Create Lean and Mean GUIs with Ruby.pdf

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What readers are saying about FXRuby
Learning a GUI framework should be easy, but it’s usually hard.
Reading this book, I realized by contrast that the reason it’s usually
hard is that it’s no fun. L yle’s results-oriented approach to teaching
makes learning FXRuby fun, and therefore easy. This book is a moti-
vating, well-written tutorial about getting things done in one of Ruby’s
most established widget toolkits from its most authoritative source.
Chad Fowler
CTO, InfoEther
Founding Co-director, Ruby Central
FXRuby is a rich, mature GUI toolkit that L yle has maintained and
documented very well for years. With the addition of this excellent
book, this toolkit becomes only that much more usable.
Hal Fulton
Author, The Ruby Way
I was paid to develop a GUI app using Ruby back in 2003, and I
quickly settled on FOX/FXRuby as the right toolkit because of the
exceptional quality of the bindings and the high level of support L yle
provided. My only regret? That I didn’t have this book! With it open on
your desk and the online references loaded in your browser, nothing
should be stopping you from building an amazing desktop application
using Ruby.
Nathaniel Talbott
Founder and Developer, Terralien, Inc.
L yle’s deep knowledge of FXRuby ensures that this engaging book will
prepare you to make cross-platform GUIs in very little time at all.
Austin Ziegler
Software Designer and Developer
FXRuby: Create Lean and Mean GUIs with Ruby is a well-written
text straight from the horse’s mouth: a book about FXRuby from the
author of FXRuby. You can’t get better than that, unless, of course,
the library wrote the book itself.
Jeremy McAnally
Developer/technical writer, ENTP
This book is an excellent introduction to FXRuby programming. L yle
does a good job of getting you started with the basics and moving on
to more advanced topics at just the right pace.
Daniel Berger
Software Engineer, Qwest, Inc.
Create Lean and Mean GUIs with Ruby
Lyle Johnson
The Pragmatic Bookshelf
Raleigh, North Carolina Dallas, Texas
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