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Welcome to the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search!

To use this program you must agree to the terms and conditions,
prize rules, etc. at

In case you ever forget, the GIMPS web site is at
My email address is  For networking questions,
contact Scott Kurowski at


readme.txt	This file.
prime95.exe	The program to factor and run Lucas-Lehmer tests on
		Mersenne numbers.
whatsnew.txt	A list of new features in prime95.exe.
stress.txt	A discussion of issues relating to stress testing a computer.
undoc.txt	A list of formerly undocumented and unsupported features.
prime.txt	A file containing your preferences.  The menu choices
		and dialog boxes are used to change your preferences.
local.txt	Like prime.txt, this file contains more preferences.
		The reason there are two files is discussed later.
worktodo.txt	A list of exponents the program will be factoring
		and/or Lucas-Lehmer testing.
results.txt	Prime95.exe writes its results to this file.
prime.log	A text file listing all messages that have been sent
		to the PrimeNet server.
prime.spl	A binary file of messages that have not yet been sent to
		the PrimeNet server.
pNNNNNNN &	Intermediate files produced by prime95.exe to resume
		computation where it left off.
eNNNNNNN	Intermediate files produced during ECM factoring.
fNNNNNNN	Intermediate files produced during trial factoring.
mNNNNNNN	Intermediate files produced during P-1 factoring.


This program is used to find Mersenne Prime numbers.  See for a good
description of Mersenne primes.  Mersenne numbers can be proved
composite (not prime) by either finding a factor or by running
a Lucas-Lehmer primality test.


There are two ways to use this program.  The automatic way uses
a central server, which we call the PrimeNet server, to get work to do
and report your results.  You do not need a permanent connection to the Internet.

The second method is the manual method.  It requires a little more work
and monitoring.  I recommend this for computers with no Internet access
or with some kind of firewall problem that prevents the automatic method
from working.

If you are running this program at your place of employment, you must
first GET PERMISSION from your network administrator, boss, or both.
This is especially true if you are installing the software on several machines.
Many companies have policies that prohibit running unauthorized software.
Violating that policy could result in termination and/or prosecution.


1)  Download and unzip
    You've probably done this already since you are reading this file.
2)  Connect to the Internet.  Create an account at
3)  Run prime95.exe.  You will see 4 dialog boxes:
3a) In the welcome dialog box, choose "Join GIMPS!".
3b) In the second dialog box, enter your user id and optional computer name.
    If you are using several computers, use the same user ID but a unique computer
    name on each machine.  An easy-to-remember user ID will be helpful if you
    plan to visit the PrimeNet server's web page to view reports on your
3c) In the third dialog box, fill in roughly how many hours a day you leave
    your computer running.  Click OK.
3d) In the fourth dialog box, leave the "Use Primenet..." checkbox
    checked.  Do not turn this checkbox off even if you disconnect
    from the Internet.   Check the "Use a dial-up..." checkbox
    if you use a modem to connect to the Internet.  Note that prime95
    will not dial-up to connect to the Internet, rather it waits
    for a time when you are already connected to contact the server.
    Click OK.  Prime95 will now contact the PrimeNet server to get some
    work for your computer to do.
4a) If a proxy server is the causing connection troubles, see the
    later section on "SETTING UP A PROXY SERVER".
4b) If the program will not connect to the server, then
    you will have to use the manual method described below.
5)  Disable screen savers or use the "blank screen" screen saver.  If this
    is not practical, consider raising prime95's priority to 4 or 5.

    The "Start at Bootup" menu choice (on by default) will run prime95
    every time you boot your computer.  The "Start at Bootup" choice
    became "Start at Logon" starting with Windows Vista.


1)  Visit to create a userid for yourself and to get an exponent or two to
    work on.  Copy these exponents to a file called worktodo.txt.
2)  Run prime95.exe.  You will see 3 dialog boxes:
2a) In the welcome dialog box, choose "Join GIMPS!".
2b) In the second dialog box, fill in roughly how many hours a day you leave
    your computer running.  Click OK.
2c) In the third dialog box, uncheck "Use PrimeNet to get work and report
    results", click OK.
3)  Disable screen savers or use the "blank screen" screen saver.  If this
    is not practical, consider raising prime95's priority to 4 or 5.
4)  When done with your exponents, use the web pages again to send the
    file "results.txt" to the PrimeNet server and get more work.

    The "Start at Bootup" menu choice (on by default) will run prime95
    every time you boot your computer.  The "Start at Bootup" choice
    became "Start at Logon" starting with Windows Vista.


depends on your computer and your local electric rates.

It can take many CPU weeks to test a large Mersenne number.  This program
can be safely interrupted by using the ESC key to write intermediate results
to disk.  This program also saves intermediate results to disk every 30 minutes
in case there is a power failure.

You can compare your computer's speed with other users by checking the
web page  If you are much slower than
comparable machines, there are several utilities available (such as
TaskInfo2002, that can find programs that are
stealing prime95's CPU cycles.

You can get several reports of your PrimeNet activity at any time
by logging in at

If you have overclocked your machine, I recommend running the torture
test for a couple of days.  The longer you run the torture test
the greater the chance that you will uncover an error caused by
overheating or overstressed memory.

Depending on the exponent being tested, the program may decide that it
would be wise to invest some time checking for small factors before
running a Lucas-Lehmer test.


Choose the "Connection..." button in the Test/Primenet dialog box.  Fill in
the proxy information.


Stage 2 of P-1 factoring step prior to running a Lucas-Lehmer test is
slightly more effective if it is given more memory to work with.  However,
if you let the program use too much memory then the performance of ALL programs
will suffer.  The good news is that 98% of the time the program uses a minimal
amount of memory.  In fact, the program will work just fine if you never
let it use more than the minimum.

So how do you intelligently choose the memory settings?  Below
are some steps you might take to figure this out:

1)  Be conservative.  It is better to set the memory too low
than too high.  Setting the value too high can cause thrashing which
slows down all programs.  Remember, the program will only use the
extra memory in stage 2 of P-1 factoring (about 12 hours a month).

2)  Start with how much memory is installed in your machine.  Allow a
reasonable amount of memory for the OS and whatever background tasks
you run (say 100 or 200MB).  This represents the maximum value you should use.
The program won't let you enter more than 90% of installed memory.

3)  Assuming you run your machine 24 hours a day, what hours of the
day do you not use your computer?  Make these your nighttime hours and
let the program use a lot of memory during these hours.  But reduce this
value if you also run batch jobs at night.

4)  Factor in the information below about minimum, reasonable, and
desirable memory amounts for some sample exponents.  If you choose a
value below the minimum, that is OK.  The program will simply skip
stage 2 of P-1 factoring.

	Exponent	Minimum		Reasonable	Desirable
	--------	-------		----------	---------
	20000000	 40MB		   80MB		 120MB
	33000000	 65MB		  125MB		 185MB
	50000000	 85MB		  170MB		 250MB

For example, my machine is a dual-processor with 512MB of memory.
I guess Windows XP can survive on 100MB of memory.  Thus, I set
memory to (512 - 100) or ~400MB.  This is my nighttime setting.
During the day, I set memory to 80MB.  I can always stop
prime95 if it is doing P-1 factoring and I detect memory thrashing.  More
casual users will probably want to set the daytime memory to 8MB so they
don't have to worry about prime95 impacting system performance.

If at all in doubt, leave the settings at 8MB.  The worst that will
happen is you end up running a Lucas-Lehmer primality test when stage 2
of P-1 factoring would have found a factor.


On screen you will see:

Factoring M400037 to 2^54 is 3.02% complete. Time: 0.121 sec.
	This means prime95 is t...
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