Chapter 5 part 1.txt

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Chapter 5:

Specials and Blockbusters

Lesson 1: Filia

Learn this character's special
and blockbuster moves.


Filia is what's known as a "rushdown" character. She doesn't have a lot of fancy special moves, but more
than makes up for it with her maneuverability and an arsenal of Normal attacks well-suited to deadly

To make the most of Filia's talents, you'll want to work on your combos and master Instant Air Dashes.
You'll know you've got the hang of Filia's play style when you've done 100 total Instant Air Dashes in battle.


Filia's "Hairball" Special Attack lets her roll into a spiny ball and dash into her enemy for a few hits. It's a
versatile move: not only can you use it to get closer to your opponent, but you can also continue a combo
after the air version by dashing after the final hit.

Hairball is performed by inputting qcb+K, and can be used on the ground or in the air. The kick
button you use determines the trajectory and number of hits of the attack, so experiment to see what
works best for you and your preffered combos.

(Air OK) qcb+K

Hairball (LK)
Hairball (MK)
Hairball (HK)

Filia: qcb+LK, qcb+MK, qcb+HK


Ringlet Spike
Filia's "Ringlet Spike" is a ranged attack, where a spike errupts out of the ground a set distance from her.
It's hard to master, but in the right hands will let you damage distant opponents or keep them at bay.

Ringlet Spike is performed by inputting qcf+P, and the punch button you use will determine the
range of the attack. Try using the LP version against opponents approaching from the air, for a trade in
your favor.


Ringlet Spike (LP)
Ringlet Spike (MP)
Ringlet Spike (HP)

Filia: qcf+LP, qcf+MP, qcf+HP


Filia's "Updo" Special Attack is a quick anti-air attack that lets her punish anyone trying to get the jump on
her. Be careful though, if you mistime your attack, she'll be left very vulnerable.

Updo is performed by inputting f, d, df+P (or, for short, dp+P). The punch button you use will determine the height,
damage, and speed of the attack, letting you respond to a number of different situations.


Updo (LP)
Updo (MP)
Updo (HP)

Filia: dp+LP, dp+MP, dp+HP


Gregor Samson
Filia's "Gregor Samson" Blockbuster Attack is a devastating rushing attack that can be performed on the
ground or in the air. When it connects, it'll do several small hits and end with a hard hit that causes wall

Not only is Gregor Samson a great way to end a combo, if you can intercept your flying opponent after
bouncing them off hte wall, you'll be able to extend your combo even further.

Gregor Samson is performed by inputting qcb+KK, and consumes one level of Tension.

(Air OK) qcb+KK

Gregor Samson (Lv. 1)

Filia: qcb+KK


Fenrir Drive
Filia's "Fenrir Drive" is an evolved version of her Updo attack, sending her high into the air to intercept her
opponent. If she successfully lands the attack, she'll hit them several times, and then slam them back down
into ground.

Fenrir Drive is performed by inputting dp+PP, and consumes one level of Tension.


Fenrir Drive (Lv. 1)

Filia: dp+PP


Another anti-air attack. Filia's "Tricobezoar" Blockbuster is a massive projectile, spit up at an angle for
disgusting amounts of damage. It's a highly situational attack, but if it's used at the right time it can turn
the tide of battle.

Tricobezoar is performed by inputting qcb+PP, and consumes three levels of Tension.


Tricobezoar (Lv. 3)

Filia: qcb+PP


Lesson 2: Cerebella

Learn this chatacter's special
and blockbuster moves.


As a grappler, Cerebella's strength lies in her powerful throws. She has a throw suitable for nearly any
occasion: near, far, anti-air, weddings and birthdays. All of these throws require Cerebella to be up close
and personal with her opponent, so using her glide, running and armored abilities will help her close in on

Throws normally aren't comboable, but they can be comboed into if Cerebella's opponent is staggered.
Cerebella has a few ways to stagger her opponents, such as a stand-alone MP attack or her Pummel

To make the most of Cerebella's talents, you'll want to work on your throw timing, defense and spacing.
Since she needs to be close to use these essential attacks, you'll want to learn to block your opponents's
attacks, wait for an opening, and throw them when they're vulnerable. Different throws have different
ranges, so mastering spacing will help you maximize your throw opportunities.

You'll know you've got the hang of Cerebella's play style when you've succesfully thrown your opponents
100 times.


Diamond Drop
Cerebella's "Diamond Drop" command throw will grab an opponent and deal more damage than her normal
throw, but they'll have to be pretty close to her if she's going to succeed.

Diamond Drop is performed by inputting qcf+LP+LK


Diamond Drop

Cerebella: qcf+LP+LK


Merry Go-Rilla
Cerebella's "Merry Go-Rilla" is another powerful command throw. It has a longer range, but will miss if the
opponent is too close to her, so mastering spacing is the key to using it effectively.

Merry Go-Rilla is performed by inputtin qcb+LP+LK


Merry Go-Rilla

Cerebella: qcb+LP+LK


Cerebella's "Excellebella" is a powerful anti-air grab, and can be blocked if you aren't careful. However, you
can combo into it, so if you send your opponent into the air, try to catch them with this for some extra

Excellebella is performed by inputting dp+LP+LK



Cerebella: dp+LP+LK


Grab Bag
Cerebella's Grab Bag is a spectacular aerial throw. It can catch an opponent from a variety of heights as
Cerebella falls to the ground, but the opponent must be in the air for it to connect.

Grab Bag is performed by inputting qcf+LP+LK while in the air.

(In air) qcf+LP+LK

Grab Bag

Cerebella: (In air) qcf+LP+LK


Lock n'Load
Cerebella's "Lock N'Load" is a medium-range ground Special Attack. Not only does it do decent damage, the
MP or HP versions are also "armored", meaning that if she's hit in the middle of attacks she won't be
interrupted or stunned.

Lock N'Load is performed by inputting qcf+P, and the punch button used will determine the range,
speed and armor of the attack. The LP variant has no armor, the MP variant has one hit armor, and the
HP version has two hits if armor.


Lock N'Load (LP)
Lock N'Load (MP)
Lock N'Load (HP)

Cerebella: qcf+LP, qcf+MP, qcf+HP


Tumbling Run
Cerebella's "Tumbling Run" lets her quickly run towards her opponent to narrow the distance between
them, and has a hit of armor to help make sure she gets there.

Tumbling Run is performed by inputting back (hold) forward+K, and the kick button used will determine the
speed and distance of the run. All variants of Tumbling Run have one hit of armor.

Tumbling Run Follow-Ups
Cerebella's Tumbling Run is not only a great move for getting close to your opponent, it also paves the way
for a whole host of follow-up attacks:

Run Stop LK or LP: Stops Cerebella immediatelly
Kanchou MK (hold) or MP (hold): Dodges behind her opponent and attacks from behind, sending them into
the air.
Battle Butt HK or HP: A powerful ramming attack, with two additional hits of armor.
Pummel Horse LP+PK: A powerful multi-hit throw that leaves your opponent staggered.

back (hold) forward+K,
LK or LP

Tumbling Run
Run Stop

Cerebella: back (hold) forward+K, LK or LP

back (hold) forward+K,

Tumbling Run
Pummel Horse

Cerebella: back (hold) forward+K, LP+LK

back (hold) forward+K,
MK (hold) or MP (hold)

Tumbling Run

Cerebella: back (hold) forward+K, MK (hold) or MP (hold)

back (hold) forward+K,
HK or HP

Tumbling Run
Battle Butt

Cerebella: back (hold) forward+K, HK or HP


Cerebella's "Glide" is an important move to help her get the drop on her opponents.
Glide is performed simply by holding HP while in air. It is uses your double-jump, so you can either Glide or
double-jump, but not both.

(In air) HP (hold)

Glide (0/2)

Cerebella: (In air) HP (hold), (In air) HP (hold)


Diamond Deflector
Cerebella's "Diamond Deflector" is a quick, short-range attack that can also reflect projectiles, returning
them to their sender. If the reflected projectile lands, it will stagger your opoonent, buying you some time
to move in on them.

Diamond Deflector is performed by inputting dp+LP.


Diamond Deflector

Cerebella: dp+LP


Devil Horns
Cerebella's "Devil Horns" not only lets her rock out, but is also a short-range, invincible anti-air attack.
Devil Horns is performed by inputting dp+MP


Devil Horns

Cerebella: dp+MP


Cerebella's "Cere-Copter" is a medium range, high damage multi-hit Special Attack.

Cere Copter is performed by inputting dp+HP.



Cerebella: dp+HP

Diamond Dynamo
Cerebella's Diamond Dynamo pummels her opponents with a windmill of whirling arms, repeatedly bouncing
them off the ground and slamming them down again.

Diamond Dynamo is performed by inputting qcf+PP, and consumes one level of Tension.


Diamond Dynamo (Lv. 1)

Cerebella: qcf+PP


Ultimate Showstopper
Throws are Cerebella's speciality, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that she has a Blockbuster throw, as

Ultimate Showstopper is performed by inputting 360+LP+LK, and consumes one
level of Tension. This full 360-degree circual motion can be performed in either direction.

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