
(47 KB) Pobierz

// Changed 040130

*STD_PLEASERECCONECT	"Please reconnect the controller and press START button to continue."
*item_combo_1 		"You have learned a new combo! Press §LKB_STATUSMENU§pq button to see information about your combos."
*item_combo_2 		"You have learned a new combo! Press §LKB_STATUSMENU§pq button to see information about your combos."
*item_combo_3 		"You have learned a new combo! Press §LKB_STATUSMENU§pq button to see information about your combos."
*item_combo_4 		"You have learned a new combo! Press §LKB_STATUSMENU§pq button to see information about your combos."
*item_combo_5 		"You have learned a new combo! Press §LKB_STATUSMENU§pq button to see information about your combos."
*item_combo_6 		"You have learned a new combo! Press §LKB_STATUSMENU§pq button to see information about your combos."
*item_special_1 	"You have learned a new attack! Press §LKB_STATUSMENU§pq button to see information about your special attacks."
*item_special_2 	"You have learned a new attack! Press §LKB_STATUSMENU§pq button to see information about your special attacks."
*item_special_3 	"You have learned a new attack! Press §LKB_STATUSMENU§pq button to see information about your special attacks."
*item_special_4 	"You have learned a new attack! Press §LKB_STATUSMENU§pq button to see information about your special attacks."
*item_supafly_power	"You are blessed with the power to send ripples of destruction through the ground! Press §LKB_STATUSMENU§pq button to see more information about your powers."
*item_talbot_power	"You are blessed with the power to strike down your enemies with bolts of divine fire! Press §LKB_STATUSMENU§pq button to see more information about your powers."
*item_mondelina_power	"You are blessed with the power to heal yourself! Press §LKB_STATUSMENU§pq button to see more information about your powers."
*item_babyboy_power	"You are blessed with the power to protect yourself from evil! Press §LKB_STATUSMENU§pq button to see more information about your powers."
*MTT_BOW		"You have acquired a bow. Press §LKB_WEAPON4§pq enter bowmode, aim with the mouse and press the left mouse button to release a deadly arrow."

// New 031202 - For arena

*ARENA_1_NAME		"The Treasury"

*ARENA_2_NAME		"Hell"

*ARENA_3_NAME		"Crooked Watermill"

*ARENA_4_NAME		"Bridge of Disaster"

// New 031216 - For arena

*ARENA_5_NAME		"Church of Doom"

*ARENA_6_NAME		"Divine Gardens"

*ARENA_7_NAME		"Holy City"

*ARENA_8_NAME		"Underground Arena"

*MENU_ARENA_PLAYER1 "Player 1 character"
*MENU_ARENA_PLAYER2 "Player 2 character"
*MENU_ARENA_LIVES	"Number of lives"

// New 031128 - For GC
*12_PETRA_A1_NAME		"Petra - The Lost City"
*12_PETRA_A1_DESC		"It terrifies me to see how far the power of one evil man can reach. I have to stop the Bishop before he destroys everything that is good."
*12_PETRA_A2_NAME		"Petra - The Lost City, continued"
*12_PETRA_A2_DESC		"It terrifies me to see how far the power of one evil man can reach. I have to stop the Bishop before he destroys everything that is good."
*07_GRANDMASTER_A1_NAME		"Acre - The Ancient City"
*07_GRANDMASTER_A1_DESC		"I am a stranger here and I do not know the surroundings. Still, I have to stop the Bishop and find Adelle."
*07_GRANDMASTER_A2_NAME		"Acre - The Ancient City, continued"
*07_GRANDMASTER_A2_DESC		"I am a stranger here and I do not know the surroundings. Still, I have to stop the Bishop and find Adelle."
*02_ESCAPE_BA_NAME		"The Correctional Facility of Belmont"
*02_ESCAPE_BA_DESC		"Hopefully I find Lord Bishop's tomb somewhere down here."
*02_ESCAPE_BB_NAME		"The Correctional Facility of Belmont, continued"
*02_ESCAPE_BB_DESC		"Hopefully I find Lord Bishop's tomb somewhere down here."

// New 031201 - For PS2 Memcard MSG
*MSG_PS2_SEARCH_SAVEGAMES	"Searching for saved games on memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation®2) in MEMORY CARD slot 1"
*MSG_PS2_NOMEMCARD		"No memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation®2) in MEMORY CARD slot 1."
*MSG_PS2_NOMEMCARD_BOOT		"No memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation®2) in MEMORY CARD slot 1.|Knights of the Temple requires 185 KB of free space to save data."
*MSG_PS2_NOROOM			"Insufficient free space on memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation®2) in MEMORY CARD slot 1.|Knights of the Temple requires 185 KB of free space to save data."
*MSG_PS2_CARDCHANGED		"Memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation®2) has changed. Create new save on this card?"
*MSG_PS2_CARDCHANGED_OVERWRITE	"Data has changed. Overwrite previous Knights of the Temple data?"
*MSG_PS2_CONTINUE		"Continue without saving?"
*MSG_PS2_DATAEXIST		"Data already exist. Overwrite previous Knights of the Temple data?"
*MSG_PS2_UNFORMATTED		"Memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation®2) in MEMORY CARD slot 1 is unformatted. Format memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation®2)?"
*MSG_PS2_CONFIRMFORMAT		"Are you sure you wish to format memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation®2) in MEMORY CARD slot 1?"
*MSG_PS2_FORMATTING		"Formatting memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation®2) in MEMORY CARD slot 1. Do not remove memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation®2), controller, or reset/switch off console."
*MSG_PS2_FORMATFAIL		"Format failed! Please check memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation®2) in MEMORY CARD slot 1 and try again."
*MSG_PS2_SAVING			"Saving data. Do not remove memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation®2), controller, or reset/switch off the console."
*MSG_PS2_SAVESUCCESS		"Save Successful"
*MSG_PS2_SAVEFAIL		"Save failed! Check memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation®2) in MEMORY CARD slot 1 and please try again."
*MSG_PS2_LOADING		"Loading data. Do not remove memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation®2), controller, or reset/switch off the console."
*MSG_PS2_LOADSUCCESS		"Load Successful"
*MSG_PS2_LOADFAIL		"Load failed! Check memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation®2) in MEMORY CARD slot 1 and please try again."
*MSG_PS2_CHECKING		"Checking memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation®2) in MEMORY CARD slot 1. Do not remove memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation®2), controller, or reset/switch off the console."
*MSG_PS2_CHECKFAIL		"Memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation®2) error! Please check memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation®2) in MEMORY CARD slot 1 and try again."
*MSG_PS2_DELETING		"Deleting data. Do not remove memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation®2), controller, or reset/switch off console."
*MSG_PS2_DELETESUCCESS		"Delete Successful"
*MSG_PS2_DELETEFAIL		"Delete failed! Please check memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation®2) in MEMORY CARD slot 1 and try again."
*OPTIONS_LANGUAGE		"Select language"
*DISPLAYNAME_29		"Last Checkpoint"

// Base
*GAMENAME	"Knights Of The Temple"
*DEVELOPER	"Starbreeze Studios AB"
*PUBLISHER	"TDK Mediactive Europe"
*LEGAL_NOTE	"©2003 Starbreeze. All rights reserved. The Starbreeze engine technology and logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Starbreeze. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners."
*DLG_FINISHLEVEL			"Do you wish to finish the level?"
*DLG_QUIT				"Are you sure you wish to quit game?"
*DLG_QUITTOMENU				"Are you sure you wish to quit to menu?"
*DLG_RESTARTMAP				"Are you sure you wish to restart the map?"
*DLG_RESTARTLEVEL			"Are you sure you wish to restart the level?"
*DLG_LOADCHECKPOINT			"Are you sure you wish to load the last checkpoint?"
*DLG_DELETEGAME				"Are you sure you wish to delete '§p0'?"
*DLG_DELETEPROFILE			"Are you sure you wish to delete the entire profile '§p0'?"
*DLG_OVERWRITEPROFILE			"Do you wish to overwrite profile '§p0'? All saves will be lost."
*DLG_OVERWRITEOPTION			"Do you wish to overwrite the options?"
*DLG_LOADGAME				"Do you wish to load '§p0'?"
*DLG_OPTIONS_DEFAULTBINDING_Q		"Are you sure you want to revert to default key bindings?"
*DLG_XBOX_FREEBLOCKS_Q7 		"Your Xbox doesn't have enough free blocks to save options. Press A to continue without saving or B to free more blocks."
*DLG_XBOX_FREEBLOCKS_Q6 		"Your Xbox doesn't have enough free blocks to save options.(2 blocks needed)"
*DLG_XBOX_FREEBLOCKS_Q5 		"Your Xbox doesn't have enough free blocks to save the game progress."
*DLG_XBOX_FREEBLOCKS_Q4 		"Your Xbox doesn't have enough free blocks to save options. (§p0 blocks needed)"
*DLG_XBOX_FREEBLOCKS_Q3 		"Your Xbox doesn't have enough free blocks to save games. Press A to continue without saving or B to free more blocks."
*DLG_XBOX_FREEBLOCKS_Q2 		"Your Xbox doesn't have enough free blocks to save game progress and options. (§p0 blocks needed)"
*DLG_XBOX_FREEBLOCKS_Q1 		"Your Xbox doesn't have enough free blocks to save a new game. (§p0 blocks needed)"
*DLG_LAUNCHDASH				"Launch the Xbox Dashboard"
*DLG_XBOX_TOMANYSAVES_Q 		"You have exceeded the maximum limit of saved games on your storage device. Press A to continue without saving or B to free a saved game."
*STD_BADAPP             	"There's a problem with the disc you're using. It may be dirty or damaged."
*STD_BADGAMEDISC		"There's a problem with the disc you're using. It may be dirty or damaged. Press A to continue."
*STD_NOCONTROLLER		"No controller is connected."
*STD_PAUSED			"Paused"
*STD_GAME			"Game"
*STD_LOADING			"Loading"
*STD_FAILED			"Mission failed"
*STD_DONELOADING		"Press Enter to continue"
*STD_SURVIVALKILLS		"You killed §p0 bad guys!"
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