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The Fast & Easy, Witty and Wise Tarot Book - Georgelle
The Fast & Easy, Witty & Wise
Tarot Book
The Only Tarot Lessons You'll Ever Need
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The Fast & Easy, Witty and Wise Tarot Book - Georgelle
The Fast & Easy, Witty & Wise Tarot Book - Georgelle
What's This Book Gonna Teach & Who's the Author Anyway?
This work is a digest of a lifetime's study of the Tarot and the systems
that are expressed through it: astrology, numerology, the Tree of Life,
the I Ching, eastern philosophies and metaphysics in general. The
book is meant to serve your need and desire to use the Tarot cards
meaningfully as soon as you have the deck in your possession. In
this chapter I will give you two simple card setups that you can use
daily, or when a situation arises that drives you into a frenzy. The
last chapters will include two in-depth card spreads to employ when
you feel you have a firm grasp on the meaning of the entire deck.
The first section devotes a chapter to each of the 78 cards
comprising the Tarot Deck: the 22 Major Arcana and the 56 Minor
Arcana. The second section explains how to relate the cards to each
other in a spread, what it means, for instance, to have a "positive"
card next to a "negative" one. Of course, all the negatives in the Tarot
are merely manure to help you grow gorgeous orchids and nutritious
carrots. That's the way I treat the Tarot: it is for your growth, for your
progress on the Path of Aware Living, and a reading represents Travel
Plans, or, instructions in Gardening.
I have been studying astrology since I was 6 years old. Truly. My
mother was a film actress back in the '30's, and astrology was her
avocation. Metaphysics has always been my study. I began learning
about the Tarot in 1956. But I wasn't a bookworm. I lived a very full
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The Fast & Easy, Witty and Wise Tarot Book - Georgelle
life, with many diverse experiences. I have been a secretary, a
waitress, a model, a call-girl, a mother, a wife, a performance artist, a
radio newsperson, a disc jockey. I've written three books and
published two: The Hate Factory (Dell, 1982) and Dear Writer in the
Window (Penguin, 1992) -- you can see examples of the latter on this
website. Metaphysics helped me to understand and learn from all
these experiences. Now I'm in my crone years, at this writing 63 years
old, and have the luxury of reviewing my life's work and play, and
transmitting what I've assimilated.
Since 1986, I've been a "professional" guide, doing readings that
combine astrology and the Tarot, for clients first met during their
travels to Santa Fe, New Mexico, where I live. Many of them now take
readings over the phone, and refer me to their friends who are
visiting Santa Fe. I worked publicly in several Santa Fe restaurants
for nearly a decade, doing mini Tarot and astrology readings. This
not only gathered clients, it was a post-graduate course in
interpreting these two symbolic languages. Now, I do only in-depth
readings, privately, in my studio.
If you find that you're curious to know more details and history of the
Tarot than this fast and easy treatise provides, visit your local
metaphysical bookstore and browse the Tarot section. So much has
been written on the subject that you'll have no trouble finding
something to quench your particular thirst. Use your intuition as you
look through the books. Pick the one that appeals to you. I don't
have to tell you of this, of course, it's just a reminder to trust
yourself. I list at the end a few tomes that have been important to me
through the decades. However, I learned most from using the cards,
for myself at first, for friends as I got braver, then for the public. That
was a really brave step, to put aside the book, throw my blanket down
on the boardwalk in Venice Beach, California, and read for strangers.
I learned on that day that the cards are a story that tell themselves --
once you've spent time listening.
Here is the first simple card setup. It's definitely simple: One Card a
Day. Yep, just one card to begin with. It's always necessary to focus,
to put your mind to the task of asking for and receiving a message.
So find your serene place, geographically and mentally. Shuffle your
deck. Shuffle as long as you like, and use that shuffling to consider
what you want to receive a message about. Maybe you just want
some general wisdom, or maybe you wonder what you need to know
to understand your love life, or your next career move. But while
you're shuffling, find your question. Then cut the deck into three
piles, and restack them into one. You're ready now to pick your one
card. There are three ways you can do this; in all three, the cards are
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The Fast & Easy, Witty and Wise Tarot Book - Georgelle
face down, and of course you choose only one method at a time:
1: fan the deck out so you can see the edges of all 78 cards. Run
your hand (preferably the left) across the fanned deck, eyes closed,
until you feel your fingers are over the the right card. Put your finger
down, open your eyes, and pick up the card the finger is on.
2. Cutting the deck. For this, you must first determine whether you're
going to go for the card on top of the pile left on the table, or the
bottom of the deck in your hand. When you know this, cut the deck
with your left hand and pick your card.
3. The simplest of all: choose the card on top of the deck. For this,
you may want to do the initial cutting into three and restacking into
one pile three times rather than one. Then, with your left hand, pick
the card off the top.
Once the card is picked, read about it. Think about it. Consider how
it applies to you. Review your day and see what events might apply to
the card. You may pick more than one card a day, of course, if you're
so moved. But not more than one card in a "sitting." Get to know all
78 stories, one at a time.
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The Fast & Easy, Witty and Wise Tarot Book - Georgelle
The Fool
Can Stand Before the Cause of Causes
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