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While I was at my office, Mr. Tsunoda called me on the phone, and said, "Please come here for a minute." So, I
went to see him right away. Mr. Tsunoda, who was holding the door of the conference room, said, " d - mo baka
ni natchatta mitai de (I guess it's been so stupid)." I was shocked, and asked him, " e? baka ni natta? (Huh?
[You] have gone crazy?)" He said, " s - senjitsu kara abunai to omottetara yappari baka ni natchatte (Yes, I
noticed it the other day, and I knew that it would happen someday.)" I couldn't think of what I should say to him,
so I just told him, " daij - bu desu yo, baka ni natte imasen yo ! ([You] will be OK, [you are] not crazy!)." Then,
he got upset and said, "Why do you think this is OK?," and he started banging the door. Why did he get upset?
Pole-san, you made a mistake, again. What he meant by saying " baka
ni natta " is "[The door] has become loose." In fact, his expression of
" baka " does not imply "stupid" or "crazy." The word " baka " has various
usages in daily conversation. By the way, I'm glad that you did not go back
to your home country as you said you might last month. Airfares during the
holiday se a son are " baka-dakai (awfully high)!" So, you'd better avoid
traveling around the end and the beginning of the year. Paying a lot of
money for tickets is " bakabakash - (ridiculous)!"
In this lesson, let's study some frequently used terms derived from " baka ."
10. This meat is extremely tough . What kind of meat is this?
花苌鏷腀苎芩苉腀腀腀腀腀腀腀腀腀 苋腁覽苌鏷腈
kono niku baka ni ne nan no niku?
Enter the appropriate word (A through G in the center column;
some modification may be necessary) in the rectangular.
If a certain condition/situation is more than usual or if the
degree is more than you expected, you may feel
confusion or doubt. The word " baka " is used to express
baka ni
1. (In a drama on TV)
Man: I'm going to divorce my wife, so marry me!
1. yasui 2. hayaku 3. atatakai 4. yasash - 腀腀
5. j - zu 6. sawagash -
7. ureshis - 8. majime 9. isogash - 10. katai
tsuma to rikon suru kara kekkon shite kure!
yachin wa baka ni kedo nani ka wake ga aru no kana...
膟 The following phrases are used as idioms.
Woman: Don't be ridiculous!
No small matter
It seems very insignificant, but it cannot be
ignored or downplayed.
2. My husband is always late, but he came back home extremely early . Why was that?
baka ni naranai
It is nonsense to wait for five hours to buy a ticket for a concert.
芢苂苠譁苨芪鉸芢軥遬芪 腀苎芩苉 腀腀 譁苁苄鞈芽芪苇芤芵苄腈
itsumo kaeri ga osoi shujin ga baka ni kaettekita ga d - shite?
荒莓荔腛荧苌荠荐荢荧苰钃芤苌苉艔躞諔苠闀苔苌苍腀腀腀腀腀腀腀 苅芷腂
concert no ticket o kau no ni go-jikan mo narabuno wa desu
Become loose
Its original function is lost, and it becomes useless.
(e.g., screws, hinges, buckles, zippers, etc.)
3. This winter has been abnormally warm, probably because of global warming.
baka ni naru
3. One pack of cigarettes costs only ¥200, but if I count the cost
for a year, it's no small matter.
鍾芾苆芢芤苌苉 苎芩苉腀 腀腀腀腀腀苌苍芽苔英覷鉧覻苌襥访苅芷苋腂
fuyu dato y - noni baka ni nowa tabun ondanka no - ky - desu ne
腀荞药荒苍艐钠艑艏艏襾芾芪腁艐鑎苅販苩苆腀腀腀腀腀腀 腀腀腀腀苅芷腂
tobacco wa hitohako nihyaku-en da ga ichinen de miru to desu
4. Recently, my wife has been extremely kind to me; I wonder what she has in mind.
That's ridiculous! When unbelievable or shocking things happen,
this phrase is used to say, such as
"It can't be! / No way!
/ No kidding!"
sonna baka na
跅诟苌跈苍 苎芩苉腀腀腀腀腀腀腀腀 芪腁覽芩覺道芪芠苩苌苅苍腂
saikin no tsuma wa baka ni ga nani ka shitagokoro ga aru no dewa
4. The buckle of my bag got loose, so I had it repaired.
bag no tomegane ga node naoshita
5. No wonder his song was so much better than average, I was told that he
unreasonable, absurd
5. I think it is too late to regret what I have done, how stupid I was!
觌芪 苎芩苉腀腀腀腀腀腀腀腀 芾苆蹶苁芽苧腁貳觌軨苈英芾苁苄芳腂
uta ga baka ni dato omottara moto kashu nandatte sa
bakabakash -
趡芳苧賣觷芵苄苠鉸芢苅芷芪腀腀 腀 腀腀腀腀腂
imasara k - kai shitemo osoi desu ga
6. It is far noisier than usual outside, so I'll go out and check it out.
Don't be ridiculous! To deny strongly what
the other person says.
詏芪 苎芩苉腀 腀腀腀 腀腀苌苅腁芿若苁苆販苄鞈苜芷腂
soto ga baka ni node chotto mite kimasu
baka na koto o iu na
6. That's ridiculous! I won the lottery, but I lost the ticket!
! atatta takarakuji no ken o otoshita!
7. Mr. Tsunoda looks extremely happy, doesn't he? What happened to him?
How stupid I was!
When the speaker has
done some stupid or
thoughtless thing.
詰鍣芳英腀苎芩苉腀腀腀腀腀腀腀腀 苋腂覽芩芢芢花苆芠苁芽苌芩苈腈
Tsunoda-san baka ni ne nani ka iikoto atta no kana?
7. Spending that sort of money for children must be motivated by
blind parental love.
baka na koto o shita
蹱讟苉芠英苈苉芨诠苰芩芯苩苈英苄腀腀腀 腀腀腀 苅芷苋腂
kodomo ni annani okane o kakeru nante desu ne
8. Yukiko is extremely industrious, today. It's not like her usual self.
苎芩苉腀 芾苋腂芢苂苠苌青證蹱芿苡英芶苡苈芢苝芽芢芾苋腂
baka ni da ne itsumo no Yukiko-chan ja nai mitai da ne
9. No wonder it is extremely busy, today. It's the end of the month.
Geek or someone
dedicated to
A person who is single-minded or accomplished in
particular pursuits, but is felt to be socially inept.
Study geek:
Specific-field geek: Blind parental love
1 - E (baka na koto o iwanai de) 2 - D 3 - A 4 - B (baka ni natta)
5 - F (baka na koto o shiteshimatta) 6 - C or F 7 - G (oya baka)
gakusha baka
senmon baka
oya baka
ky - wa baka ni to omottara getsumatsu desu ne
With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga
Copyright 2005 The Yomiuri Shimbun
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