1919_Abraham's Life History an Alegory - J.Edgar.pdf

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of the Divine P1.s of the Age*
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An Address delivered in many of the town8 of Great
M.A., B.Sc, M.B., C.M.
Fellow of the Royal Faculty of filrysicians
' "'
and Sur eons, GIas ow; Professor of Midwifery and
Aseases of &omen Anderson% college
Medical School; Senior gorgeon, Royal Samaritan. . . '
Hospital for Women, Glasgow.
Author of " Sociulism and tlie Bible, "
"A Tree Planted by the River8 of Water,"
" The Preservation of Identity in the Resurrection."
and Joint-Author of " Great Pyramid Paseoges."
Rcammged by Morton Edgar
.. All rmts reserved.
Further copies of this brochure an be procured by applying to
Morton Edgar. 224 West Regent Street,
Britain and Ireland
Abraham's Life History
An Allegory
of the Divine Plan of the Ages.
It hns been written that Abraham had two sons, orefrom the
bond-wornat~,and onefrom the freewoman. Now, the onefrerrr
the bondwoman wus born according to theflesh; but Ira of the
freeu*oman was through the promise. Which things are un
allegory; for these represent tuto covenants. (Gal. 4: 22-31.1
Had it not been for this authoritative statement of the
Apostle, would it have occurred to us that Abraham's two
wives are allegorical of two covenants?
Our attention having been drawn to this fact, we find,
when we study Abraham's career, that his whole life-
history is an allegory. All the events of his life were
overruled and recorded in such a manner, that they form
in their sequence a living picture, epitomising the com-
plete Plan of the Ages. As Bible students know, the
Scriptures abound with such illustrations. They are all
designed by our loving heavenly Father to strengthen our
faith; to make the glorious Plan of the Ages appear so
real, that we can believe in it as firmly as that to-morrow
will dawn.
"Allegory " is not an English, ,,but a Greek, word.
Translated into English it reads: adapted to another
meaning." While Abraham enacted his life in a natural
way, and apparently without restriction, yet, in God's
providences, every incident and event, and every person
that came into his life, was adapted to mean some feature
in the Plan of God.
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