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Summer 1976, $2.50
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Wood( k-
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Summer 1976, Volume 1, Number 3
Caftsman's Gallery by John Kelsey: Shop/gallery combination works in
Wood by R. Bruce Hoadley: A look at this fu ndamental material
Mortise and Tenon by Tage Frid: Choosing and making this basic joint
The Christian Tadition by Francis J. Newton: Portland Museum mounts
exquisite show
Hand Shaping by Daniel Jackson: A simple approach to sculpturing
Yankee Divesity by Jere Osgood: Boston show features interesting
Plane Speaking by Robert Sutter: One man's guide to the more useful
Desert Cabinetry by Thomas A .. Simons IV: Coping with six percent
Hidden Dawes by Alastair A. Stair: Some eighteenth-century examples
Green Bowls by Alan Stirt: Turn unseasoned wood, dry it, then turn
Queen Anne by Franklin H. Gottshall: Styling elements used in table
Gate-Leg Table by Paul Buckley: A contemporary version of a classic
Tuning Conference by John Kelsey: Notes and information on a recent
Stroke Sander by M.G. Rekof, Jr.: Building a machine to smooth flat
Funiture Plans: A listing of what's available in book and sheet form
Editor and Publisher
Paul Roman
Contributing Editors
Tage Frid
R. Bruce Hoadley
Alastair A. Stair
Robert Sutter
Associate Editor
John Kelsey
Associate Publisher
Janice A. Roman
Editorial Assistant
Ruth Maidman
Subscription Service
Carole E. Ando
Advertising Consultant
Sources of Supply (continued)
I've Got a Secret : "Little Man" of walnut
Granville M. Fillmore
Covr: Scanning electron microscope photograph
shows structure of yellow birch. Large vertical cells
are vssels, the smallr ones mostly brs. The
laer-like structures in the large vessels are the
diagonal endwalls through which sap travels. Ra­
dial ray cells and rays are clarly visible in all
sufaces. Centr of tree ould be toward lowr right.
Photo from the Center for U Itrastructures Studies,
SUNY, Colege of Environmental Science and
Fine Woodworking is published quarterly, March, June, September and December, by The
Taunton Press, Inc., Taunton Lake Road, Newtown, CT 06470, Telephone (203) 426-
8171. Second-class postage paid at Newtown, CT 06470 and additional mailing offices.
Copyright 1976 by The Taunton Press, Inc. No reproduction without permission of The
Taunton Press, Inc. Subscription rates: United States and possessions, S8.00 for one year,
S15.00 for two years; foreign rate, $9.00 for one year. Single copy $2.50. Postmaster: Send
notice of undelivered copies on form 3579 to: The Taunton Press, PO Box 355, Newtown,
CT 06470. Forwarding and return postage guaranteed. Please address all subscription,
editorial and advertising correspondence to The Taunton Press, PO Box 355, Newtown, CT
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I do not denigrate the use of a ile; a ine flat ile has
helped to thin many a slightly recalcitrant tail or pin. After
all, it is known as the " cabinetmaker's friend." Fine dovetails
in thin wood can sometimes use a ine triangular ile.
....As Me. Mattia states, there are many ways to make
dovetails. Some of my peculiarities may be of some beneit to
some readers.
To begin with, most dovetail sawing is ripping; conven­
tional dovetail saws are ground with cross-cutting teeth and
have a round .. pistol" grip. This makes for unnecessary strain
and wobble for those of us not hugely muscled nor intensely
dedicated. Great comfort, peace of mind, and accuracy can be
obtained by having two dove-tail saws, both with convention­
al hand-saw handles, one ground for ripping, one for
cross-cutting, the latter of which I make noticeable by
chiseling an "X" on the handle. Any good professional saw
sharpener can convert cross-cut to .. raker teeth" for ripping.
Life has been simpler since I routinely dado'd all the sides
of a drawer before dove-tailing - the slot is a constant point
of reference for the inside of the board.
Paul W. Caney, DeKalb, III.
I am wrmng in regard to your Spring '76 issue of Fine
Woodworking. In the article "Textbook Mistakes," Tage Frid
talked about how it was better to glue boards with the end
grain in the same direction because it is easier to hold down
one big warp than smaller warps. It seems to me than if what
he says is true, it wouldn't make any diference whether you
use one wide board or many small ones because they will both
warp the same.
If one has a good number of dovetails to cut, e.g. 36 inches
of dovetails on each corner of assorted drawers for a chest, it
makes for considerable convenience to have a template of
brass or aluminum on hand. Time making accurate templates
will be repaid ten-fold in time saved. Scribing for pins theu
tails can be frustrating if the stock is thick, the pins narrow. Myself, being in the custom furniture and repair business, I
see that in antique furniture where larger pieces of wood are
used, there are obvious warps in those pieces. Whereas there
seems to be no warp when glued up in narrower widths, with
the end grain alternated. The method Tage Frid recommends
seems very risky, especially on table leaves without skirts.
The labor saved by using a jig saw or tight band saw to cut
tails to me is as reasonable as using a table saw to cut stock.
Sawing pins is simpler by hand.
If marks are scribed rather than penciled, it should not be
necessary to raise a light chip to preserve the mark so the
chisel is placed precisely. A sharp chisel of the correct width
can always find and hold a scribed line. I prefer to scribe
depth lines with the material used, because sides of drawers
are thinner than fronts or backs, etc.
I also question what he says about dowel joints as com­
pared to mortise and tenon, especially if you want your
urniture to last longer than yourself. The mortise and tenon
joint is good, but people like driving nails through them to
It Takes Fine Tools •••
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Lettes (continued)
hold them tight, which only leaves the furniture repair man
one choice of chiseling the wood away from the nail to pull it.
Then when the joint is apart, the glue must be scraped or
sanded off which in many cases leaves the joint sloppy and
requires wedges to make it tight again. As with dowels people
don't nail them nearly as often, and are easily replaced if
broken or sanded too small. The dowel may not be as good in
theory, but to me seems superior in repairing, and in giving
the original tightness that old loose chairs once had.
Jim Surgent, Misoula, Montana
cause a split. The sketch showing an alternate grain panel was
very much exaggerated and never happens to dry wood.
H. C. Conkling,Jr., South Dartmouth, Mas.
Tage Frid replies: "Responding to Mr. Van Sinderen, in the
type of furniture I do, I am usually gluing up planed boards
of the same or nearly the same thickness. I temporarily clamp
battens (such as 2 by 4' s) top and bottom across the boards to
align them. I remove the battens once the boards are
clamped. "
"Responding to Mr. Conkling, the drawing of the grain di­
rections was exaggerated for clarity. Whenever I screw a top to
a base, I always provide for the top's movement. One method
....With respect to Tage Frid's article in the March issue.
I certainly agree, dowels are not necessary for strength, but
how do you keep all these boards lined up when joining an
eight-foot table rop? We all would love to work with perfect
lumber, but it is not often you come across an eight-foot
board of walnut that doesn't have a crook or two! By the time
you plane and joint this wood it's better, but when you go to
edge glue-let's say your boards are six inches wide-it would
be very difficult to clamp these boards accurately at the edges
without some type of guide.
Donald Van Sinderen, Pembroke, Maine
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....The article by Tage Frid was great, and I agree with
everything he said except one. I can't imagine anyone who
thinks so clearly would suggest gluing up table tops and not
alternating the grain. He was correct in what would happen if
you do not altetnate grain, but the hold down screw can also
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