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16941301 UNPDF
Sense and sensibility
Activity Book
Exercises written by
Anna Paluchowska
w o r y g i n a l e
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Chapter I
Activities to chapter 1: The Affairs of the Family of Dashwood.........3
A. Put the events from the history of the family of Dashwood
in the correct chronological order (not necessarily the order
they are mentioned in the story).
Activities to chapter 2: In Devonshire...............................................8
Activities to chapter 3: The Visitors ...............................................12
a. Elinor Dashwood was born.
b. Mr Henry Dashwood died.
c. Mr Henry Dashwood married a very rich woman.
d. Mrs Henry Dashwood decided to move out of Norland Park.
e. Marianne Dashwood was born.
f. Mr John Dashwood was born.
g. Mrs Fanny Dashwood became mistress of Norland Park.
h. The first wife of Mr Henry Dashwood died.
i. Mr John Dashwood married Miss Fanny Ferrars.
j. Mr Henry Dashwood married a lady who had no fortune.
k. Mrs Henry Dashwood noticed symptoms of love between her
daughter and the brother of Mrs Fanny Dashwood.
l. The son of Mr John Dashwood was born.
Activities to chapter 4: Great Disappointments..............................17
Activities to chapter 5: More Shocking Discoveries........................22
Activities to chapter 6: Even More Shocking Discoveries...............27
Activities to chapter 7: Explanations .............................................32
Key: .................................................................................................37
B. True or False questions
Decide whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F)
according to the story.
© Mediasat Poland Bis 2005
True False
Mediasat Poland Bis sp. z o.o.
ul. Mikołajska 26
31-027 Kraków
1. The first wife of Mr Henry Dashwood left all her
money to her son, John.
2. Mr Henry Dashwood had three daughters by his
second marriage.
3. During his second marriage Mr Henry Dashwood
managed to save only ten thousand pounds.
4. The son of Mr Henry Dashwood was a kind-hearted
ISBN 83 - 89652 - 41 - 2
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5. Mrs Fanny Dashwood wanted to help her husband’s
family after Mr Henry Dashwood’s death.
7. Elinor Dashwood resembled her mother in
D. Put the expressions from Exercise C into the correct places in
the sentences below. Remember to put the expressions in correct
8. Edward Ferrars was the eldest son of Mrs Ferrars.
9. Elinor was sure that Edward Ferrars was in love with
1. Mr Dashwood thought he could easily give his sisters some money,
but his wife ...................................................................
2. Elinor was a cheerful person and always tried to .................................
.............................................................................., even if the situation
was really unpleasant.
3. When Mr Henry Dashwood .........................................., Mrs Fanny
Ferrars came to install herself as mistress of Norland Park.
4. Mr John Dashwood had three ........................................... : Elinor,
Marianne and Margaret.
5. ‘.............................., the Miss Dashwoods may live very happily on
their ten thousand pounds!’, said Mrs Fanny Dashwood.
6. At first the child looked unhappy, but he ...........................................
when we gave him some chocolate.
7. ...................................... when they’ll come – they’re never punctual!
8. We have no money to buy new furniture for the house so we have to
.............................................................. the old furniture.
9. She irritates me so much I really ................................... her behaiour.
10. He is only nice to his parents only when you’re there. It’s because
he doesn’t want you to ....................................................... him.
11. Mr Dashwood was really .................................... his wife – he loved
very much.
12. Chopin was ...................................... the best-known Polish pianist.
10 Marianne thought that Edward was a perfect
candidate for a husband for her sister.
Mrs Fanny Dashwood was very happy when she
saw that her brother was falling in love with Elinor
12. Elinor thought that Edward’s family would not like
her because she had very little money.
C. Order sentences
Below there are some useful expressions from the story. Match them
with their meanings.
1. passed away
2. he was fond of her
3. did not see it in the same
4. think mean of somebody
5. he brightened up
6. undoubtedly
7. she couldn’t bear it any
8. make the best of every
9. there’s no knowing
10. to my mind
11. put up with somebody/
12. your half sister
a. he looked happier
b . nobody knows
c. he liked her
d. in my opinion
e. be as happy as possible in every
f. think that somebody is cold-
g. did not agree
h. bear someone/something
i. she couldn’t stand it any longer
j. a girl who has one parent the same
as you
k. without any doubt
l. died
E. Divide the adjectives describing personality into positive and
a. cheerful
b. narrow-minded
c. impolite
d. sensible
e. selfish
f. unkind
g. gentlemanly
h. kind-hearted
6. Mrs Henry Dashwood’s emotions were always very
i. mean
j. cold-hearted
6. Your husband’s brother is your ..........................................
7. A girl who has got one parent the same as you is your ........................
8. A boy who has got one parent the same as you is your .......................
9. Your aunt’s child is your ..........................................
10. Your mother’s husband who is not your father is your ......................
11. Your father’s wife who is not your mother is your ............................
12. Your sister’s daughter is your ..........................................
13. Your sister’s son is your ......................................
14. Members of your family are your .......................................
F. Speech
Put the adjectives from Exrecise E into the correct places according
to the information from the story.
1. Mr Henry Dashwood was a .......................... man, he tried to make
the best of every situation.
2. It was very .......................... of Mrs Fanny Dashwood to come to
Norland Park so soon after Mr Henry Dashwood’s death.
3. Mr Edward Ferrars was a ................................... person - he always
tried to help everyone.
4. Mr John Dashwood did not want his sisters to think ..........................
of him.
5. Mrs Fanny Dashwood was more .............................. and ...................
................ than her husband.
6. Mr John Dashwood was rather ............................... – he only
thought of himself.
7. Elinor was a very ..................................... young woman – she always
tried to think reasonably and not be driven by emotions too much.
8. Edward Ferrars was a very .................................... young man – a
true gentleman.
9. Mrs Fanny Ferrars was a .................................. person some people
believed her heart was made of stone.
H. Fill the gaps in the following sentences with the words from the box.
on to away about in at of in up
by from in of in up in
1. Mr Henry Dashwood lived with his only son after his first his wife
had passed ............................
2. Dashwood was a cheerful man and hoped to live many years, and
........................ living economically he would be able to save enough
3. Mr John Dashwood was very fond ........................... his wife.
4. But his wife did not see it ................................ the same light.
5. How could he rob his child ........................ so large a sum?
6. ....................... my mind, they need no more money.
7. I should just help them ..................... time to time, occasionally
8. The task was not easy though, and .................... the meantime the
ladies had to stay in Norland Park, and put ..................... with Fanny
9. Mrs Henry Dashwood soon noticed that he showed much interest
.................... her eldest daughter, Elinor, and that Elinor was beginning
to fall ................ love with him too.
10. Edward is hopeless ................... reading poetry!
11. Mrs Henry Dashwood knew no limits .................. either her
happiness or despair
G. Put the words from the box into the correct placed in the
sentences below.
step mother half sister mother-in-law sister-in-law
step father half brother widow widower cousin
brother-in-law relatives niece nephew father-in-law
1. A man whose wife has died is a ..........................................
2. A woman whose husband has died is a ..........................................
3. Your husband’s mother is your ..........................................
4. Your husband’s father is your ...........................................
5. Your husband’s sister is your ...........................................
12. .................. the other hand she could not be too enthusiastic
...................the prospect of marrying Edward Farrars.
5. Lady Middleton was very friendly.
6. Colonel Brandon was over 35 years old.
Chapter 2
7. Colonel Brandon was very ugly.
8. Mrs Jennings thought that Colonel Brandon was in
love with Marianne Dashwood.
9. Mr Willoughby was had just come to Devonshire
when he saw Marianne lying in the rain.
10. Mr Willoughby was very rich.
11. Mr Willoughby’s cousin would leave him a lot of
12. Mr Willoughby seemed very much in love with
A. Read this short version of the chapter and find 12 mistakes in it.
The letter which Mrs Dashwood had got was from her cousin, Colonel
Brandon. He wanted to rent a big house very close to his own house.
Mrs Dashwood accepted the proposal and so the ladies went to
London. Barton Cottage was situated by a river and they liked it a
lot. They soon met their neighbours when they had dinner at Barton
Cottage. When everybody found out that Marianne liked music, they
asked her to play the guitar. Sir and Lady Middleton listened carefully
to the music. During dinner, Mrs Jennings decided that Colonel
Brandon was in love with Elinor. Marianne thought it was completely
absurd because she thought that Colonel Brandon was too rich to be in
One day, Marianne and Margaret went for a walk. It started to snow.
Marianne fell down as she was running down a hill. She couldn’t get up
again. A gentleman helped her and carried her back to her horse. His
name was Willoughby. Marianne soon fell in love with him. They liked
different amusements. Everybody saw that they were in love with each
C. Order sentences
Change the letters for the names of the characters form the story.
The same name may appear more than once.
1. A was a good-looking and good-humoured man of about forty.
2. B had a delicate complexion and a graceful figure.
3. C seemed very happy and rather vulgar.
4. D was elegant but cold and reserved.
5. E was on the wrong side of thirty-five.
6. F was not G ’s type in the least.
7. H was very open and frank during her first conversation with I.
8. When they were playing cards, J cheated himself and everyone
around to let K win.
B. Decide whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F)
according to the story.
True False
1. Sir John Middleton was Mrs Dashwood’s brother.
2. Sir Middleton offered to rent the cottage near his
4. The Middletons lived in Barton Cottage.
house to Mrs Dashwood.
3. Mrs Jennings was Sir John’s mother-in-law
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