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Advanced Class: Sorcerer - Aberrant Blood
Aberrant Blood
fested, you have resist 5 acid and resist 5 psychic. These
resistances increase to 10 at 11th level and 15 at 21st
level. Your arcane powers ignore any target’s resistance
to these damage types up to the values of your resis-
Coiling Tentacles: As an immediate reaction the first
time you become bloodied in an encounter, you may
have tentacles emerge from across your body. These
tentacles allow you to make a grab attack as a minor
action with reach 2 and using your Constitution instead
of Strength for the attack roll. If you only possess the
coiling tentacles aspect, you gain a +2 bonus to your grab
attack, and your grabbed target takes a -2 penalty to
its Athletics and Acrobatics checks to escape. You can
have a number of creatures grabbed with your tentacles
up to your Constitution modifier without needing any
free hands, and when your coiling tentacles manifestation
ends, all your grabbed targets are released. This mani-
festation ends when you are hit by a melee attack.
Gibbering Mouths: Once per encounter as an immedi-
ate reaction when an enemy’s attack targets your Will
defense and/or deals you psychic damage, aberrant
mouths open in various places across your body, bab-
bling nonsensical and disturbing rhymes. Each creature
that ends its turn in an aura 2 around you, including
you, must make a saving throw or be dazed until the
end of its next turn. At the start of your turn, if no crea-
ture failed its save against this effect since the start of
your previous turn, the manifestation ends.
If you only possess the gibbering mouths aspect, you
can speak and understand Deep Speech, and you gain
a +2 bonus to saving throws against charm and fear
One Thousand Eyes: Once per encounter as an im-
mediate interrupt when an enemy tries to attack you
with combat advantage, you may manifest your one
thousand eyes aspect. Eyelids camouflaged all across
your body open, blinking and glaring eerily at your
attacker, negating the combat advantage you would
grant to that attack, and allowing you to ignore partial
cover and concealment. When you take advantage of
this effect, the manifestation ends. If you only possess
the one thousand eyes aspect, the manifestation continues
until you negate the combat advantage you would grant
to a second attack or the second time you negate partial
cover or concealment.
Some sorcerers are blessed with a draconic heritage.
Others wield the ambivalent force of chaotic wild
magic. If only you were as lucky as these. Your blood
runs a sickly purple-black with the presence of an
aberration. Perhaps a tentacled fiend was one of your
parents or further ancestors; or maybe you were experi-
mented upon as a newborn by deranged and devious
minds from the forces of the farthest realm. In any case,
this cursed inheritance grants you the ability to wield
powerful arcane powers . . . but is it worth having such
a twisted form, such as to be nigh unrecognizable from
others of your race?
New Class Feature
Instead of choosing another Spell Source feature, such
as Dragon Magic or Wild Magic from the D&D 4E
P l a y E r s H a n D b o o k 2, you may choose the following.
Aberrant Blood
Your form is somehow tainted with the blood of an
aberration: a mad and twisted abomination from the
farthest realm. Your aberrant blood grants you an af-
finity for evoking arcane magic, but this heritage also
disfigures your body into bizarre shapes.
Twisted Form: The corrupt blood of the aberrant
creature running through your veins has distorted your
form from normal members of your species, making
you tougher. If you are of a race that gets two +2 bo-
nuses to ability scores other than Constitution, you may
move one of those +2 bonuses to Constitution.
Aberrant Power: You gain a bonus to the damage
rolls of arcane powers equal to your Constitution modi-
fier. The bonus increases to your Constitution modifier
+ 2 at 11th level and your Constitution modifier + 4 at
21st level.
Aberrant Growths: Choose up to two of the fol-
lowing aspects. Under certain conditions, you may
manifest an aspect you have chosen. You can only have
one aspect manifested at a time; a new manifestation
overrides a previous one.
In addition, while you have an aberrant aspect mani-
SILENT7SEVEN GAMES < by Andrew Wilson
Advanced Class: Sorcerer — Aberrant Blood
By possessing this aspect, you gain a +2 bonus to
Perception checks.
Slimeskin: Once per encounter as an immediate reac-
tion when an enemy hits you with a melee attack, you
may leak a catalyzing slime onto the attacker, coating
the foe (save ends; no save on the same turn it attacked
you). As long as the enemy is coated, each of its melee
attacks against you triggers a chemical reaction from
your slimy skin, dealing the attacker 5 acid damage.
When the enemy makes its saving throw against the
slime coating, the manifestation ends. If you only pos-
sess the slimeskin aspect, the attacking enemy is also
slowed the first time it attacks you, dazed the second
time, and unconscious the third. These effects end with
the manifestation (when the enemy makes its saving
throw against the slime coating).
Level 11: 10 acid damage; Level 21: 15 acid damage
Level 3 Encounter Spells
Brainwash Chant Sorcerer Attack 3
Unable to resist the mysterious rhythm of your mouths’ chanting,
your foe is susceptible to your maddening command.
Encounter < Arcane, Charm, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action Ranged 5
Targets: One creature that is dazed by your gibbering mouths
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 1d4 psychic damage, and the target immediately makes
a melee or ranged attack (your choice) against one of its
allies, though you cannot force it to use any limited-use
powers in this way.
Upgrade level 13: 1d8 psychic damage, and the target
gains a bonus to its attack roll equal to your Constitution
Upgrade level 23: 1d12 psychic damage. In addition, the
target is dominated on its next turn.
New Sorcerer Powers
Oozing Acid Sorcerer Attack 3
The aberrant acid in your skin viscerally leaks from your pores,
dripping and threatening to contaminate any foe who comes into
contact with you.
At-Will < Acid, Arcane, Stance
Minor Action Personal
Requirement: You must be manifesting the slimeskin aspect
Effect: Each enemy that hits you with or you hit with a melee
attack is coated in the catalyzing slime from your slimeskin
(save ends; no save on the same turn it attacked you). In
addition to triggering when an afected creature hits you,
the penalties of the slime are also triggered when you hit
an afected creature with a melee attack. This stance and
the manifestation end when no creature is afected by your
Upgrade level 13: Afected targets take a -2 penalty to
their saving throws to remove the catalyzing slime.
Upgrade level 23: The efects of your slime are ongoing
rather than occurring on a melee attack.
While some of the following powers are available to
any sorcerer, most are especially tailored to those with
aberrant blood.
Some among the following may have an upgrade
entry. When you reach the specified level, you may
replace your current version of the power with the
upgraded version. If you do, the power counts as being
of the upgraded level (that is, a level 3 power that is
upgraded at 13 now counts as your level 13 encounter
Level 1 At-Will Spells
Induce Mutation Sorcerer Attack 1
You create an aberrant ield around your target, causing him to
temporarily feel the physical distortion you constantly endure.
At-Will < Arcane, Implement
Standard Action
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d10 + Charisma modiier damage
Level 21: 2d10 + Charisma modiier damage.
Coiling Tentacles : If you are manifesting this aspect, un-
controllable tentacles erupt from the target, causing it to
deal damage equal to your Constitution modiier to each
of your enemies adjacent to it the next time it attacks on
its turn.
Gibbering Mouths : If you are manifesting this aspect,
disharmonic chanting from mouths that open across the
target’s lesh cause creatures in an aura 2 around and
including the target to grant combat advantage until the
start of your next turn.
One Thousand Eyes : If you are manifesting this aspect, the
target is disoriented by the expanse of vision granted by
the eyes that pop open across its body. It takes a -2 penalty
to its attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
Slimeskin : If you are manifesting this aspect, the slick slime
that emerges across the target’s skin causes it to fall prone
if it misses with the irst attack it makes on its next turn.
Piercing Vision Sorcerer Attack 3
The eyes covering your body blink open, and stare directly at your
enemy who thought he was imperceptible, allowing you to ire a
straight shot of acid at him.
Encounter < Acid, Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Close burst 5
Requirement: You must be manifesting or possess the one
thousand eyes aspect
Target: One creature in burst that you know is there
Effect: You pinpoint a targeted invisible or hidden creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Relex, with no sight-based penalties
Hit: 1d12 + Charisma modiier acid damage. If you weren’t
already manifesting your one thousand eyes , that aspect
can’t trigger this encounter.
Upgrade level 13: In addition, the target’s invisibility ends
and/or it is no longer hidden.
Upgrade level 23: 2d12 + Charisma modiier acid damage
and it can’t turn invisible or be hidden (save ends).
SILENT7SEVEN GAMES < by Andrew Wilson
Advanced Class: Sorcerer — Aberrant Blood
Ranged 10
Thrash of Tentacles Sorcerer Attack 3
Your tentacles have bound several of your enemies, and as they
struggle to break free you toss them away from you.
Encounter < Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Close burst 2
Targets: Each creature in burst that is grabbed by your coiling
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d8 + Charisma modiier damage, and you slide the
target 3 squares.
Upgrade level 13: 2d8 + Charisma modiier damage, and
you slide the target 3 squares and knock it prone.
Upgrade level 23: 3d8 + Charisma modiier damage, and
you slide the target a number of squares equal to 1 + your
Constitution modiier and knock it prone.
Sorcerous Rays Sorcerer Attack 9
Using your innate arcane power, you shape energy into the forms
you need to best defeat your foes.
Daily < Arcane, Implement; Varies
Standard Action Ranged 10
Targets: One or two targets (three with wild magic)
Effect: For each target, choose a diferent one of the
following rays.
1—Dazzling Ray (Radiant): The target is blinded until the
end of its next turn.
2—Burning Ray (Fire): Deal additional ire damage equal
to your Charisma modiier to the target and each crea-
ture adjacent to it.
3—Ray of Venom (Poison): Ongoing 5 poison damage.
4—Lightning Ray (Lightning): Slide the target 4 squares.
5—Chill Ray (Cold): The target is immobilized (save ends).
6—Ray of Fear (Charm, Psychic): The target moves its
speed away from you by the safest route possible.
7—Withering Ray (Necrotic): The target is weakened (save
8—Pulse Ray (Force): The target is knocked prone.
Attack: Charisma vs. Relex
Hit: 1d10 + Charisma modiier damage of the damage type
determined by the selected ray, and apply the efect of
that ray.
Miss: Apply the efect of the selected ray to the target.
Aberrant Blood: You grow a pair of eye stalks, each of which
can ire one of the selected rays. You can use each of your
selected rays as a standard action once before the end of
the encounter, when the stalks wither away.
Dragon Magic: You gain a +3 bonus to the attack roll of a
ray that matches the resistance granted by your Dragon
Soul class feature.
Wild Magic: Choose three targets instead of two. For each
target, the ray is randomly selected on a d8 instead of
Level 5 Daily Spells
Reality Yaw Sorcerer Attack 5
You suck reality around you into a small void, disorienting your
Daily < Arcane, Implement, Teleportation
Standard Action Close burst 2
Targets: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 1d8 + Charisma modiier psychic damage and the target
is dazed (save ends).
Upgrade level 15: 3d8 + Charisma modiier psychic dam-
age, and half damage on a miss.
Upgrade level 25: The target is stunned (save ends) in-
stead of dazed, or dazed (save ends) on a miss.
Miss: The target is dazed until the end of its next turn.
Effect: You teleport 10 squares and you are invisible until the
end of your next turn, or until you take a standard action.
Aberrant Blood: You may manifest one of your aspects. (This
does not count as your one trigger per encounter.)
Immutable Morphosis
Prerequisite: Sorcerer, Aberrant Blood class feature
Benefit: Choose either acid or psychic. You resist
the chosen damage type as per your Aberrant Growth
class feature even when not manifesting one of your ab-
errant aspects, but you lose the other damage resistance
(even while manifesting).
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SILENT7SEVEN GAMES < by Andrew Wilson
Advanced Class: Sorcerer — Aberrant Blood
Twisted Descendant
Distortion Field Twisted Descendant Utility 12
You unleash a rippling ield of energy. E manations from the
farthest realm cause distortions in reality.
Encounter < Arcane, Teleportation
Move Action Personal
Effect: You teleport up to 5 squares. You push 1 square any
large or smaller creature you start or end adjacent to.
“You wouldn’t like me when I’ m mad.”
Prerequisites: Sorcerer, Aberrant Blood class
Among members of humanoid races who are twisted
by their maddening heritage, few also are imbued with
the power of aberrant sorcery. Among those, there
are even fewer who fully embrace this ancestry of the
farthest realm.
You are one such twisted descendant, though per-
haps not proud of your heritage, but nonetheless willing
to delve into its mysteries and to unlock the power of
the vdistortion and insanity within you. The further you
delve, though, the more your own shape is distorted,
and the closer to insanity you come.
Warp Pulse Twisted Descendant Attack 20
A pulse of energy you channel from the farthest realm warps real-
ity nearby and damages minds.
Daily < Arcane, Implement, Psychic, Teleportation
Standard Action Close burst 3
Targets: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude and Will (one roll per target)
Hit Fortitude: Teleport the target 2 squares to a surface that
can support it.
Hit Will: 3d12 + Charisma modiier psychic damage.
Effect: You can teleport to anywhere in the burst. In addition,
you gain a teleport speed of 3 until the end of the encoun-
Twisted Descendant Path Features
Aberrant Action (11th level): While you are blood-
ied, you can spend an action point as a free action dur-
ing your turn to manifest one of your Aberrant Growths
aspects, instead of taking an extra action. The manifes-
tation ends at the end of the encounter or until you are
no longer bloodied, instead of its normal duration. This
usage doesn’t count against your per-encounter trigger
of that aspect.
Thickened Blood (11th level): While you are
manifesting one of your Aberrant Growths aspects,
you gain a bonus to the damage rolls of arcane powers
equal to your Constitution modifier.
Aberrant Embrace (16th level): When you use
induce mutation and miss while manifesting one of your
Aberrant Growths aspects, the target takes half damage
and is subject to the secondary effect related to your
Twisted Descendant Spells
Corrosive Bolt Twisted Descendant Attack 11
A thick, congealed orb of acid takes form in your hands, which you
hurl toward your enemy to melt his lesh.
Encounter < Acid, Arcane, Implement
Standard Action
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Relex
Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modiier acid damage, and ongoing 10
acid damage and the target takes a -2 penalty to its
defenses and attack rolls (save ends both). Failed save: The
penalty gets 1 worse; this efect stacks until the target
saves against the efect.
Art by David Sirois and Andrew Wilson
SILENT7SEVEN GAMES < by Andrew Wilson
Advanced Class: Sorcerer — Aberrant Blood
Ranged 10
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