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In my eyes, indisposed
In disguise as no one knows
Hides the face, lies the snake
in The sun in my disgrace
Boiling heat, summer stench
'Neath the black the sky looks dead
Call my name through the cream
And I'll hear you scream again
Black hole sun
Won't you come
And wash away the rain
Black hole sun
Won't you come
Won't you come
Black Hole Sun , Soundgarden
The music was loud as hell, blaring out of the speakers and giving me a fucking
headache. I pinched the bridge of my nose and shook my head, focusing on the
paper in front of me, trying to get the design to flow from my convoluted mind
through my pencil for the girl who wanted the ridiculously banal tattoo.
The typical butterfly on the hip, rose on the tit, generic symbol in the signature
‘tramp stamp' spot right above the ass as Emmett lovingly referred to it, all
artless designs that pissed me off. Tattoos in these spots could be sexy as hell on
a woman, just as long as they were something unique rather than something
utterly predictable.
This is my craft for god sake; give me something to work with here.
I finished with the Hello Kitty bullshit and rolled my eyes at the inexorableness of
the freshmen in this city. Eclipse was a well known tattoo shop in Chicago and we
had a lot of high profile clients from the burgeoning music scene, as well as all
the new blood at the University of Chicago. All of the girls and boys who had just
found their freedom and wanted to piss of mommy and daddy, or show their
originality and rebellion by picking a tattoo off the wall of generic designs
How mutinous was a Hello Kitty tattoo?
The frizzy haired, puffy girl giggling away in the corner with her processed blonde
friend was no different from the rest of the sheep and I was irritated as hell that
Emmett had passed her off to me. Yes, it was my turn to deal with one of the
annoying ones, but still.
Screw you Emmett.
"Jessica, would you like to take a look at the sketch?" I called across the room,
smiling all friendly like and trying not to roll my eyes at the way she practically
eye fucked me into oblivion as she bounced her way over, tits bobbing in opposite
I half expected her to be carrying a lunch box and suck on a lollipop.
She tucked her hair behind her ear which was just ridiculous because she had the
biggest frizzy fro I had ever seen on a white chick and it pushed her ear out like
she was Dumbo's human counterpart. Her generic friend followed behind her and
I turned the sketch of Hello Kitty toward her so she could tell me how awesome it
Because it was, even if it was Hello fucking Kitty.
"Oh, it's perfect," she whined at me, although I'm pretty sure she intended it to
sound sexy as she touched my forearm.
It didn't and it wasn't.
I had to stop myself from cringing away from her.
"You want it on your hip?" I bit down on the pen, trying to stop myself from biting
down on my tongue ring and potentially damaging my teeth I'm so irritable at
this point. The pen is much safer to chew on; I have a cracked molar to prove
"Definitely," she nodded.
"‘Kay, give me twenty minutes and I'll have it ready, you can go for a short walk
or something, have a drink at the bar down the street," I suggested.
It was better if she was a little relaxed since the hip was a sensitive place,
although it looked like she had more than enough padding to provide a buffer.
Besides, I didn't think I could handle another half hour of her making fuck-me
eyes at me while I tried to prepare the stencil.
As soon as they were out the door I shot Emmett a death glare and he laughed.
"Where the fuck is Jazz anyway?" I asked bitterly, running my fingers through my
hair and tugging roughly on the ends.
The asshat kept landing all these sweet tats on the hottie freshmen. It was all the
same boring shit, but at least the bodies they were going on weren't hard to look
"Someone from back home contacted him, things aren't really good right now for
him," Emmett was suddenly serious.
I didn't ask any more questions. I didn't know much about Jasper's history even
though I'd known him for six years, all I knew was that underneath all of those
tattoos that covered the majority of his torso were a shit load of scars that he
never talked about. I had a feeling his dear old dad may have had something to
do with it but Jazz didn't talk about it and we weren't ones to pry into each
other's pasts.
We all had skeletons in our closets; we just chose to keep them there, buried
under all the superfluous garbage.
We had a three-way partnership in this business, all equal owners of Eclipse. We
lived in the same up-scale vintage apartment building in East Lincoln Park and
spent most of our time together but I drew the line at living with those two, I
needed my own space. I saw them five out of seven days a week if not more; I
didn't need to wake up to them too.
Besides roommates made extracurriculars a little more challenging.
"I'm going to run across the street and get a coffee, you want anything?" I
stretched my arms over my head and Emmett threw a stress ball at me, catching
me off guard and hitting me in the nuts.
"Fuck you cocksucker," I folded over at the waist and cupped my balls because
that shit smarts.
"Such an articulate man," Emmett laughed as I flipped him the bird, then
straightened up as four generically attractive girls walked in all giggly and stupid,
flashing them my prettiest smile.
They stared at me for a second, not sure whether to smile back or be afraid
before Emmett's ridiculously loud voice drew their attention away from me.
"Hi ladies," Emmett boomed over the music and the girls turned in his direction
and scurried over to the counter where all the piercing paraphernalia was located.
His dimpled smile a visual contradiction to the thick and menacing tribal bands of
ink and horrific images tattooed across his arms and back. As soon as Emmett
flashed a grin, every girl was putty in his massive and capable hands.
I walked to the back of the store and raised my hand to knock on the office door
where Alice, our bookkeeper, piercer and Jasper's girlfriend of fucking forever was
sitting hunched over a pile of papers, typing numbers onto the laptop
spreadsheet at lightning speed.
"I'd like large a decaf latte with soy, two sugars, thanks Edward," she said
without looking at me.
I started to tell her that there were some girls out front that were interested in
piercing but before I could even get a word out of my mouth Alice's head snapped
up, "God damn it, not another clit ring. For Christ sake," she slammed her little
tiny hand on the desk and then bolted over it like an angry panther, baring her
teeth and growling. I pressed myself against the door frame because a pissed
Alice was not someone I wanted to mess with.
I don't know how she knew but Alice could predict the type of piercing a customer
would request with uncanny precision. She could predict a lot of things and that
fact alone made me a little wary around her. She stopped in front of me and her
eyes glazed over for a second, clearing just as quickly and if I hadn't been staring
at her in fear of her wrath I would have thought it a figment of my imagination.
Her fingers grazed the anatomically correct bleeding heart amidst the vines that
tangled across my forearm, a fragment of the sleeve of ink that covered my right
"The storm is coming," she whispered to herself and smiled before walking away.
She was a strange little girl.
What the name of Doc Marten did the weather have to do with my tattoos?
I followed her back out to the studio and avoided looking at the girls to prevent
the unwelcome visual provided by Alice's prediction and headed to the door.
"Get me a cookie, Edward," Emmett yelled after me, to which I responded by
politely flipping him the bird.
I ran across the street and sauntered into the little used bookstore that I
sometimes browsed when I wanted to get out for lunch, or if my shift ended early
at the shop, which was admittedly rare. There was a coffee house attached to it
and I usually walked right through the store since my aunt owned it.
"Hey Esme," I smiled at the lovely woman who was sitting behind the cash; she
was reading a tattered book that I couldn't quite see the title of.
"Hello Edward," she rewarded me with a maternal smile, "We just got in a
shipment of new books, did you want to look at them before we stock them?"
She looked at me hopefully. She always saw through the facade I built up,
making me feel like the little boy who she used to make cookies for.
The tattoos served as my armour, a shield if you will, so that people would see
the art rather than the person standing in front of them. Esme saw past them.
She looked at me like I was her long lost son and she just wanted to share her
newest treasures with me like I was her child, which was ridiculous because she
was only ten years older than I was.
"Sorry sweetie," I leaned and kissed her cheek, "I'm on a coffee run and then I
have a client but maybe next time."
"Of course," she blushed a little, patted me on the cheek and went back to her
book, smiling absently.
I ordered the coffees and picked up a half-dozen cookies, eyeing the cupcakes
with contempt because I would look like such a pansy if I walked into the shop
eating one. I walked back through the bookshop intending to tell Esme I would
come over later in the week but she was talking to a girl who was leaning over
the counter with a pile of books in front of her. I nosily surveyed at the spines,
Wuthering Heights, The Descent into Hell, Ink Exchange, The Poisonwood Bible, A
Midsummer's Night Dream . That was quite an eclectic array of literature. Teen
fiction to Dante?
Her hair spilled out over the counter in a wave of mahogany and shielded her
face. I raked over her tiny form; she was hardly bigger than Alice, maybe a few
inches taller. Alice was straight, waifish, this girl was curvy and wearing these
skinny black jeans red Chucks hightops. The black shirt she was wearing was
mostly hidden by the waist length hair that cascaded down her back. I wondered
what her face looked like. I inhaled as I walked by and the overwhelming scent of
something floral, and sweet and just fucking delicious assaulted me.
I stole a furtive peek at her ass and it was luscious, in part because it was
attached to a lovely pair of slender legs. I had the urge to maybe smack it or bite
it, or both. Then I felt bad for ogling her in front of Esme because that was just
rude. It was like making out with someone in front of your mother.
"Can I take these ones home tonight Esme?" the softest, sweetest voice in the
history of all sounds came from under the veil of mahogany, making the hairs on
the back of my neck stand up and my body break out in goose bumps.
Not to mention that my dick was immediately harder than titanium.
From the sound of her voice ? Really Masen ?
"Of course, I'll put them aside," Esme took the pile of books from the girl and
smiled at me as I left the store with coffees and treats in hand, trying to keep
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