McInerny; A History of Western Philosophy.pdf

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A History of Western Philosophy
Ralph McInerny
Volume I
Foreword / Acknowledgements
Part I: Presocratic Philosophy
Chapter I: Before Philosophy
A. The Quarrel Between Philosophy and Poetry
B. The Theological Poets
C. Greek Primitive Religion
Chapter II: The Ionians
A. Thales of Miletus
B. Anaximander of Miletus
C. Anaximenes of Miletus
D. Xenophanes
E. Heraclitus of Ephesus
Chapter III: The Italians
A. The Pythagoreans
1) Pythagoras of Samos
2) Pythagorean Doctrines
B. Parmenides of Elea
C. Zeno of Elea
D. Melissus of Samos
Chapter IV: Empedocles of Acragas
A. On Nature
B. Purifications
Chapter V: Anaxagoras of Clazimenae
Chapter VI: Atomism
Diogenes of Apollonia
Chapter VII: The Sophists
A. Protagoras of Abdera
B. Gorgias of Leontini
C. Prodicus of Ceos
D. Some Other Sophists
E. Concluding Summary
Part II: The Classical Period
Chapter I: Socrates
A. His Life
B. The Character of Socrates
C. The Doctrine of Socrates
D. The Socratic Schools
Chapter II: Plato
A. The Man and His Work
B. The Doctrine of Forms
C. The Crisis in Plato's Thought
D. Plato's Natural Doctrine
E. Plato's View of Man
Chapter III: Aristotle
A. The Man and his Work
B. The Nature and Division of Philosophy
C. Aristotle's Logic
D. Aristotle's Philosophy of Nature
E. Moral and Political Philosophy
F. First Philosophy
Part III: The Hellenistic Period
Chapter I: Epicureanism
A. Canonic
B. Physics
C. Ethics
D. The History of the School
Chapter II: The Stoics
A. Logic
B. Physics
C. Ethics
D. The Roman Stoics
Chapter III: Sceptics and the New Academy
A. Pyrrho of Elis
B. Timon of Philus
C. Arcesilaus
D. Carneades of Cyrene
E. Some Later Sceptics
F. The Subsequent History of the Academy
Chapter IV: Neoplatonism
A. Revival of Pythagoreanism.
B. Plotinus
C. After Plotinus
Readings for Part One
A. Sources
B. General Studies
C. Particular Studies
Readings for Part Two
A. Sources and Studies: Plato
B. Sources and Studies: Aristotle
Readings for Part Three
Index to Volume I
Volume II
Part I: The Age of Augustine
Chapter I: Faith and Philosophy
Chapter II: Saint Augustine
A. The Man and His Work
B. Philosophy and the Arts
C. Philosophy and Beatitude
D. Criticism of Platonism
E. What Is Man?
F. G o d
G. Creation
H. The City of God
I. Conclusion
Chapter III: Denis the Areopagite
Chapter IV: Boethius
A. The Man and His Work
B. Faith and Reason
C. Division of Philosophy
D. The Status of Universals
F. Plato or Aristotle?
F. C o n c l u s i o n
Chapter V: Cassiodorus, Isadore, Bede
Part II: The Carolingian Renaissance
Chapter I: Alcuin and Rhabanus Maurus
A. Charlemagne and the Schools
B. Alcuin (735-804)
C. Fredegisus of Tours
D. Rhabanus Maurus (784-856)
E. The Carolingian Heritage
Chapter II: John Scotus Erigena
A. His Life and Works
B. Faith and Philosophy
C. The Division of Nature
Chapter III: Other Ninth and Tenth Century Figures
A. Heiric of Auxerre (c.835 - c.887)
B. Remigius of Auxerre (c.841 - c.908)
C. Gerbert of Aurillac (c.940-1003)
Part III: The Twelfth Century
Chapter I: Introduction
Chapter II: Saint Anselm of Canterbury
A. The Man and His Work
B. Faith and Reason
C. The Proof of God's Existence
D. Anselm and Dialectics
Chapter III: Peter Abelard
A. The Man and His Work
B. Abelard's Logic
C. Faith and Reason
D. Abelard's Ethics
Chapter IV: The School of Chartres
A. From Fulbert to Bernard
B. Gilbert of Poitiers (1076-1154)
C. William of Conches (c.1080 - c.ll84)
D. Thierry of Chartres (died before 1155)
E. Clarenbald of Arras (died c.1160)
F. John of Salisbury (1110-1180)
Chapter V: Monastic Thought
A. Hugh of St. Victor (1096-1141)
B. Other Victorines
C. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153)
D. Other Figures
Chapter VI: Dominicus Gundissilinus
A. What Is Philosophy?
B. The Division of Philosophy
Part IV: The Thirteenth Century
Chapter I: The Background
A. The Universities
B. Translations
C. Islamic Philosophy
Chapter II: The Beginnings
A. William of Auvergne (c.1180-1249)
B. Alexander of Hales (c.1185-1245)
C. Robert Grosseteste (1175-1253)
Chapter III: Albert the Great
A. The Man and His Work
B. Faith and Reason
C. Conclusion
Chapter IV: Roger Bacon
A. His Life and Work
B. The Opus majus
C. Conclusion
Chapter V: Saint Bonaventure
A. The Man and His Work
B. The Nature of Philosophy
C. Simultaneity of Knowledge and Belief
D. Is Philosophy Autonomous?
E. The Division of Philosophy
F. The Divine Ideas
C. The Nature of Illumination
H. Proofs of God's Existence
I. Creation and Universal Hylomorphism
J. Conclusion
Chapter VI: Saint Thomas Aquinas
A. The Man and His Work
B. Philosophy and Theology
C. The Division of Philosophy
D. Logic
E. Natural Philosophy
F. M e t a p hy s i c s
G. Moral Philosophy
H. Thomas and His Time
Chapter VII: Conclusion
Part V: The Fourteenth Century
Chapter I: Introduction
Chapter II: John Duns Scotus
A. The Man and His Work
B. Being and God
C. Faith and Reason
Chapter III: William of Ockham
A. The Man and His Work
B. Knowledge
C. Logic
D. Metaphysics
Index to Volume II
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