The Ultimate Tarrasch Defense - Eric Schiller, 2000.pdf

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The Ultimate Tarrasch Defense
The Ultimate
Tarrasch Defense
by Eric Schiller
[Portions of the text materials and chess analysis are
taken from Complete Defense to Queen Pawn Openings
by Eric Schiller, Published by Cardoza Publishing. Addi-
tional material is adapted from Play the Tarrasch by
Leonid Shamkovich and Eric Schiller, published by
Pergamon Press in 1984. Some game annotations have
previously appeared in various books and publications
by Eric Schiller. Additional analysis on the Tarrasch De-
fense can be found at .]
Ultimate Tarrasch Defense
What is the Tarrasch Defense?
The Tarrasch Defense is a variation belonging to the
Queen’s Gambit Declined. The Tarrasch is a flexible for-
mation that can be used to meet just about any move or-
der used by White. It normally is reached by 1.d4 d5
2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 c5 . We’ll look at transpositional paths
later on.
Ultimate Tarrasch Defense
Black challenges the center immediately. White now has
to constantly consider the consequences of captures in
the center. Usually White exchanges the c-pawn for
Black’s d-pawn, and later the White d-pawn can be ex-
changed for the Black c-pawn.
This gives Black an isolated d-pawn, which we will dis-
cuss in detail later. For now, let’s consider the typical
pawn structure that arises after an exchange of pawns at
Ultimate Tarrasch Defense
There is a lot of tension in the center. White can capture
at c5 or Black can capture at d4 , in either case setting up
the isolated d-pawn for Black. It is important to note,
however, that clarification of the situation does not usu-
ally take place in the first few moves. When a central ten-
sion is resolved, then it is possible to concentrate on plans
which are appropriate to the central situation. While the
center remains fluid, it is harder to find the correct plan
because the central situation can change quickly. So usu-
ally this pawn center stays intact until move 9, when both
sides have competed development.
Who Plays the Tarrasch Defense?
The Tarrasch Defense is used primarily by advanced
players, but this is mostly a result of the tendency for
teachers of young chess players to avoid openings which
involve isolated pawns, on the grounds that they are diffi-
cult to defend. Therefore it is only when players graduate
to higher levels of competition that they begin to encoun-
ter the defense.
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