cool." I wasn't, but I felt the need to appear strong. I didn't think now was the time
to let my weakness show.
"I'm serious, we have to get to the hospital, my dad is meeting us there. Let me get your shoes
and we can go."
I didn't answer him as he went over and picked up my shoes where I had obviously kicked
them off earlier. Wait, those weren't my shoes. My sneakers were brand new, these were all
scruffy and grey looking. "Those aren't my shoes."
He looked down at them and then at me. "These are the same ones you wore to the
restaurant tonight. You don't remember your shoes?"
I stared at the shoes. They couldn't be mine; I just bought mine last week. I've only worn
them once and that was just to movies with Alice, there was no way they could be that dirty.
Had someone somehow gotten in and traded out my shoes? And my clock? That didn't even
make sense, but right now what did?
"Come on, we have to go." He reached down and scooped me up bridal style. "You can put
them on in the car." He carried me out to the living room and grabbed some keys off of the
table in the entryway. He managed to open the door, walk out, and lock up while never
putting me down. Impressive. What? Talk about inappropriate inner monologue. I was totally
losing it.
I heard a loud beep and jumped. It was a car unlocking, but it wasn't my car. Edward was
walking over to a black Volvo sedan. He popped open the door and set me in the passenger
seat. I just sat there like a dead fish. I was too freaked out to even fight what was happening.
A moment later he sat down in the driver's seat and started the car. He looked over at me
and leaned across to fasten my seatbelt.
"It will be okay, Bella." He gave my hand a squeeze and put the car in reverse. I just sat there
in some sort of stupor. I mean, the situation was pretty screwed up, but it hurt if I tried to
think too hard so I just stared out the front window and tried to stay calm. In no time we
were pulling up to the hospital. I have never been to a hospital in the middle of the night
before. It looks scary. All lit up and shadowed. There were hardly any cars in the parking lot.
It was surreal.
Edward pulled into a spot close to the entrance of the ER. He came around the car before I
could even move and opened my door. He scooped me up again and closed the door with his
hip. Before I realized it, we were in the building. He walked up to a counter and a scary
looking nurse looked up.
"Excuse me, I have a head injury here. My father, Dr. Cullen, is meeting us."
"Okay, fill these out and I'll see if he's here yet." She handed Edward a clipboard with a pen
attached with a cord. "I'll go get a chair." She turned and went to a room a few feet away as I
sat there, with my hands wrapped around Edward's neck. It was almost like all of this was
happening to someone else.
Edward moved over to the row of chairs in the middle of the room. He sat down in one,
leaving me on his lap. He moved the clipboard to his left hand and picked up the dangling
pen. He started filling out the forms while I watched idly. He had beautiful hands. What
beautiful fingers. Hmm. The floor is shiny. I wonder what they use on it. Suddenly, the nurse
was in front of me with a wheelchair.
"Let's get you in here and see what's what." The nurse had a kind voice, it didn't match her
face. I looked over at Edward as he took his arm from around me and made to get up.
He set me in the chair as I heard a familiar voice.
"Bella, how are you feeling?" I looked over, it was Alice's dad. I felt a strange sense of calm
mixed with dread. He had a concerned look on his face.
"What do you remember about tonight?"
"Well, I woke up and Edward was in my bed, then he called you." I was embarrassed to tell
Carlisle that Edward was in my bed. He might think we had sex or something. "I'm sorry he
woke you up to drag you down here. I really don't know what's going on with him."
"Okay, let's go into the exam room so I can check things out." He turned and walked to a
room right off of the lobby. I started rolling that way and turned to look behind me. Edward
was pushing me with a strange look on his face. Oh yeah, what's up with him? Strangely, I
had gotten over my earlier panic and I was freakishly accepting of Edward being with me
right now.
"Bella, why don't you sit up here on the table and let me get a look at you."
Carlisle helped me up on to a table covered with crinkly paper. I scooted up so that my legs
were dangling off the side. Carlisle picked something up and pointed it at my face. A blinding
light pierced my eyeball.
"Ow. That's too bright." Carlisle moved to the other eye with similar results. After that
everything was a blur. I know I was x-rayed, and prodded, but I really wasn't paying much
attention. I was so sleepy. All I wanted was to sleep.
The next thing I knew I was opening my eyes to a hospital room. I felt a whole lot better than
I had when I fell asleep. I looked around my room and noticed Edward slumped on a chair.
Why was he still here? I needed to call Alice. Why wasn't she here with me? I sat up and
looked around for my purse, I needed my phone, but it wasn't anywhere I could see. I looked
over at Edward and he was watching me.
"What do you need, Baby?" Baby? Why is he calling me that?
"I really need my phone. I need to call Alice."
"I'm sorry I left your bag at home. I already called Alice, though. She'll be here a little later.
Do you want to use mine?"
"Edward, why are you here? Why were you at my house in the middle of the night? I don't
remember going out with you last night. I don't even remember last night." Thinking about
that started to stir my feelings of panic. I realized something wasn't right.
"Bella, where else would I be? I love you. Obviously I'll stay until we find out you're alright."
He loves me? Okay, I'm sure now something is wrong. Alice's brother is telling me he loves
me. We hardly know each other outside of Alice. For goodness sakes, he's just out of grad
"Edward, you're freaking me out. I hardly know you. Don't tell me you love me. That's just
weird. Why were you at my house last night?" Maybe something was wrong with Edward .
Yeah, that would make more sense.
"Bella, what are you talking about. Of course I know you, of course I love you. We live
together." He had gotten up to stand by me and took my hand off of the bed. I couldn't help it,
I jerked my hand away.
I could see the shock and hurt in Edward's eyes but I didn't care. "Stop saying that. We don't
live together, are you crazy? I. Hardly. Know. You." I enunciated each word clearly so that he
could understand.
"I'm calling the doctor. Just calm down." He turned and left the room. I didn't know what to
think of what Edward had just said. I think I would know if I was involved with Edward. Like
that could ever happen. Granted, he was one of the best looking men I had ever seen, always
had been, but I had known him since he was fourteen. He was Alice's little brother. He was
like five years younger than me. There's no way I would ever get involved with him. Anyway,
I just broke up with John. It hasn't even been a month yet. I really needed to talk to Alice.
Just then the door opened and a doctor I didn't recognize came in followed by Edward. "Not
to be rude, Edward, but could I please get some privacy?" He stopped and looked at the
doctor before nodding at me and turning around. Once he was gone and the door was shut I
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