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Westward migration of extension in the
northern Gulf of California, Mexico
Manuel Aragón-Arreola* and Arturo Martín-Barajas*
División de Ciencias de la Tierra, Centro de Investigación Científi ca y Educación Superior de Ensenada,
Km 107 Carretera Tijuana-Ensenada, Ensenada, Baja California 22860, México
Interpretation of industry seismic lines indicates that the eastern margin of the northern
Gulf of California contains the inactive Adair-Tepoca and Upper Tiburón basins. The western
margin is active and includes the Wagner, Consag, Upper Delfín, and Lower Delfín basins.
These basin systems are separated by a wide basement high across which the upper strata in
the inactive basins correspond to the middle and lower strata in the active basins, recording
the westward migration of strain and subsidence during late Pliocene time. Our results illus-
trate the formation of an abandoned rift margin along the eastern Gulf of California.
Keywords: Gulf of California, oblique rifting, rift kinematics, seismic refl ection, rift basins.
The Gulf of California is a well-developed transtensional plate
margin linked to the rupture of Baja California from southwestern
North America (Fig. 1). In middle Miocene time, extensional deforma-
tion affected the Gulf Extensional Province (Stock and Hodges, 1989;
Gans, 1997; Axen and Fletcher, 1998), but sometime during the middle
to late Miocene, the strain localized into the highly oblique Gulf of Cali-
fornia rift, which is now dominated by large transform faults linked by
pull-apart basins (Lonsdale, 1989; Stock and Hodges, 1989; Oskin et al.,
2001). However, little is known about how strain evolved during the his-
tory of focused rifting. Based on processing and interpretation of seismic
profi les, we compiled a structural map of the northern Gulf of California
(the northern Gulf), documenting structures related to the initial stage of
focused rifting. We show that the crustal strain and subsidence migrated
westward to form the modern rift confi guration. Finally, we propose that
the eastern Gulf forms an abandoned rift margin.
Evolution of the Gulf of California is related to transfer of the
Baja California from the North America to the Pacifi c plate. This proc-
ess started ~12 m.y. ago and imposed a northwestward motion on Baja
California that triggered the localization of most of the Pacifi c–North
America plate motion into the Gulf Extensional Province (Stock and
Hodges, 1989). The timing of onset of focused extension is controversial;
it has been suggested that oblique extension was preceded by a period of
nearly orthogonal extension known as the proto-Gulf stage, which was
accompanied by the fi rst marine incursions (12–6 Ma; Stock and Hodges,
1989; Henry and Aranda-Gomez, 2000; Umhoefer et al., 2002). Around
the northern Gulf, the early marine sedimentation occurred during latest
middle Miocene time (Delgado-Argote et al., 2000; Gastil et al., 1999;
Helenes and Carreño, 1999; McDougall et al., 1999; Helenes et al.,
2005), but it is unclear if deposition was related to oblique or orthogonal
extension. Nevertheless, the marine environment became established by
6.5–6.3 Ma, synchronous with the full localization of oblique strain into
the Gulf (Oskin et al., 2001; Oskin and Stock, 2003).
Previous works documented that the eastern margin of the Gulf con-
tains several inactive basins, including the Upper Tiburón, Lower Tiburón,
and Yaqui basins; it is interpreted that these basins were formed as
Figure 1. A: Regional tectonic framework of western North America
and northwestern Mexico (after Stock and Hodges, 1989; Lons-
dale, 1989; Fenby and Gastil, 1991). Arrow shows relative motion of
Pacifi c–North America plates. B: Layout of processed seismic lines.
C: Structural map of northern Gulf of California. Eastern margin
contains inactive basins and faults, while western margin includes
active basins of modern rift. Pattern of active depocenters and shal-
low fault arrays is from Persaud et al. (2003). Faults outside data
coverage are from Fenby and Gastil (1991). PA—Pacifi c plate; GC—
Gulf of California; GEP—Gulf Extensional Province; B&R—Basin
and Range Province; SMO—Sierra Madre Occidental; CP—Colorado
Plateau: ITI—Isla Tiburón; IAG—Isla Ángel de la Guarda.
© 2007 The Geological Society of America. For permission to copy, contact Copyright Permissions, GSA, or
Geology , June 2007; v. 35; no. 6; p. 571–574; doi: 10.1130/G23360A.1; 3 fi gures; Data Repository item 2007130.
GEOLOGY, June 2007
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incipient spreading centers (Phillips, 1964; Fenby and Gastil, 1991; Lons-
dale, 1989) abandoned ~3 m.y. ago (Stock, 2000). However, these studies
lacked the data to resolve the structural pattern of the inactive basins, such
that the database used here may help to clarify these conclusions.
The crustal structure displays contrasts across the northern Gulf.
Toward the east, the crust is continental and thicker than in the west, where
it is likely formed by a mix of continental, igneous, and sedimentary rocks
(Phillips, 1964; Persaud et al., 2003; González-Fernández et al., 2005).
Moreover, the shoulders of the northern Gulf differ in the amount and age
of extension and volcanism; in central Sonora, the extension produced
basin-and-range–type deformation and the exhumation of metamorphic
core complexes during late Oligocene–middle Miocene time, coeval with
arc-related volcanism (Nourse et al., 1994; Gans, 1997; Martín-Barajas,
2000). In contrast, extension in Baja California was accrued in high- to
moderate-angle normal faults, and some detachment faults, and started
in late-middle Miocene time after cessation of arc volcanism (Axen,
1995; Lee et al., 1996). Moreover, discrete postsubduction volcanism has
occurred along the coastal plain of Baja California (Sawlan, 1991; Martín-
Barajas, 2000). Thus, extensional strain is older and of larger magnitude in
the eastern than in the western margin of the northern Gulf.
folds and are cut by multiple ~N-S–striking subsidiary faults that lie along
the axis of the Wagner and Consag basins (Figs. 1 and 2A). Farther south, in
the Upper Delfín and Lower Delfín basins, the shallow sediments are cut by
dense fault arrays that crown and splay away from the northern strands of
the Canal de Ballenas fault (Persaud et al., 2003; Aragón-Arreola, 2006).
The data clearly image the acoustic basement in the northeastern
Gulf (Fig. 1). Here the basement is depicted as a sharp refl ector that out-
lines the rhombochasmic Adair-Tepoca and Upper Tiburón basins. The
Adair-Tepoca basin has a stratal thickness of as much as ~3.8 s (~4.8 km)
and is bounded by the Amado fault and several minor faults to the east,
a structural high to the west (see below), and terminates northward into
the Adair graben (Figs. 1, 2A, and 2B). This basin contains two seismic
sequences; the lower is formed by growth strata and aggradation patterns
that accrete eastward against the basin-bounding faults, suggesting the
syntectonic evolution of faulting and sedimentation (B in Figs. 2A, 2B).
The upper sequence is formed by nearly parallel strata that onlap to the
east and drape the basement relief (C in Figs. 2A, 2B).
The Upper Tiburón basin has a stratal thickness of as much as ~4.8 s
(~6.0 km) and is bounded by the De Mar fault to the east and the Tiburón fault
to the west (Figs. 1 and 2D). This basin contains three seismic sequences; the
lower is formed by a hammock refl ector pattern cut by the basin-bounding
faults (A in Fig. 2D). The middle sequence is built by growth strata that
accrete on the basin-bounding faults, revealing the syntectonic sedimenta-
tion (B in Fig. 2D). The upper sequence is formed by nearly parallel strata
that onlap and drape the shallow (<1.5 s) and faulted basement offshore
Sonora; toward the top this sequence includes local unconformities, but they
do not separate changes in the stratal pattern (C in Figs. 2A, 2B).
The lateral continuity of seismic refl ectors across the northeastern
Gulf reveals the correlation of sequences B and C of the Adair-Tepoca
and Upper Tiburón basins. The sequence C forms condensed sections
that drape the Amado, De Mar, and Tiburón faults and fi lls the basement
relief offshore Sonora. The data also show that refl ectors of sequence C
are locally truncated at the sea bottom, but do not record active faulting
(Fig. 2C), indicating that this region is now structurally inactive.
The basement in the central-west margin of the northern Gulf is
poorly defi ned, but suggests a broad rhombochasmic depression limited
by the Cerro Prieto and Canal de Ballenas faults. This depression contains
the Wagner, Consag, and Upper and Lower Delfín basins (Fig. 1) that
form a set of shallow sags oriented N-NE (Persaud et al., 2003). Here the
stratal thickness is poorly estimated, but exceeds 4.0 s (~4–5? km; Figs.
2A, 2C). The refl ectors can be traced across contiguous sags and display
multiple truncations, suggesting that the active basins tend to coalesce.
Our data also show growth strata within the Wagner and Consag basins
that form aggradation patterns against the Wagner fault (Fig. 2A), indicat-
ing syntectonic sedimentation.
The boundary between the active and inactive basins consists of a
broad anticline. This fl at-topped, ~20-km-wide, doubly hinged structure
trends NNW-SSE and extends ~120 km from the Tiburón to the Cerro
Prieto fault (Figs. 1, 2B, and 2C); the data suggest that this anticline is
cored by a basement high. This anticline is built by condensed sequences
cut by numerous small-throw faults. A conspicuous feature is that the B-C
sequence boundary in the inactive basins can be traced across the entire
anticline and deepens to the west into the active basins (Figs. 2A, 2C).
These seismic relationships indicate that once subsidence and sedimenta-
tion shifted from the eastern to the west basins.
Our database contains ~3600 km of multichannel seismic refl ec-
tion data (Fig. 1B) surveyed by PEMEX during 1978 and 1979 (Aragón-
Arreola , 2006). These 48-fold data were acquired with a 48-channel, 2400-m-
long streamer, a 21.98 L (1341 cu. in.) air gun array, and a shot interval of
25 m. Recording time was 6.1 s, with a sampling rate of 2 ms. Our proc-
essing included fi ltering, semblance velocity analysis, spherical spreading
and normal move-out corrections, predictive deconvolution, stacking, and
post-stack time migration. Depths are given in seconds of two-way travel-
time; some absolute depths were estimated using the calculated interval
velocities, such that they should be taken as rough estimates due to the lack
of well constraints. Our geologic map (Fig. 1C) also presents the geologic
information shown by Persaud et al. (2003) for the active basins.
The main structural fabric of the northern Gulf consists of NW-SE–
striking faults of moderate dip (Fig. 1) with >1 s of throw (>1 km). The
larger faults offshore Sonora include the west-dipping Amado fault and
the conjugate De Mar and Tiburón faults (Fig. 2 1 ; see GSA Data Reposi-
tory 2 ); these faults do not cut the uppermost strata, and are now inactive.
The major faults display an en echelon array with intervening basins that
mimics the active structural fabric of the Gulf (Fenby and Gastil, 1991;
Lonsdale, 1989), which suggests that they had accommodated signifi cant
dextral shear. Our data show that the active Cerro Prieto fault extends into
the northern Gulf; however, its southernmost segment is inactive and draped
by undeformed strata (Figs. 2A, 2B). The data also reveal that numerous
minor faults develop in the shallow section of the major structures.
Several NW-striking secondary faults were identifi ed near the coast of
Sonora. These structures display <1 s of throw and defi ne horsts and grabens
of moderate relief that are draped by sediments. One of these faults paired
with the Amado fault, and bounds the ~10-km-wide Adair graben, which
extends >50 km (Figs. 1, 2A, and 2B). In the north-central Gulf, the Wagner
fault zone branches out from the Cerro Prieto fault and dips to the west at
a moderate angle that tends to shallow with depth, suggesting listric fault
geometry. The strata overlying the Wagner fault defi ne fault-propagation
We interpret that the lower sequence in the Upper Tiburón basin (A in
Fig. 2D [see footnote 1]) was deposited in a sag-shaped depression with
no obvious association to any major fault. In contrast, sequence B in the
Adair-Tepoca and Upper Tiburón basins comprises growth strata associated
with the Amado, De Mar, and Tiburón faults, which are parallel to the main
1 Figure 2 is provided on a separate insert.
2 GSA Data Repository item 2007130, Figures DR1–DR4, seismic pro-
fi les prepared for large-format printout, is available online at www.geosociety.
org/pubs/ft2007.htm, or on request from or Documents
Secretary, GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301, USA.
GEOLOGY, June 2007
structural fabric of the Gulf of California rift (Fig. 1). The syntectonic evolu-
tion of sequence B reveals that the major faults accrued >1 km of throw, and
possibly large strike-slip motion, based on the en echelon pattern (Fig. 1).
The recognition of linked seismic sequences in the Adair-Tepoca and Upper
Tiburón basins associated with growth faults suggests that sequence B
records the onset of focused extension in the northern Gulf, while sequence
A represents pre-rift deposition probably linked to the proto-Gulf Stage
(Stock and Hodges, 1989; Henry and Aranda-Gomez, 2000).
Our results indicate that sequence C records the abandonment of
the eastern basins. This sequence drapes and is posttectonic to the major
faults; in addition, the unconformities and stratal truncation within this
sequence (Figs. 2B, 2D) suggest erosional stages probably tied to the cease
of tectonic activity. Moreover, the correlation of the B-C sequence bound-
ary from the Adair-Tepoca and Upper Tiburón basins into the Wagner,
Consag, and Upper Delfín basins (Figs. 2A, 2B, 2C) supports that strain
and associated subsidence waned in the eastern basins as they relocated
to the west. This sequence boundary was traced down to ~3.0 s into the
Wagner and Consag basins (Figs. 2A, 2B); thus, most of the stratigraphic
section in the active basins postdates the shift of deformation.
Here we infer prerift and synrift deposition, and the migration of strain
and subsidence, but we lack time constraints for these events. The recon-
struction of conjugate margins in the Upper Delfín basin segment suggests
that rifting began ca. 6–7 Ma (Oskin et al., 2001; Oskin and Stock, 2003).
However, microfossil data from an ~4800 m well drilled by PEMEX in the
Upper Tiburón basin (W in Fig. 1) show that the upper ~3500 m postdate the
late-middle Miocene; the lower section that mostly correlates with sequence
A lacks biostratigraphic control due to poor faunal preservation (Helenes
et al., 2005). Thus, the prerift sequence A predates or is at least late-middle
Miocene age, which suggests that it was deposited during the proto-Gulf
stage (Stock and Hodges, 1989; Henry and Aranda-Gomez, 2000). The
upper 800 m in well W that correlate with sequence C were deposited in
Pliocene–Pleistocene time (Helenes et al., 2005), suggesting that migration
of strain occurred in that time. Thus, our interpretation agrees with recon-
structions in which, ca. 3.3–2.0 Ma, the Upper Tiburón basin and Tiburón
fault became inactive as the Lower Delfín basin and Canal de Ballenas fault
initiated (Nagy and Stock, 2000; Stock, 2000).
The shift of subsidence in narrow basins has been explained by the
lateral contrast of heat fl ow caused by attenuation of continental crust dur-
ing rifting (Sandiford et al., 2003). In addition, large sediment piles likely
play a roll in the lithospheric weakening, because sediments thermally
insulate the lower crust (Lavier and Steckler, 1997). This insulation favors
the lateral heat transfer that may trigger the migration of deformation in
the vicinity of rift basins (Sandiford et al., 2003). The northern Gulf meets
both conditions: it contains kilometric sedimentary columns and its west-
ern shoulder records volcanic activity since the early Miocene (Sawlan,
1991; Martín-Barajas, 2000). Moreover, the onshore volcanism and the
numerous volcanic knolls in the active basins (Fig. 1) also suggest a sus-
tained heat source near Baja California.
The Wagner, Consag, and Upper and Lower Delfín basins are in
a large stepover of the Canal de Ballenas and Cerro Prieto faults; here,
subsidence is diffusely controlled by shallow fault arrays that branch out
from the major faults (Lonsdale, 1989; Nagy and Stock, 2000; Stock,
2000; Persaud et al., 2003). However, our data reveal that the likely listric
Wagner fault roots the shallow deformation and yields the formation of
thick growth strata; thus, this fault is likely the main control of subsidence
in the Wagner and Consag basins (Figs. 1 and 2A). We argue that vertical
propagation of the Wagner fault results in the distributed faulting that con-
trols the modern depocenter of these basins. Furthermore, subsidence of
the Upper Delfín and Lower Delfín basins is related to horsetail structures
splaying away the Canal de Ballenas fault (Fig. 1; Persaud et al., 2003).
We speculate that these shallow faults may also be linked to the propaga-
tion of deep structures, similar to the Wagner fault.
The pattern of inactive basins is a conspicuous feature along the east-
ern Gulf of California rift (Fig. 3). North of the Adair-Tepoca and Upper
Tiburón basin system, the Altar and East Mesa basins contain deltaic suc-
cessions that onlap late Miocene marine deposits; these basins are above
the base level and are now inactive (Pacheco-Romero et al., 2006). In the
central Gulf, the Yaqui basin is an inactive half-graben abandoned during
late Pliocene time (Aragón-Arreola et al., 2005). Farther south, the eastern
margin contains the inactive San Blas, Tamayo, Nayarit, and Tres Marías
troughs (Brown et al., 2006; Sutherland et al., 2006). We propose that the
inactive basins along the eastern Gulf of California constitute an aban-
doned rift margin that is forming an incipient drift margin.
Our results indicate that focused extension in the northern Gulf of
California occurred through a process of localization and relocalization
of strain that resulted in two diachronous basin systems controlled by
large dextral-oblique faults. The inactive margin includes the Adair-
Tepoca and Upper Tiburón basins, controlled by the Amado, de Mar, and
Tiburón faults. During middle to late Pliocene time, the strain localized
to the west, giving rise to the Wagner, Consag, and Upper and Lower
Delfín basins, which are controlled by the Wagner fault and the fault
arrays that branch away the Cerro Prieto and Canal de Ballenas faults.
The pattern of inactive fault-basin systems in the east is present along
the entire length of the Gulf and forms an abandoned rift margin, while
active rifting is located in the western Gulf.
Figure 3. Eastern Gulf of California contains abandoned rift basins,
while active rifting occurs in the western Gulf (Lonsdale, 1989;
Fenby and Gastil, 1991; Persaud et al., 2003; Aragón-Arreola et al.,
2005; this study). Eastern Gulf constitutes abandoned rift margin
(see inset). Abbreviations as in Figure 1.
GEOLOGY, June 2007
This research was funded by PEMEX and CONACyT. We thank PEMEX and
Ing. A. Oviedo for permission to publish these results. J. Mojarro provided techni-
cal assistance. Discussions with J. Stock and J. Contreras, and reviews by G. Axen,
P. Umhoefer, and two anonymous reviewers greatly improved this manuscript.
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Manuscript received 13 September 2006
Revised manuscript received 19 January 2007
Manuscript accepted 25 January 2007
Printed in USA
GEOLOGY, June 2007
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