Building Highly Available Systems with SQL Server 2005.pdf

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Highly Available
Systems with
SQL Server 2005
Raj Gill
Scalability Experts
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What is High Availability
HA Technology Enhancements in
SQL Server 2005
Right tool for the right job
What is High Availability
Uninterrupted usability
A running server is not necessarily available
Is a factor of technology, people and processes
Often measured as a percentage in “uptime” over 1
Eg. 99.999% uptime = 5.25 minutes downtime a year
Includes both planned and unplanned downtime
You really should care
Typical cost of downtime: $20K-$80K /hour
High watermark: $6.5million /hour
43% of companies experiencing disaster never re-open
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High Availability Technology
Enhancements in SQL Server 2005
Changes To Clustering
Supports 8-node clustering
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition
Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition
Install package chaining allows for one-step clustering
Analysis Services can be clustered in multiple instances
Full Text Search can be clustered in multiple instances
Allows for optional components selection
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