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Yellowstone plume–continental lithosphere interaction beneath
the Snake River Plain
Barry B. Hanan Department of Geological Sciences, San Diego State University, San Diego, California 92182-1020, USA
John W. Shervais Department of Geology, Utah State University, Logan, Utah 84322-4505, USA
Scott K. Vetter Department of Geology, Centenary College, Shreveport, Louisiana 71134, USA
The Snake River Plain represents 17 m.y. of volcanic activity that took place as the North
American continent migrated over a relatively fi xed magma source, or hotspot. The identi-
fi cation of a clear seismic image of a plume beneath Yellowstone is compelling evidence that
the Miocene to recent volcanism associated with the Columbia Plateau, Oregon High Lava
Plains, Snake River Plain, Northern Nevada Rift and Yellowstone Plateau represents a single
magmatic system related to a mantle plume. A remaining enigma is, why do radiogenic isotope
signatures from basalts erupted over the Mesozoic–Paleozoic accreted terrains suggest a plume
source while basalts erupted across the Proterozoic–Archean craton margin indicate an ancient
subcontinental mantle lithosphere source? We show that ancient cratonic lithosphere like that
of the Wyoming province superimposes its inherent isotopic composition on sublithospheric
plume and/or asthenospheric melts. The results show that Yellowstone plume could have a
radiogenic isotope composition similar to the mantle source of the early Columbia River Basalt
Group and that the plume source composition has persisted to the present day.
Yellowstone system were emplaced through
cratonic lithosphere of Idaho, Montana, and
Wyoming (Leeman et al., 1985; Wooden
and Mueller, 1988). Mafi c igneous rocks of
the Beartooth Mountains of Montana and
Wyoming suggest a lithosphere stabilization
age of ca. 2.8 Ga (Wooden and Mueller, 1988;
Mueller and Frost, 2006); farther west stabili-
zation ages are Late Archean to Paleoprotero-
zoic (Foster et al. 2006). Deep crustal xenoliths
confi rm that ancient basement extends beneath
the Snake River Plain and shows a pattern of
decreasing age (ca. 3.2–2.5 Ga) from Archean
in the east to Proterozoic in the west (Leeman
et al., 1985; Wolf et al., 2005).
Basalts from deep drill cores in the eastern
Snake River Plain show that fractionation and
magma recharge took place in sill-like layered
intrusions at mid-crustal depths (Shervais et al.,
2006). The limited range of major and trace ele-
ment composition, mantle δ
Keywords: Yellowstone, Snake River Plain, Pb isotopes, Sr isotopes, Nd isotopes, basalt, mantle
The Snake River Plain of southern Idaho is the
archetype of a continental hotspot track, formed
by the trace of the Yellowstone plume as it propa-
gated northeastward over the past 17 m.y. (Fig. 1).
Volcanic products erupted within the Snake River
Plain comprise rhyolite ignimbrites overlain by
a thin basalt veneer erupted from small shield
volcanoes and cinder cones. The hotspot track
is underlain at depth by a 10-km-thick mafi c sill
complex that contains much of the basaltic melt
introduced into the continental crust, and now
forms a layered mafi c intrusion in the middle crust
(Shervais et al., 2006).
The origin of the Snake River–Yellowstone
hotspot is controversial. Major element, trace
element, and He isotope systematics of the
basaltic rocks are consistent with a deep, sub-
lithospheric mantle source, similar to the source
of ocean island basalts (e.g., Craig et al., 1978;
Vetter and Shervais, 1992; Hughes et al., 2002;
Graham et al., 2006). In contrast, the radiogenic
Pb isotopes in these basalts are indistinguishable
from melts derived from the ancient litho-
sphere that underlies the plume track, while Sr
and Nd isotope ratios are intermediate between
depleted mantle and continental crust or litho-
spheric mantle values (Church, 1985; Leeman
et al., 1985; Hughes et al., 2002). This conun-
drum has been a major problem for all plume-
oriented models presented in the past.
We present here new Pb, Sr, and Nd iso-
topic analyses for basalts from the Snake River
Plain, including the Idaho National Laboratory
in the eastern plain, and the Bruneau-Jarbidge
eruptive center and the Glenns Ferry area, both
in the central plain. Our results show that these
isotope compositions are compatible with a
deep mantle plume source, which interacted
with lithosphere that varies in age, composi-
tion, and thickness from west to east, and are
compatible with a mantle plume origin for the
Snake River Plain basalts.
18 O signatures, and
lack of any correlation between 87 Sr/ 86 Sr (or δ
18 O,
206 Pb/ 204 Pb, and 208 Pb/ 204 Pb) and major and trace
element, and rare earth element abundances in
the basalts indicate minimal crustal interaction
(Menzies et al., 1983; Leeman, 1982; Carlson,
1984; Hart, 1985; Church, 1985; Shervais et al.,
2006). Nash et al. (2006) showed that the early
rhyolites represent mixtures of crustal melts
with evolved plume basalts, but later basalts
passed through the previously depleted crust
with little or no interaction.
The Snake River Plain volcanic province is
part of a regional array of volcanic activity that
includes coeval magmatism in the Columbia,
Oregon, and Owyhee plateaus, and the North-
ern Nevada Rift (Fig. 1). The interrelationships
of the provinces in time, space, and geology
are consistent with a single magmatic sys-
tem resulting from the interaction of a mantle
plume with the continental lithosphere of North
America (Camp and Ross, 2004). Recent geo-
physical investigations have imaged a 100-km-
diameter thermal anomaly in the upper mantle
below Yellowstone that plunges 65° NW and
extends to a depth of ∼500 km, near the top of
the mantle transition zone (Yuan and Dueker,
2005; Waite et al., 2006).
Volcanic activity in the Snake River–
Yellowstone system began with eruption of
the main phase of the Columbia River Basalt
Group ca. 16.5–15 Ma (Camp and Ross, 2004)
through Paleozoic and Mesozoic lithosphere
accreted to the Precambrian continental mar-
gin of North America. Volcanism shifted to the
east, across the cratonic margin into the Snake
River Plain, ca. 15 Ma and advanced with time
to its current position at Yellowstone (Camp
and Ross, 2004). Basalts of the Snake River–
The analytical procedures and methods for
preparing the basalts for isotope analysis, the
mass spectrometer analytical methods, and
mixing model parameters are given in the GSA
Data Repository. 1
The Pb, Sr, and Nd isotope ratio data for the
analyzed basalts defi ne quasi-linear arrays in
multi-isotope plots (Fig. 2). The Pb-Pb arrays
have a continental-like signature with more
radiogenic 207 Pb/ 204 Pb, 208 Pb/ 204 Pb, and 87 Sr/ 86 Sr
ratios, and lower 143 Nd/ 144 Nd relative to Pacifi c
1 GSA Data Repository item 2008014, Part A:
Data Tables, Methods, and Sample Locations; and
Part B: Model Data Tables and Description, is avail-
able online at,
or on request from or Docu-
ments Secretary, GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO
80301, USA.
© 2008 The Geological Society of America. For permission to copy, contact Copyright Permissions, GSA, or
Geology , January 2008; v. 36; no. 1; p. 51–54; doi: 10.1130/G23935A.1; 3 fi gures; Data Repository item 2008014.
GEOLOGY, January 2008
mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) derived
from depleted asthenosphere. Except for two
samples, central plain basalts have more radio-
genic Pb isotope ratios than eastern plain lavas
and plot in a separate fi eld. The central and east-
ern basalt Pb-Sr-Nd isotope signatures are simi-
lar to the Saddle Mountains basalts (Columbia
River Basalt Group), but more radiogenic than
lavas from Yellowstone (Doe et al., 1982). The
Yellowstone basalts (Doe et al., 1982) have
continental-like isotope signatures that plot along
an extension of the central and eastern arrays.
In contrast, Columbia River basalts (excluding
Saddle Mountain) that were emplaced through
the Mesozoic–Paleozoic accreted terranes have
isotope signatures more characteristic of oceanic
mantle sources, overlapping the enriched end of
the Pacifi c MORB array. Columbia River, Snake
River Plain, and Yellowstone basalts show an
exponential decrease in 206 Pb/ 204 Pb from west
to east, from oceanic island basalt (OIB) like
values in Oregon and Washington toward values
typical of the lower crust and lithosphere of
the Wyoming Province (Leeman et al., 1985;
Church, 1985; Wooden and Mueller, 1988).
Columbia River
Basalt Provence
Mesozoic Accreted
North American
6.6 Ma
10 Ma
2.1 to 0
16.6 - 15 Ma
12.7 Ma
15 Ma
Figure 1. Relief map of Pacifi c Northwest (after Camp and Ross, 2004). Blue dashed line is
boundary between Mesozoic–Paleozoic accreted terrains and Precambrian North American
craton. Locations are shown for the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) core WO-2, Bruneau-
Jarbidge (B-J), Glenns Ferry lavas (GF), and the Beartooth Mountains (BT). Snake River
Plain and Yellowstone Plateau volcanic centers and approximate ages are shown in orange,
Columbia River Basalt Group is shown in yellow.
Although Yellowstone and Snake River Plain
basalts have Pb, Sr, and Nd isotope signatures
similar to mafi c volcanic rocks and deep crustal
xenoliths derived from the Wyoming craton, the
high 3 He/ 4 He isotope ratios observed at Yellow-
stone (Craig et al., 1978) provide strong evi-
dence that the hotspot represents the manifes-
tation of a deep mantle plume. This conclusion
is reinforced by the major and trace element
compositions of the lavas, which are nearly
identical to those of OIBs (Vetter and Shervais,
1992; Hughes et al., 2002; Shervais et al., 2006).
Helium isotope data for olivine basalts from the
Snake River Plain show the 3 He anomaly to be
long lived and not restricted to the Yellowstone
caldera (Graham et al., 2006).
Lithosphere beneath the Snake River Plain
and Yellowstone stabilized in the Late Archean
to Paleoproterozoic (Mueller and Frost, 2006).
Compared to other Late Archean rocks, the
Pb and Sr initial ratios are higher, and the Nd
initial ratios are lower, than expected for a
depleted upper mantle source (Wooden and
Mueller, 1988; Menzies et al., 1983). These
isotope data, and mantle xenolith Os, Sr, Nd,
and Pb isotopes (Carlson and Irving, 1994),
suggest that crustal material was mixed into the
lithosphere during Late Archean subduction and
later Proterozoic metasomatic events (Church,
1985; Wooden and Mueller, 1988). However,
this enriched lithosphere is not conducive to
preserving ancient high 3 He/ 4 He. An appropriate
mantle with high time-integrated 3 He/(U + Th)
that would allow preservation of ancient 3 He
enrichments cannot exist within or below the con-
tinents, and is unlikely to exist within the upper
Pacific MORB
Saddle Mountains
Saddle Mountains
Pacific MORB
206 Pb/ 204 Pb
87 Sr/ 86 Sr
Pacific MORB
Saddle Mountains
Pacific MORB
Saddle Mountains
206 Pb/ 204 Pb
206 Pb/ 204 Pb
Figure 2. Pb, Sr, and Nd isotope data for the central plain Bruneau-Jarbidge (B-J, red dia-
mond), Glenns Ferry (GF, brown), and eastern plain Idaho National Laboratory (INL, blue)
basalts. Also shown for comparison are Pacifi c mid-oceanic ridge basalts (MORB; Hanan
and Graham, 1996), Yellowstone basalts (YP, green box; Doe et al., 1982; Hildreth et al., 1991);
Columbia River Basalt group (CRB, black outline; GEOROC database), Saddle Moun-
tains lavas (orange outline; GEOROC database), the Steens basalts (Camp and Hanan,
2007), and for comparison, basalts from the Stonyford Volcanic Complex (SFV, red out-
line; Shervais et al., 2005). Stonyford fi eld represents isotope composition of alkali basalts
from Mesozoic oceanic lithosphere, associated with Coast Range Ophiolite. GEOROC—
GEOLOGY, January 2008
North American
Mesozoic Accreted
2.1 to 0
6.6 Ma
10 Ma
16.6 - 15 Ma
12.7 Ma
15 Ma
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mantle based on the 3 He/ 4 He in MORB
(Day et al., 2005). The high 3 He of the Snake
River–Yellowstone province suggests that
there is a fl ux of deep mantle material across
the 660 km mantle transition zone into the
upper mantle plume imaged at Yellowstone.
We propose that the apparent confl ict
between the isotopic and chemical data can be
resolved by considering mass balance between
the contrasting components. The Pb, Sr, and
Nd concentrations in the plume source are low
compared to subcontinental mantle lithosphere,
and melts derived from this source are expected
to have concentrations of Pb, Sr, and Nd on
the order of 0.3–3, 90–660, and 7–40 ppm,
respectively, based on observed concentra-
tions in OIBs and on trace element melting
models of inferred plume sources (e.g., Sun
and McDonough, 1989; see the Data Reposi-
tory [Part B] for melting models). In contrast,
low percent fractional melts of ancient sub-
continental lithosphere, such as the Leucite
Hills volcanics (Vollmer et al., 1984; Mirnejad
and Bell, 2006), are strongly enriched in Pb
(23–120 ppm), Sr (1652−7233 ppm), and Nd
(97−300 ppm), and provide an estimate for
these concentrations in melts assimilated
by the plume basalts as they rise through the
lithosphere (data references in the Data Reposi-
tory [Part B]). Lithosphere:plume proportions
implied by these concentrations are ~38–400
for Pb, ~11–80 for Sr, and 11–41 for Nd. As
a result, the assimilation of lithospheric melts
into partial melts derived from plume-source
mantle will result in hybrid magmas whose
isotopic compositions are controlled by the iso-
topic composition of the Archean lithosphere.
This process is well illustrated quantitatively
by mass balance calculations for the radiogenic
isotopes of Pb assuming a lithosphere:plume
ratio of 100. Figure 3 shows the effects of mix-
ing a plume component similar in Pb isotopes
to the Steens basalts, the earliest Columbia
River eruption, and to Pacifi c Mesozoic oceanic
crust (e.g., Shervais et al., 2005) with fractional
melts derived from Archean lithosphere with
Pb isotopic composition represented by the
ca. 2.8 Ga isochron for the Beartooth Mountain
igneous rocks (Wooden and Mueller, 1988).
Heterogeneity in the lithosphere is expected to
be much greater than for the plume source (see
Fig. 2). For ease in modeling and visualization
we have chosen a single point located in the
overlap between the Steens and Stonyford fi elds
to represent the plume isotope composition.
The Beartooth rocks are a good proxy for the
Paleoproterozoic–Archean lithosphere because
they show the whole range of 206 Pb/ 204 Pb iso-
tope compositions observed in the Snake River
Plain basalts and crustal xenoliths, the Saddle
Mountain lavas, and the Yellowstone plateau
basalts. Two effects are observed. First, the
mass fraction of plume component increases
Glenns Ferry
SRP Xenoliths
[ P b ] Lithos p here = 100 x [Pb ] Plume
99% Plume Component
206 Pb/ 204 Pb
206 Pb/ 204 Pb
Figure 3. The 206 Pb/ 204 Pb and 207 Pb/ 204 Pb ratios for the Yellowstone Plateau, Idaho National
Laboratory (INL), Bruneau-Jarbidge, and Glenns Ferry lavas decrease from west to east.
Isochron and data (small open diamonds) for Beartooth Mountains mafi c igneous rocks
(Wooden and Mueller, 1988) represent Pb isotope composition of lithosphere underlying
Yellowstone Plateau and Snake River Plain (SRP). Deep crustal xenoliths of Leeman et al.
(1985) plot about the Beartooth 2.8 Ga isochron, and like the Snake River Plain basalts,
the 206 Pb/ 204 Pb ratios of the xenoliths decrease from west to east. Field for the Columbia
River Steens basalts and Stonyford Volcanic Complex (black line fi eld labeled Plume; Camp
and Hanan, 2007; Shervais et al., 2005) represents plume component. Red, brown, blue,
and green lines represent mixing tie lines between average plume and distinct lithospheric
Pb reservoirs along the Beartooth isochron for Snake River Plain and Yellowstone Plateau
basalts. Solid lines labeled 95%–99% Plume component indicate proportion of plume com-
ponent in the basalt mixes where the lines intersect the tie lines. Note that Snake River Plain
data defi ne pseudo-isochrons with slopes lower than the 2.8 Ga Beartooth reference iso-
chron. Inset plot shows mixing curve between enriched lithosphere with 206 Pb/ 204 Pb = 16.87
and 207 Pb/ 204 Pb = 15.44 and plume source with 206 Pb/ 204 Pb = 19.0 and 207 Pb/ 204 Pb = 15.55. Pb
concentration in the lithosphere is 100× that of the plume. Note that with plume proportions
>95% the isotope composition of the mix is dominated by lithosphere Pb signature. SCLM—
subcontinental lithospheric mantle.
from east to west: Yellowstone ~95%–98%,
eastern plain ~97%–98.5%, and central plain
~98%–99% plume component (Fig. 3). Sec-
ond, the Pb isotopic composition of the litho-
spheric component changes from east to west:
Yellowstone 206 Pb/ 204 Pb ∼15.5–17.0, central
basalts 206 Pb/ 204 Pb ∼17.1–17.8, and eastern lavas
206 Pb/ 204 Pb ∼18.0–18.5 (Fig. 3). Modeling Snake
River Plain basalt Sr and Nd isotopes using these
end-member compositions gives results consistent
with plume mass fractions >95%.
These mass-balance models can be under-
stood in terms of two processes. First, the
increase in plume component from east to west
most likely refl ects a progressive decrease in
the thickness of the cratonic lithosphere from
east to west as the craton margin is approached.
This decrease in thickness will result in a
decrease in the volume of lithosphere avail-
able to react with the plume-derived melts, and
hence a decrease in the proportion of litho-
sphere component assimilated. The depth of
plume melting will also decrease, resulting in
a higher degree of melting of the plume. Sec-
ond, the regular increase in 206 Pb/ 204 Pb isotopic
composition of the lithosphere component in
the mix, from east to west, results from the
concomitant decrease in lithosphere age and
from compositional heterogeneity of the litho-
sphere. Spatial compositional differences are
refl ected by the lack of regular covariation
between 208 Pb/ 204 Pb, 87 Sr/ 86 Sr, and 143 Nd/ 144 Nd
ratios along the Snake River Plain (Fig. 2), cor-
responding to heterogeneity in Th/Pb, U/Pb,
Rb/Sr, and Sm/Nd and the time-integrated
effect of radioactive decay in the lithosphere.
The similarity between the radiogenic isotope
signatures of the Snake River Plain and the
Saddle Mountain basalts, and their contrast
to the Yellowstone basalts, indicates that the
lithosphere between the Yellowstone Plateau
and the craton margin is not the same as that
underlying the Archean Wyoming province,
but likely a transitional lithosphere containing
a complex mixture Archean and Proterozoic
components (e.g., Foster et al., 2006).
GEOLOGY, January 2008
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The fi nal conclusion that can be drawn from
this mass-balance model of isotope mixing is
that we cannot use the radiogenic (Pb, Sr, Nd)
isotopic composition of basalts erupted through
thick cratonic lithosphere as a reliable indicator
of their provenance. Ancient cratonic litho-
sphere like that of the Wyoming Province will
superimpose its inherent isotopic composition
on sublithospheric plume or asthenospheric
melts, until that ancient lithosphere becomes
suffi ciently thinned by thermal or mechanical
erosion, or depleted in low-temperature melting
components, so that sublithospheric melts may
pass through with little or no pollution. This
is apparently the case beneath the Great Basin
today, where lithospheric thinning has proceeded
to the extent that sublithospheric melts arrive at
the surface with isotopic compositions simi-
lar to their primary source region (e.g., Fitton
et al., 1991). These results suggest that the Pb,
Sr, and Nd isotope signature of the Yellowstone
plume is represented by the mantle source of
the early Columbia River main phase basalts
and has remained constant since ca. 16.4 Ma.
The spatial and temporal variability shown by
the Yellowstone plume, from the Columbia River
to Yellowstone, is due to shallow mantle plume-
lithosphere interaction. The Yellowstone plume,
like the Iceland plume, has an isotope signature
similar to the common component C (Hanan and
Graham, 1996). Similarly, temporal and spatial
variability in Iceland basalts (0–16 Ma) is attrib-
uted to shallow interaction with North Atlantic
upper mantle, which is polluted by continental
material (Hanan et al., 2000).
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Manuscript received 27 March 2007
Revised manuscript received 4 September 2007
Manuscript accepted 6 September 2007
Printed in USA
GEOLOGY, January 2008
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