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How Tapping Works
Before you read this, realise that you don't need to know precisely how Tapping works. If you try it,
and watch your body and mind carefully to see what happens, you will realise that it does.
You just have a set of beliefs that say you need to fully understand something before you can use it!
So you could try tapping those beliefs, because they probably hold you back in other areas.
You will still be left with unanswered questions after reading this explanation. My suggestion is
that you experiment with Tapping and find your own answers. You don't really know how
electricity works - no-one really does! But you still switch on a light, and you still cook your dinner
with it. It's really true, even the most knowledgeable scientists don't know precisely how electricity
A Belief is a Thought that we are Emotionally Attached to
If I tell you that above my bed I have a painting of a tree, your mind will accept that information. If
I then tell you actually it's not a painting of a tree, it's a painting of a boat, your mind will accept
that information too. A thought is like that - easy to change. You receive new information and your
mind accepts it.
If however, you touch a hot stove and feel pain, your mind will receive the programming that stoves
are not safe to touch. If someone tells you that the glowing red stove is safe to touch, you will not
accept what they are telling you. The difference is the emotion of physical pain, which is attached to
the information.
This is the difference between a thought and a belief. An emotion becomes attached to the thought,
as a signal to the mind that the thought is necessary for survival, and as a result the thought can not
be easily changed.
Tapping removes Negative Beliefs. In fact, there is no difference as far as the body is concerned
between a Negative and a "Positive" Belief. A Negative belief is just one that you have judged is
unhelpful to your wellbeing, and a Positive one is a belief you have judged to be helpful.
In fact, we don't need the thought "Hot Stoves Give Pain" to be a belief in order to follow it.
Thoughts that are not beliefs fit into our Understanding of the world and we live our life through
them. In fact, when that becomes a strong belief we start to behave irrationally. For example
someone might be burned by a stove as a child and when they are older still be very afraid of
lighting a gas hob. There's no rational reason for them to be afraid of that, but it affects their life in a
negative way - a positive belief becomes a negative one.
Bad Emotions are imbalances in the Nervous System
Good emotions occur when nervous energy can roam freely in the body. Bad emotions occur when
nervous energy gets stuck. You can picture it as a standing wave of energy formed in one of the
nerve channels in the body.
This is why we feel different emotions in different parts of our body. Sometimes we feel nervous in
our stomachs, stress in our shoulders, fear in our hands, etc. Energy is trapped in nerve channels
that run through those parts of the body.
Sometimes we tap on a feeling, and sometimes on an actual belief. In fact there is no difference.
The emotion that is attached to a particular belief might be very strong, so we don't even notice the
belief, just the feeling. It might be very weak so we don't even notice that there is a feeling attached
to the words. But the feeling is there, otherwise we would not hold the belief.
Tapping Balances the Nervous System
When we tap, we say the belief out loud to bring up the corresponding emotion in the nervous
system. Then we tap the various points to reset the system. Each point is the end of a nerve channel
in the body. Tapping sends a shockwave down that channel.
There is no easy way to know which nerve channel is holding a particular emotion, so we just tap
them all. Sometimes when you have done a lot of tapping you'll be able to just feel where it is, and
you'll feel it clear as you tap it.
When the emotion is gone, your mind is no longer attached to the belief. Suddenly your mind is free
to re-process it, and realise it isn't true or that there are easy ways around it.
Why You Must First Love Yourself
Everyone has heard that you have to love yourself before someone else can love you. The reason for
this is simple - our ideal partner is a reflection of us.
We attract people that are like us. Not just in terms of romantic, sexual/physical attraction. We
attract them metaphysically - these people tend to turn up in our lives.
Each of us has a unique belief system, a way of seeing the world that is slightly different to
everyone else's. It's almost like our ego has a fingerprint. What turns us on, what turns us off. What
we feel is important.
Our political preferences, tastes in food and music, and so on, all arise out of this belief system. Our
particular thoughts and feelings resonate with different aspects of the world around us. If your
thoughts are dark, you like heavy metal. If your thoughts are happy, you like cheesey music. We
like certain foods, like for example, coffee, because of the way they make us feel.
The types of people that come into our lives are affected by our beliefs. We meet people who have
made the same sorts of choices we make. Where to live, which bar to go to, which supermarket to
shop at. All these choices reflect our values and our way of being from day to day, minute to
When you enter a seminar or lecture theatre, where do you sit? On the front row where you can ask
questions or the back where you can fall asleep without being noticed? Our personality is reflected
in the places we turn up... and so we end up being surrounded by people who are the same way.
Romantic compatibility has a lot to do with this. Why do we always ask our love interest what sort
of music they like? We want to know they are on our wavelength. We want to know they are drawn
to the same emotional experience, so we can trust that they will understand us.
It seems like this is easily faked. All you have to do is listen to someone talk passionately and agree
with them. Find something from your own experience that is similar emotionally and share it. But
this can be hard work. It's much easier if your passions really are similar emotionally. That way,
things just happen.
The problem comes when you are romantically attracted to people who are not on your wavelength.
This means, people who are not right for you, but who have something that you respect, or admire,
or just desire. You want to be with the other person to feel good about yourself, to fill some hole
inside you or to change what other people think about you. These relationships are doomed to
failure from the start, because of the amount of energy it takes to maintain them.
Do you like yourself? Would you be attracted to someone who was the opposite sex version of you?
Are the people you are attracted to your mirror in terms of life philosophy, success, social
The right person for you has similar political and religious views. Their life philosophy, work ethic,
wit matches yours perfectly. There are certain adjustments to make across the genders, for example
power in men roughly equates to looks in women. But the stress in the relationship is directly
proportional to your differences. A certain amount of stress is healthy and keeps things interesting,
but only up to a certain breaking point.
When you think of the men or women who naturally come into your life, the ones who have the
same interests and world view as you, are you attracted to them? The girls or guys who you know
you could get, and just be with, just by turning round and saying you wanted them, are they the sort
of person you want? Are they the sort of person you want to be? If you're honest with yourself,
you'll probably realise that the things you don't like about them are the things you don't like about
yourself. So you reject that person and look for the qualities you want to see in yourself, in someone
If you like yourself, you will like the people you naturally meet, and they will like you. If you don't
like yourself, you will waste energy trying to get with people who aren't like you, or you will settle
for being with someone you don't like.
There are two solutions to this. The first, and most important, is to learn to like yourself. The
second, is to turn yourself into the person that you want to be.
If you want to like yourself, one way to do it is to realise that you are the perfect You that anyone
could be. No-one else can do the things you do quite like you. No-one sees the world quite the same
way. No-one has precisely your talents, ambitions, or lack thereof. No-one screws things up the
same way, no-one makes the same mistakes and faux pas'. At being you, for all your faults and
weaknesses, you would get an A+. It's ok to be the way you are - it must be, because the way you
are IS the way you are.
Once you adopt this philosophy or one like it with regard to yourself, you will start seeing others
the same way. The truth is, you probably are attracted to the opposite sex equivalent of you, it's just
you're also turned off to them, for the same reasons you're turned off from yourself. Accept
yourself, and you will accept them.
Many people think that their drive to improve themselves stems from the things they don't like
about themselves. Feelings of inadequacy, dissatisfaction, or just dislike and hatred for yourself
actually won't change, no matter how much you improve yourself. It is the feeling that needs to be
dealt with, not whichever reason you rationalise at the time for feeling it.
It's actually easier to change and improve yourself once you accept yourself. The same negative
feelings of self-non-acceptance lock us in to being those things that we want to change. Change the
feeling first, and the specific details will sort themselves out.
Look at the sort of person you want to get together with. You can become the sort of person who
they would want to be with, assuming that you're not already. If the person they want to be with, is
the sort of person that you don't like, then you'll have to let go of those feelings, because those
feelings keep you from being like them.
Take the school computer nerd, who wants to get with the cheerleader. But the cheerleader likes the
football players. She's physically active, she parties a lot, and is confident in herself. So she looks
for guys who are physically active, party a lot, and are confident in themselves. It makes no sense
that she would want to be with a guy who locks himself in his bedroom, is anti-social, and can't
look her in the eye when he speaks.
So to get the girl, the nerd must become the football player. He can still play to his strengths with
computers, and he needn't play football. But he needs to adopt their way of being in terms of inward
qualities. If he is truly attracted to the cheerleader, then he wants those qualities for himself anyway,
and he dislikes the contradicting qualities he already possesses.
The nerd that truly doesn't want to become the football player doesn't truly want the cheerleader. He
wants the bookish girl who is already on his wavelength. Either way, the solution is rooted in self-
acceptance. If he accepts himself, he will accept the bookish girl. If once he accepts himself, he
finds that he wants to become a footballer, he can have the cheerleader too.
Once you accept yourself you will realise your true motives for wanting someone you can't have. If
you want to be with them to compensate for your own shortcomings, you will no longer want them.
If you want them because you want to be like their ideal partner, then you will become that person.
So there is never a need to change yourself for someone else.
Accept yourself, and you will like the potential partners you can get.
Improve yourself, and you will get the partner you want.
Ending Procrastination
The only reason you procrastinate is that a part of you doesn't want to do whatever it is you are
procrastinating. Tapping is one way to permanently kill that part.
People often say they need more motivation to achieve their goals, and this is true to an extent.
However I would argue that if you want more motivation to do something, then you already want to
do it, and that should be all the motivation you need. What you really need is to remove the
psychological barriers to doing it.
As a student I always used to procrastinate my essays. They felt like really hard work, I didn't think
they'd be good enough, and I always had other things I wanted to do. So I'd leave them until the last
minute, when I knew I'd get in trouble if I didn't do them. The fear of getting in trouble gave me the
extra motivation.
That's what people say when they need they want more motivation, they think they need to fear not
doing something more than they fear doing it.
Tapping is a way to remove the negative feelings around doing something in the first place. When I
work with students now on procrastination, we find all their negative beliefs around doing their
assignments, and tap those beliefs away.
What happens is that when you think about doing your task, your negative self-talk starts up. I'd be
sitting at my desk with a blank sheet of paper in front of me, and I'd start thinking all sorts of
limiting thoughts; "I don't know how to start", "I'll never get this done", "I don't understand the
topic", "all my friends are elsewhere having fun".
It's not comfortable to think those thoughts. So to distract yourself from the uncomfortable feelings,
you distract yourself from their source, and go off and do something else instead. But of course the
work itself isn't really the source of the feelings, the feelings just arise from your own mind thinking
the wrong thing.
With Tapping, you can literally find those negative thoughts one-by-one, and release the negative
feeling that you associate with them. That way you probably won't think them again, and if you do,
they won't have the same emotional impact, so you'll dismiss them easily.
Try Tapping RIGHT NOW - I've created a video Killing Procrastination that takes you
through the basic steps. To get the most obvious change, apply it to something you really
don't want to do. You might not instantly feel like you are eager to do it, but you should at
least find it a little easier. If you are new to Tapping, the process might seem a bit strange -
you might want to watch the introductory video on the front page of the site first.
Check out my E-Book - For a fuller understanding of how your limiting beliefs stop you
achieving your goals, take a look at my e-book . It includes clear instructions on how to find
the negative beliefs that stop you achieving any goal you like.
It's amazing how well this technique works. I used to hate tidying my room and doing the washing
up, for example. When I tapped away all the negativity around doing those things I actually started
to enjoy them!
When I tried this technique with my friend, we tapped away all the negative feelings and beliefs that
were stopping him do his taxes. When we had tapped them all and he couldn't think of any more, I
asked him if there was anything else he wanted to work on... and he said no, he'd rather go and do
his taxes.
It takes persistence, but the way you are with one thing is the way you are with all things. I found
that by tapping away the feelings and beliefs that made me procrastinate doing the washing up,
tidying my room, and my taxes, I pretty much tapped away the feelings that made me procrastinate
doing anything .
I hope you'll have the same result.
The Key to Self-Acceptance
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