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David is an architect and Rosa is a doctor in a large
hospital. David gets up a 7.30 a.m. and has a shower. He
leaves home at 8.30 and goes to work by train. He arrives at
the office at 9.00. Rosa gets up at 9.30 because she doesn't
start work until 1.00 in the afternoon. She goes by bus to the
hospital at 12.15.
David finishes work at 5.30 p.m. and goes
shopping in the supermarket near the office. Then he goes
home and cooks the dinner. He eats alone in the kitchen at
7.00 and then he usually watches TV in the living room until
Rosa arrives home at about 10.00 o'clock p.m. She often
has her dinner in front of the TV. David goes to bed at 11.00,
but Rosa usually goes to bed a bit later.
9. A: …………………………………..
B: They come from Japan. They are Japanese.
a) What is nationality?
b) Where do these children come from?
c) Where are these children?
d) Are these children Japanese?
10. A: My father gave up smoking.
B: ………………………?
A: It means 'stopped smoking'.
a) What do you mean
b) What does 'gave up smoking' mean
L.J.Soars 'New Headway' - Oxford University Press
1. Where are Rosa and David at eight o'clock in the
a) in the hospital
c) at home
c) How does it mean
d) Where do you mean smoking
b) at work
d) in an office
2. What does David do?
a) He cooks the dinner.
c) He's a doctor.
b) He goes shopping.
d) He's an architect.
11. What will you say if your friend sneezes?
b) For your health!
d) Help yourself!
3. Rosa goes to work ……………….. .
a) by bus
b) by train
c) by car
d) on foot
4. Rosa comes back home from work ……………….. .
a) before David
c) late at night
b) later than David
d) at eleven o'clock
12. Speak up, please. I can't ………….. you.
a) listen
5. What time does David come to his office?
a) at 8.30
c) at nine o'clock p.m.
b) feel
c) see
d) hear
b) at nine o'clock a.m.
d) in the afternoon
6. A: Would you like a cheese sandwich?
B: ………………………..
a) Yes, I prefer a ham sandwich.
13. Kate is a ........................................ hair.
a) tall slim girl with long curly
b) tall fat girl with long straight
c) short slim girl with short curly
b) No, I don't.
d) short thin girl with long wavy
c) Yes, please. I love sandwiches.
d) Yes, I do. I don't like sandwiches.
7. A: What a lovely day! …………………….
B: Let's go for a walk.
a) What shall we do?
c) What about going for
a walk?
14. September and October are in the…………………..
a) spring
c) autumn
d) winter
b) What will you doing?
d) What can we eat?
15. It's Wednesday today. Tomorrow it's ……………….
a) Tuesday
8. A: Mum, where is Kate?
B: ……………………..
a) She is a schoolgirl.
c) She likes watching TV.
b) Friday
c) Thursday
d) Saturday
b) She was in the garden.
d) She went to the cinema.
sneeze = kichaæ
a) All the best!
c) Bless you!
b) summer
16. Our school is ……………..to the church.
a) between
b) behind
c) near
d) next
27. Podziel wê¿a na czasowniki i znajdŸ te, które s¹
w drugiej formie (past simple).
17. Sue usually (1) ……………….. to school but she
sometimes (2) …………….. .
a) (1) walks; (2) goes by bike
a) eaten; fell; ridden
c) come; brought; forgotten
b) fell; wrote; brought
d) feel; wrote; brought
b) (1) goes; (2) rides a bike
c) (1) walks on foot, (2) cycles
d) (1) goes on foot; (2) bikes
28. This road sign means that you ……….. stop here.
18. Choose the odd words:
Spanish - Art - France - Chemistry - Science
Greece - Japanese - Swiss - Irish - Dutch
coach - underground - bus - trainer - ferry
a) France; Greece; trainer
c) Spanish; Japanese; coach
b) Science; Swiss; ferry
d) Art; Irish; underground
a) can
b) must
c) should
d) mustn't
29. It's January ..................... today .
a) the tenth
19. (1) ……. first thing that you can see when you
open your hotel window in (2) …….. morning is
(3) …………. sea.
a) (1) the; (2) the; (3) a
c) (1) A; (2) -; (3) the
b) of the tenth
c) ten
d) tenth
30. Do the crossword 'weather' and find the solution .
b) (1) the; (2) a; (3) -
d) (1) The; (2) the; (3) the
20. (1) ………………. have got (2) …………………… .
a) (1) Two womans; (2) three goose
b) (1) Two women; (2) three geese
c) (1) Two women; (2) three geeses
d) (1) Two womans; (2) three geese
21. My brother ……………………………. 'Lord of the
Rings' three times.
a) has already seen
c) did already see
40 o
b) already saw
d) seen already
22. Tom …………. play chess when he was eight
years old.
a) can
b) must
c) should
d) could
23. There's (1) ..................... milk in the fridge, but
there's (2) …………. raspberry juice.
a) (1) any; (2) some
c) (1) some; (2) any
b) (1) no: (2) some
d) (1) any; (2) no
24. The English have tea (1) …………. five o'clock
(2) ……… the afternoon.
a) (1) about; (2) at
c) (1) in; (2) on
b) (1) at; (2) in
d) (1) after; (2) at
6) What's the ....................... today? It's 9 °C.
25. The days are (1) ………. in winter and the weather
is usually (2) ……………. .
a) (1) shortest; (2) bad
c) (1) shorter; (2) worse
b) (1) shorter; (2) badder
d) (1) short; (2) best
26. Mrs White was born ……….. 21 October 1963.
The solution means ……………… in Polish.
a) tajfun
b) grzmot
c) b³yskawica
d) zamieæ
a) at
b) in
c) on
d) of
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