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Egzamin w klasie trzeciej gimnazjum z jĘzyka angielskiego A1
kwiecieŃ 2010
Zadanie 1.
Rozmowa 1.
Speaker A:
Good morning, doctor.
Speaker B:
Hello. Please have a seat. What’s the matter?
I’ve a pain in my back.
Speaker A:
Speaker B:
How long have you had it?
Speaker A:
For two days. I was walking my dog when I fell on the ground and hurt
Speaker B:
Let me have a look at your back.
Rozmowa 2.
Speaker A:
Good morning. What’s the problem?
Speaker B:
He’s lost interest in food and doesn’t want to leave the house.
Is there anything else that troubles you?
Speaker A:
Speaker B:
Yes, he doesn’t wag his tail and looks depressed.
Speaker A:
I’m not surprised to hear that. Look at his left eye. It’s red.
Do you think it’s serious?
Speaker B:
Speaker A:
It must be an eye infection. I’ll give him some eye drops. It’ll help.
Rozmowa 3.
Speaker A:
Good morning, doctor.
Speaker B:
Good morning. How are you today?
I’m OK, but my tooth aches when I am eating or drinking something cold.
Speaker A:
Speaker B:
I will take a look. Please open your mouth. Well, it’s nothing serious.
Speaker A:
I’m glad to hear that.
Egzamin w klasie trzeciej gimnazjum z jĘzyka angielskiego A1
kwiecieŃ 2010
Zadanie 2.
Quiet, children! I have something important to tell you. Tom, will you stop talking, please?
I must tell you something about our day trip to London next week. Please, take down these
notes and show them to your parents, OK? They must read them carefully and sign them. So,
we leave on Monday at 7 am. We won’t wait for latecomers so remember to be on time. There
will be two teachers going with us. I know you wanted to see the Tower of London but it’s
closed on Monday so we’ll go to Madame Tussaud’s instead. Then we’ll have lunch in a
restaurant nearby. Later we’ll visit Buckingham Palace. We should be back around 10 in the
evening. Tell your parents to wait in front of the school entrance at least at quarter to ten to
pick you up. If anyone wants to contact me, take down my telephone number: 213 564 369.
OK, now back to our lesson....
Zadanie 3.
Good evening. Leonardo’s Pizza. Can I help you?
Hi. I’d like to place an order, please.
Can I have your name and address, please?
It’s Jane Boyle and the address is 204 Weetner Street.
Can you spell the name of the street, please?
Yes, it’s W-E-E-T-N-E-R .
Thank you. What kind of pizza would you like to order and what size?
A large pepperoni for my friends . A pepperoni for me as well, but make it
small. Both with mushrooms.
Any tomatoes, onions or peppers?
No, thank you. I hate pizza with onions and my friends don’t like tomatoes.
Put extra cheese and mushrooms on them. I’d also like two bottles of coke.
How much is that?
Let me check. One small pizza for $8 plus one large for $11 makes $19. The
drinks are $5. The total is $24. Today pizzas are on special offer. You’ll get a
bonus of three dollars. That comes to $21.
Customer :
Great, thanks.
Egzamin w klasie trzeciej gimnazjum z jĘzyka angielskiego A1
kwiecieŃ 2010
Zadanie 4.
WypowiedŹ 1. Let’s play tennis.
WypowiedŹ 2. Drive carefully!
WypowiedŹ 3. May I borrow your pen?
WypowiedŹ 4. Why don’t we go to the beach together?
WypowiedŹ 5. How much do you weigh?
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