Bianca D'Arc - [Weres 1] - Lords Of The Were.pdf

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Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
2932 Ross Clark Circle, #384
Dothan, AL 36301
Lords of the Were
Copyright © 2006 by Biance D’Arc
ISBN: 1-59998-160-2
All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case
of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: October 2006
Lords of the Were
Bianca D’Arc
To my family for sticking by me as I chase my dream.
Also to the many new friends I’ve made along this journey. Much love to
Jess, Sharon, Jeanette, Jennifer, Suzette, Serena, Megan, Rene, Stacy,
and a multitude of others. You guys are the best!
Lords of Were
Chapter One
Allie puffed as she tromped through the dark woods at Betina’s side.
It was All Hallows Eve, the night little American kids ran around in funny
outfits gorging on candy, but to her mother’s people, it was a serious
time. The turning of the year, the night when spirits roamed more freely
than at any other point on the wheel of the year. The old ones called it
Samhain, though many misconceptions about the old ways and beliefs
had arisen over the years.
“Are you sure we’re safe up here?” Allie looked nervously around the
dark woods. Born in the city, she’d only recently learned of her legacy.
The woods, which had been so pretty and colorful to her earlier in the
day, suddenly seemed ominous and threatening.
Betina finally stopped, just shy of a large clearing. Before them
stretched a nearly perfect ring of ancient stones overgrown with vines
and plants, but still vaguely recognizable. A large flat-topped slab of rock
stood in the center, seeming somehow otherworldly. A wispy shroud of
fog rose around it, lighting the mossy surface with an ethereal glow.
“We are servants of the Lady. We’ll be safe here, honoring Her. It’s
time you took your rightful place, Allesandra. It’s nearly too late already.”
The older woman’s cryptic words sent a small shiver down Allie’s
spine. She wasn’t used to speaking so openly about her somewhat
unconventional beliefs. She had a decent career as an accountant,
making a good living serving private clients out of her home office. All she
really needed to do her work was her laptop and a phone, so her
business was portable enough to allow her this time away from the city
to learn more about her mother’s life and the friends she’d left behind.
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