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LM122/LM322/LM3905 Precision Timers
February 1995
LM122/LM322/LM3905 Precision Timers
General Description
The LM122 series are precision timers that offer great ver-
satility with high accuracy. They operate with unregulated
supplies from 4.5V to 40V while maintaining constant timing
periods from microseconds to hours. Internal logic and reg-
ulator circuits complement the basic timing function
enabling the LM122 series to operate in many different ap-
plications with a minimum of external components.
The output of the timer is a floating transistor with built in
current limiting. It can drive either ground referred or supply
referred loads up to 40V and 50 mA. The floating nature of
this output makes it ideal for interfacing, lamp or relay driv-
ing, and signal conditioning where an open collector or emit-
ter is required. A ``logic reverse'' circuit can be programmed
by the user to make the output transistor either ``on'' or
``off'' during the timing period.
The trigger input to the LM122 series has a threshold of
1.6V independent of supply voltage, but it is fully protected
against inputs as high as g 40VÐeven when using a 5V
supply. The circuitry reacts only to the rising edge of the
trigger signal, and is immune to any trigger voltage during
the timing periods.
An internal 3.15V regulator is included in the timer to reject
supply voltage changes and to provide the user with a con-
venient reference for applications other than a basic timer.
External loads up to 5 mA can be driven by the regulator. An
internal 2V divider between the reference and ground sets
the timing period to 1 RC. The timing period can be voltage
controlled by driving this divider with an external source
through the V ADJ pin. Timing ratios of 50:1 can be easily
The comparator used in the LM122 utilizes high gain PNP
input transistors to achieve 300 pA typical input bias current
over a common mode range of 0V to 3V. A boost terminal
allows the user to increase comparator operating current for
timing periods less than 1 ms. This lets the timer operate
over a 3 m s to multi-hour timing range with excellent repeat-
The LM122 operates over a temperature range of b 55 § Cto
a 125 § C. An electrically identical LM322 is specified from
0 § Cto a 70 § C. The LM3905 is identical to the LM122 series
except that the boost and V ADJ pin options are not avail-
able, limiting minimum timing period to 1 ms.
Y Immune to changes in trigger voltage during timing
Y Timing periods from microseconds to hours
Y Internal logic reversal
Y Immune to power supply ripple during the timing
Y Operates from 4.5V to 40V supplies
Y Input protected to g 40V
Y Floating transistor output with internal current limiting
Y Internal regulated reference
Y Timing period can be voltage controlled
Y TTL compatible input and output
Connection Diagrams
Metal Can Package
Dual-In-Line Package
Dual-In-Line Package
Top View
Order Number LM122H
See NS Package Number H10C
Top View
Order Number LM3905N
See NS Package Number N08E
Top View
Order Number LM322N
See NS Package Number N14A
C 1995 National Semiconductor Corporation
RRD-B30M115/Printed in U. S. A.
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Absolute Maximum Ratings
If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required,
please contact the National Semiconductor Sales
Office/Distributors for availability and specifications.
Power Dissipation
Logic Reverse Voltage
500 mW
Output Short Circuit Duration (Note 1)
Lead Temperature
(Soldering, 10 sec.)
260 § C
V a Voltage
Operating Temperature Range
Collector Output Voltage
b 55 § C s T A s a 125 § C
V REF Current
5 mA
0 § C s T A s a 70 § C
0 § C s T A s a 70 § C
Trigger Voltage
g 40V
V ADJ Voltage (Forced)
Electrical Characteristics (Note 2)
Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max
Timing Ratio
T A e 25 § C, 4.5V s V a s 40V 0.626 0.632 0.638 0.620 0.632 0.644 0.620 0.632 0.644
Boost Tied to V a , (Note 3) 0.620 0.632 0.644 0.620 0.632 0.644
Comparator Input
T A e 25 § C, 4.5V s V a s 40V
0.3 1.0
0.3 1.5
0.5 1.5 nA
Boost Tied to V a
30 100
30 100
Trigger Voltage
T A e 25 § C, 4.5V s V a s 40V 1.2 1.6 2 1.2 1.6 2 1.2 1.6 2 V
Trigger Current
T A e 25 § C, V TRIG e 2V
m A
Supply Current
T A t 25 § C, 4.5V s V a s 40V
2.5 4
2.5 4.5
2.5 4.5 mA
Timing Ratio
4.5V s V a s 40V
0.644 0.61
0.654 0.61
Boost Tied to V a
0.644 0.61
Comparator Input
4.5V s V a s 40V
b 5
5 b 2
2 b 2.5
2.5 nA
Boost Tied to V a , (Note 4)
Trigger Voltage
4.5V s V a s 40V
2.5 0.8
2.5 0.8
2.5 V
Trigger Current
V TRIG e 2.5V
200 m A
Output Leakage
V CE e 40V
5 m A
Capacitor Saturation R t t 1M X 2.5 2.5 2.5 mV
Voltage R t e 10 k X 25 25 25 mV
Reset Resistance 150 150 150 X
Reference Voltage T A e 25 § C 3 3.15 3.3 3 3.15 3.3 3 3.15 3.3 V
Reference Regulation 0 s I OUT s 3 A 20 50
20 50
20 50 V
4.5V s V a s 40V
6 25
6 25
6 25 mV
Collector Saturation I L e 8 mA
0.25 0.4
0.25 0.4
0.25 0.4 V
I L e 50 mA
0.7 1.4
0.7 1.4
0.7 1.4 V
Emitter Saturation
T A e 25 § C, I L e 3 mA
1.8 2.2
1.8 2.2
1.8 2.2 V
T A e 25 § C, I L e 50 mA
2.1 3
2.1 3
2.1 3 V
Average Temperature
Coefficient of Timing
0.003 %/ § C
Minimum Trigger Width V TRIG e 3V 0.25 0.25 0.25 m s
Note 1: Continuous output shorts are not allowed. Short circuit duration at ambient temperatures up to 40 § C may be calculated from t e 120/V CE seconds, where
V CE is the collector to emitter voltage across the output transistor during the short.
Note 2: These specifications apply for T AMIN s T A s T AMAX unless otherwise noted.
Note 3: Output pulse width can be calculated from the following equation: t e (R t )(C t )[1 b 2(0.632 b r) b V C /V REF ) where r is timing ratio and V C is capacitor
saturation voltage. This reduces to t e (R t )(C t ) for all but the most critical applications.
Note 4: Sign reversal may occur at high temperatures ( l 100 § C) where comparator input current is predominately leakage. See typcial curves.
Note 5: Refer to RETS122X drawing of military LM122H version for specifications.
Typical Performance Characteristics
Comparator Bias Current
Comparator Bias Current
Comparator Bias Current
Supply Current
Trigger Input Characteristics
Trigger Threshold
Output Transistor Saturation
Collector Output Saturation
Timing Error Due to
Characteristics at Low Currents
Characteristics at High Current
Comparator Bias Current
Reference Regulation
Reference Regulation
Suggested Timing Components
Short Output Pulse
Short Output Pulse
Logic Pin Characteristics
Schematic Diagram
Functional Diagram
Timing Diagram
Pin Function Description
One of the main features of the LM122 is its great versatility.
Since this device is unique, a description of the functions
and limitations of each pin is in order. This will make it much
easier to follow the discussion of the various applications
presented in this note.
V a is the positive supply terminal of the LM122. When us-
ing a single supply, this terminal may be driven by any volt-
age between 4.5V and 40V. The effect of supply variations
on timing period is less than 0.005%/V, so supplies with
high ripple content may be used without causing pulse width
changes. Supply bypassing on V a is not generally needed
but may be necessary when driving highly reactive loads.
Quiescent current drawn from the V a terminal is typically
2.5 mA, independent of the supply voltage. Of course, addi-
tional current will be drawn if the reference is externally
The V REF pin is the output of a 3.15V series regulator refer-
enced to the ground pin. Up to 5.0 mA can be drawn from
this pin for driving external networks. In most applications
the timing resistor is tied to V REF , but it need not be in
situations where a more linear charging current is required.
The regulated voltage is very useful in applications where
the LM122 is not used as a timer; such as switching regula-
tors, variable reference comparators, and temperature con-
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin