Aero Modeller 05-06 2013.pdf

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AEROMODELLER 921 MAY/JUNE 2013 - Next issue published on 20th June
Doolittle Mill, Doolittle Lane, Totternhoe,
Bedfordshire LU6 1QX, England
06 Aero Post
08 Breese-Wild 5
Issue 921. May/June 2013
(ADH 003)
Readers Letters from Around the World
24 Builder’s Tips
How to contact us:
A Classic, yet obscure, contender for the
1927 Dole Pineapple Derby for rubber power
21 Ebenezer 2013 Forecast
01525 222573
Perfect Part Duplication and
Accountability Made Easy
28 Scale Matters
01525 222574
Editor: Steve Higginson
Publisher: Alan Harman
Group Editor: Ken Sheppard
Administration Manager: Hannah McLaurie
Offi ce Manager: Paula Gray
Advertisement Managers: Colin Spinner and
Paul Bardoe
Advertisement Assistant: Joe Brown
Editorial Design: Peter Hutchinson,
Alex Hall & Colin Trundle
Look out everyone… They’re coming
and they have a score to settle
32 ARFA Gollywock
Outdoor Meetings 2013-03-25
42 Web Walk
Mike Evatt walks the web for more
aeromodelling delights
54 For Old Times Sake
Half-size Version of the Classic Wally
Simmers Class C Stick Model
36 Compressed Air Motors Part 3 -
Engines by Derek Collin
62 Off the Shelf
The development of a modern Compressed
Air Motor for the Home-Workshop
44 Cessna 120/140
New products
66 Tail End Charlie
Advertisement and circulation:
ADH Publishing, Doolittle Mill, Doolittle Lane,
Totternhoe, Bedfordshire LU6 1QX, England
One of Americas most prolifi c post-
WWII commercial light planes for your CO2
or Electric-power modelling consideration
16 Power Trip
Tel: 01525 222573 Fax: 01525 222574
50 Frank Dowling’s Classic Liquidator XL
Seymour Distribution, 2 East Poultry Avenue,
London, EC1A 9PT
Tel: 020 7429 4000
An in depth look at this potent
fl ashback from the late sixties
04 Heard at the Hangar Doors
A Close Look Into Cox .049 Bee
Engines - Part 2: Pushing the Envelope
26 Control Line Handles
Designed for Fit and Feel - Thoughts
on Control Line Handles
58 Chips with Everything
Select Publisher Services, 3 East Avenue,
Bournemouth, BH3 7BW
Tel: 01202 586848 E-mail:
News from across the Globe
05 Up & Coming
… including the “ Ramblings of a Shed
Events not to be missed
ADH Publishing, Doolittle Mill, Doolittle Lane,
Totternhoe, Bedfordshire, LU6 1QX. Tel: 01525
222573 Fax: 01525 222574 Rates: UK £30, Eire and
Europe £40, Worldwide Air £45
AeroModeller is published
bi-monthly by ADH Publishing
Ltd, Doolittle Mill, Doolittle
Lane, Totternhoe, Bedfordshire, LU6 1QX.
Entire Contents © 2013 ADH Publishing
Ltd. Reproduction in part or whole of any text,
photograph or illustration without written
permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited.
While due care is taken to ensure the content
of AeroModeller is accurate, the publishers
and printers cannot accept liability for errors
and omissions. Advertisements are accepted for
publication in AeroModeller only upon ADH
Publishing’s standard terms of acceptance of
advertising, copies of which are available from the
advertising sales department of AeroModeller.
Cover photo: Richard Crossley’s Breese-Wild 5. See p. 8 for more.
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From The Editor
From The Editor
S pring is upon us, and that means good
producing for all of us to enjoy. As you all may
already know, most every issue of AeroModeller
contains more material than we can possibly put
into print within our 68 pages. Because of this, we
co-produce an interactive website that includes
“Bonus Content” for each corresponding issue.
This is where downloadable material is kept for
you to access at your leisure. Most of our articles
will include extras like: downloadable full-size
plans that are featured in the printed issue so you
won’t have to take apart your issue to build the
model, scale drawings for documentation, contest
results and additional photos, etc.
One “Bonus Content” offering for this issue
walks hand in hand with our third installment
of Compressed Air Motors four-part series:
Construction. For those of you inclined to build
your own, we offer full construction sets of plans
for a nominal price. Sadly, I ran short of space
in the printed issue to fully cover the Isaacson
Winter Classic, The Kiwi World Cup and the
Max Men FAI World Champs events held here
at Lost Hills, CA over eleven perfect fl ying days
in February. Fortunately, all is presented in the
“Bonus Content” section for this issue so it can be
presented in a timely fashion.
With this being said, it is time to sit back and
enjoy this issue of AeroModeller.
From The Editor
producing for all of us to enjoy. As you all may
fl ying weather is here (well, hopefully).
Issue 921 of AeroModeller presents to
you the fi rst of many “Builder’s Issues”
to come. Since building aeromodels is
the name of the game here, I have compiled some
very worthy full-size plans for those inclined to
dust off the winter building boards and push on
into the spring. As the word continues to get out
that AeroModeller is the place to get your designs
seen, more and more beautiful projects come
across my desk.
Included in this issue are 3 such beauties.
First and foremost is our cover subject, Richard
Crossley’s wonderful 1/24 scale rubber powered
Breese-Wilde 5. A rather obscure aircraft famous
for running in the “Dole Pineapple Derby” air race
held in 1927. Next is a CO2/Electric powered
classic Cessna 120/140 by John Watters. And, last
but not least, the ARFA Gollywock presented as
a half-size version of the Wally Simmers vintage
Class C stick model. For all you Vintage Combat
C/L enthusiast we have included a fi ne version
of the iconic 1969 Liquidator designed by Frank
Dowling and presented for us by Richard Evans.
Issue 921 also introduces “Off The Shelf ”
as our new products showcase to let you know
about some of the new goodies the industry is
Old Warden Airfi eld
Work Delayed
RC area likely not to be ready for MayFly –
alternative arrangements TBA…
Due to the excessively long period of bad
weather over this winter, the resurfacing
of parts of the OW airfi eld, mainly the
area usually used by the RC fl ightline, has
been delayed, meaning that the rolling
and seeding of the peri track has not been
carried out as planned. This means that it
is unlikely that the strip usually used, will
not be available for the May weekend. Free
Flight and Control line fl ying will not be
affected, but alternative arrangements for
Radio Control fl ying are being sought.
Please check the ModelAir website ( www. ), or the ModelAir Facebook
page, before you travel to the Mayfl y event,
to check the latest position, or ring Ken on
- Steve Higginson
The BMFA Executive Council
now has the view that we should
place more emphasis on trying
to locate a ‘national fl ying site’
somewhere in ‘middle England’ that
could incorporate a Model Flying
Heritage Centre including a museum.
One detailed proposal I made to the
BMFA Executive last year had some
potential to meet those needs but
at the time the BMFA Exec. was
unwilling to pursue it further.
At the BMFA AGM in November
2012, a few Heritage Centre
enthusiasts put on a display for
what we called the ‘Heritage Group’
strongly supported by Kath Watson
(ex BMFA Chairperson) and now the
offi cial BMFA Archivist. Kath with
her husband Terry and Eric
Clark (former Editor of BMFA
News) have done an excellent job in
establishing an archive and library
at the BMFA offi ce in Leicester and
Kath agrees the next logical step is to
widen the scope to include models
and model fl ying equipment and
memorabilia. In fact we have already
acquired donations of the late Pete
Wright’s World Championship C/L
Speed models, his Team Racer and
others from the early 1950’s and most
recently Mike Gaster has donated his
1965 GASTOVE F/F power model
that is very similar to his World
Championship winning model in
Based on recent experience and
feedback, obtaining models and
equipment worthy of exhibiting
will NOT be a problem. However,
establishing a facility to display them
is proving a very slow process. I still
have a number of potential sites to
explore and will be visiting them in
the fi rst half of 2013.
The major issue with established
aviation museums is they have
insuffi cient space to accommodate
exhibits of model fl ying or anywhere
they can expand. Often these
museums have many items in
storage they would like to exhibit
and rotate their displays to keep
the museum fresh. Some museums
are very restricted by a ‘theme’ that
does not extend to any model fl ying
Everyone, well almost
everyone, who knows about the
Heritage Centre Project, thinks it is
a very good idea and has indicated
a willingness to offer support and
loan or donate items. The issue
is of course that establishing a
Heritage Centre will cost money. At
present there is reluctance within
the BMFA Executive and
Council to even partially fund the
project by increasing membership
subscriptions. However, an increase
in subscriptions of fi ve-pence per
week per BMFA member would
make a signifi cant contribution to
the running costs. The question of
funding will be investigated further in
the next few months.
We have a long and rich heritage
of model fl ying in the UK that many
feel should be captured and preserved.
There is now a real and present
danger that signifi cant items could
be lost by being disposed of by the
‘unknowing and uncaring’. We need
to act now to save our model-fl ying
heritage. If you agree, please tell the
BMFA directly or via your Area
Committee or club.
If anyone has a suggestion for
a potential location for a Heritage
Centre that could include at
least some ‘fl ying area’ somewhere in
‘middle England’ then please let me
know by email jim.wright@dsl.pipex.
com or phone 01525 221 543.
Heritage Centre and
Museum Update
— Jim Wright
When Martin Dilly and I
originally proposed the establishment
of a Museum of Model Flying to
the BMFA Executive the plan and
direction was to try and fi nd an
existing ‘full size’ aviation museum
that could incorporate a display
of models and memorabilia and
ideally might have adjacent space to
do some fl ying and tuition.
To date I have not found a suitable
museum but do have a couple of
potentials however one of those
would not come to fruition before
2017 at the earliest as it is a new
4 AeroModeller - May/June 2013
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A Bit Of Nostalgia
—Bill Hannan
Whilst attending machine shop class in Burbank High School, I was inspired
by Louis Garami’s March, 1947 Model Airplane News article, which described
making a fairly simple “gas” engine. It seemed to me that the construction methods
detailed could be applied to making a CO2 motor, and after making a series of rough
sketches, my ideas were soon turned into a shop project, and the attached photos
show the result.
Measuring 2 inches tall, the motor looks quite crude by today’s standards, but
was novel in several respects, featuring an aluminium (!) crankcase/cylinder, steel
crankshaft and piston.
One rather exotic component was a ball bearing, obtained from a war-surplus
Norden bombsight, which were available cheaply at the time...
When the high school conducted an “Open House” for visiting parents, my little
motor was adapted to the shop air-line, and ran continuously for hours, which was
very satisfying for me. Remarkably, the little motor and concept sketches still exist.
Thank you, and keep up your great work with AM!
Cordially, Bill
AeroModeller Calendar of Events
AeroModeller Calendar of Events
MAY 4, 2013
Indoor Fun Flying Furzefi eld Sports
Centre, Mutton Lane, Potters Bar,
Herts. EN6 3BW. 6pm until 10pm
Small electric models and free fl ight
rubber welcome
Flyers £8.00, Spectators £2.00
Contact Mike Quille 0208 500 3549
(Sir John Shelley), BMFA Electric,
Tailless (Lady Shelley), Women’s
G/R/P (Frog Junior), Catapult Glider
Sunday 26th May
F1A (Ronytube), F1B (Fred Boxall),
F1C (Eddie Cosh), F1Q (Astral),
Vintage Rubber/Power ( Jubilee), SLOP
(Peter Harris), Hand Launched Glider
(Nats), P30 Rubber, Novice Glider
and Rubber ( J) ( Junior Kit Glider and
Junior Kit Rubber), Bowden Trophy
Monday 27th May
F1H (British Airways), F1G (‘308’),
F1J / BMFA 1/2A (Hales), Mini
Vintage (Weston), CO2 (Sparklets),
E30 Electric, Vintage Glider, Classic
Rubber/Power, Classic Glider.
Glider Champion, Rubber Champion,
Electric Champion, Power Champion,
Junior Champion (Heather Cup)
Non-Championship Events:
Free Flight Scale (Evening) Lulu/
Golden WingsPlus SAM Events
Largest Free Flight Competition in
Barkston Heath, Nr Grantham
Contact BMFA on 0116 244 0028
or Competition
Contact Mike Woodhouse on 01603
457754 or Mike@freefl ightsupplies.
MAY 6, 2013
SAM 1066 Fun Fly & Competitions
at Middle Wallop Army Airfi eld,
Stockbridge, SO20 8DY. Competitions:
36 inch Bungee Glider, Rybak A2,
Flight Cup (Vintage Wakefi eld),
Pre-4oz Wakefi eld., Combined Open
Power, E36 Electric Power. Contact
Roger Newman 02392550809
Jimmie Allen Mass Launch
Competition at 2.p.m. for any of the
Jimmie Allen Rubber Powered Designs.
Plans available contact CD Roy Tiller
e-mail Tel. No.
01202 511309
MAY 18, 2013
Tonbridge Gassers and Rubber Fanciers
Indoor fl ying at the Angel Centre,
Angel Lane (rear of the High Street)
Tonbridge Kent. Freefl ight 6.00 pm
until 10.00 pm
Lightweight R/C timed fl ying sessions
throughout the evening.
£6 for fl yers and £3 for spectators.
Contact Eric on 01622 737814
or Stuart on 07956 066463 before
travelling to confi rm.
The Model Shop
Celebrates its 75th Year
Ted is perhaps, best known for his
love of rubber powered, competition,
free fl ight models, and the historical
archives chronicle the success of his
designs. That one of his local modelling
companions, Roy Chesterton, won the
coveted Wakefi eld trophy, in 1948, with
Ted’s famous “Jaguar” design, is also well
Today, Ted’s youngest son, Nick, runs
a well stocked, and amazingly broad
based, shop, carrying Ted’s original
premise of providing, not only the
wherewithal to make, and operate, the
models of today, but also to offer the
technical back up, help, and expertise,
on which his father based the original
I have, on more than one occasion,
personally, witnessed the lengths to
which Nick, and his staff, have gone, to
sort out a model, sometimes not even
bought from their shop, and get it up,
and running, for the customer. Despite
“Not stomaching fools lightly”, putting
the customer, fi rst, was always Ted’s
mantra, and one which still exists, in
“The Model Shop”, today!
For more info, contact; http://www.
JUNE 27, 2013
Wickham Community Centre, Mill
Lane, Wickham, Hants PO17 5AL
Wickham Community Centre
Main Hall’s unobstructed ceiling is
particularly suitable for indoor F/F.
Tables and chairs are available.
Regretfully, NO R/C is allowed.
Admission: £4 for adult fl iers, £1
for junior fl iers and spectators.
Accompanied junior spectators will be
admitted free. Fliers must be insured
and may be required to show proof of
insurance by the organisers. Flitehook,
will attend many of the meetings.
Drinks machine on site.
FMI contact: Ken Brown (Tel: 023
8057 8866) or Alan Wallington (Tel:
01489 895157)
In this modern world, where shops seem
to be closing down, daily, and many
of our high streets feature boarded up
windows, it makes a pleasant change, to
learn of a model shop, that is not only
celebrating it’s 75th year in business,
but seems to be going from strength, to
To those of us who live in the East
Midlands market town of Northampton,
“The Model Shop” seems to have been
there, for ever, to the extent that many
of us, I imagine, are unaware of it’s
longevity. “The Model Shop” as it now
known, was started by Ted Evans, back
before WWII, and only closed, briefl y,
when Ted was on active service, during
the hostilities.
Right from day one, Ted’s interest
in model aviation caused him to
provide goods, and services, to the
local aero modellers, but being a
craftsman, himself, in many other areas
of expertise, it did not take long for
him to expand into all other aspects
of the modelling hobby. Of course, to
those of us old enough to remember,
MAY 30, 2013
Wickham Community Centre, Mill
Lane, Wickham, Hants PO17 5AL
Wickham Community Centre
Main Hall’s unobstructed ceiling is
particularly suitable for indoor F/F.
Tables and chairs are available.
Regretfully, NO R/C is allowed.
Admission: £4 for adult fl iers, £1
for junior fl iers and spectators.
Accompanied junior spectators will be
admitted free. Fliers must be insured
and may be required to show proof of
insurance by the organisers.
Flitehook, will attend many of the
meetings. Drinks machine on site.
FMI contact: Ken Brown (Tel: 023
8057 8866) or Alan Wallington (Tel:
01489 895157)
JUNE 29, 2013
Tonbridge Gassers and Rubber Fanciers
Indoor fl ying at the Angel Centre,
Angel Lane (rear of the High Street)
Tonbridge Kent. Freefl ight 6.00 pm
until 10.00 pm
Lightweight R/C timed fl ying sessions
throughout the evening.
£6 for fl yers and £3 for spectators.
Contact Eric on 01622 737814
or Stuart on 07956 066463 before
travelling to confi rm.
JUNE 1, 2013
Indoor Fun Flying Furzefi eld Sports
Centre, Mutton Lane, Potters Bar,
Herts. EN6 3BW. 6pm until 10pm
Small electric models and free fl ight
rubber welcome
Flyers £8.00, Spectators £2.00
Contact Mike Quille 0208 500 3549
JULY 6, 2013
Indoor Fun Flying Furzefi eld Sports
Centre, Mutton Lane, Potters Bar,
Herts. EN6 3BW. 6pm until 10pm
Small electric models and free fl ight
rubber welcome
Flyers £8.00, Spectators £2.00
Contact Mike Quille 0208 500 3549
MAY 25-26-27, 2013
BMFA British Free Flight National
Saturday 25th May
BMFA Glider (Thurston), BMFA
Rubber (Model Aircraft), BMFA Power
See the complete 2013 BMFA calendar of events in the
“Bonus Content” section for Issue 921 at:
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