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Wysłano: 13-04-2007 16:40
Tax Day
Tax Day
By Murray N. Rothbard
Posted on 4/13/2007
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This unsigned editorial, written by Murray N. Rothbard, appeared in the April 15, 1969 issue of
The Libertarian (soon to become The Libertarian Forum ).
April 15, that dread Income Tax day, is around again, and
gives us a chance to ruminate on the nature of taxes and of
the government itself.
The first great lesson to learn about taxation is that taxation is
simply robbery. No more and no less. For what is "robbery"?
Robbery is the taking of a man's property by the use of
violence or the threat thereof, and therefore without the
victim's consent. And yet what else is taxation?
Those who claim that taxation is, in some mystical sense,
really "voluntary" should then have no qualms about getting
rid of that vital feature of the law which says that failure to pay
one's taxes is criminal and subject to appropriate penalty.
But does anyone seriously believe that if the payment of
taxation were really made voluntary, say in the sense of contributing to the American Cancer Society, that any
appreciable revenue would find itself into the coffers of government? Then why don't we try it as an
experiment for a few years, or a few decades, and find out?
But if taxation is robbery, then it follows as the night the day that those people who engage in, and live off,
robbery are a gang of thieves. Hence the government is a group of thieves, and deserves, morally,
aesthetically, and philosophically, to be treated exactly as a group of less socially respectable ruffians would
be treated.
This issue of The Libertarian is dedicated to that growing legion of
Americans who are engaging in various forms of that one weapon,
that one act of the public which our rulers fear the most: tax
rebellion, the cutting off the funds by which the host public is
sapped to maintain the parasitic ruling classes.
"To force a man to pay for
the violation of his own
liberty is indeed an
addition of insult to injury.
But that is exactly what
the State is doing."
Benjamin R. Tucker, 1893
Here is a burning issue which could appeal to everyone, young
and old, poor and wealthy, "working class" and middle class,
regardless of race, color, or creed. Here is an issue which
everyone understands, only too well. Taxation.
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Murray N. Rothbard (1926 1995) was dean of the Austrian School. See his archive . Comment on the blog .
This unsigned editorial appeared in the April 15, 1969, issue of The Libertarian (soon to become The
Libertarian Forum ). In the same issue, available in PDF : "Tax Revolt in Wisconson," and Karl Hess's "Letter
from Washington: Tax Revolt."
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