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Kaillera server v0.86 (c) 2001 Christophe Thibault

don't forget to edit the kaillerasrv.conf file

you can also access your server by pointing your webbrowser to

what's new:

0.86: added motd
      added browser access! (not much yet)
0.85: added options for restricting access on ping times and connection settings
0.84: fixed pb on win32 where max clients couldn't exceed 32 (doh)
      fixed crash pb on linux/freebsd
      added URL configuration option so you can have your site 
      linked on kaillera.com
      added chat messages flood protection!
      added waiting games reporting
0.83: added message in chat window to notify when player drop out of a game.
0.82: fixed the very bad hang/crash bug introduced in 0.8/0.81
0.81: fixed buggy keystroke handling. now every keys are sent to the server.
      magically reduced ping time :)
0.8:  fixed "AF_INET bug" in linux log messages
      messages are no more sent 60 times a second. this will
      reduce bandwith and cpu usage A LOT.
      some optims here and there
0.7:  optimized network code a bit
      takes A LOT less CPU resources
      added leet startup ascii. thanks to sensAh :)
0.6:  netsync now has a 2 minutes timeout instead of 1
      (for slow machines)
      some minor fixes
0.5:  fixed ghost players/games
      added games played report in the touch process
0.41: message length bugfix
0.4:  added IP parameter in config file
      fixed crash when >~15 people on server
      takes a little bit less CPU resources
0.3:  initial netsync support
      bugfixes & improvements
0.23: crash bugfixes
0.2:  added "Location" and "Public" settings
      added keep-alive support
      LOT of bugfixes!
0.1:  initial release
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