1919_A Tree Planted by Rivers of Water - J.Edgar.pdf

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A Tree Planted by the
Rivers of Water
A Tree Planted by the
Rivers of Water
An Address delivered in many of the ~WM
Great Britain. and Ireland
MA., BSe, MJ), C.M.;
FsUors of tL Royal FacuUq of PN- and Swgwus, Gwa;
Profisor Of Midmifrry ad Disrcrvs qf Women, An-*$ Col-
.- Medical ScW; Sador Swg.on, Rayd Samamh H* fa
w- Ck%a.
rumha copies of thh hachum cm be prod bp applyi86 to:
nlorton Edgar, fP4 West Regmt Street,
Glasgow, Scotland.
A Tree Planted by the Rivers
of Water.
Bkssa is th mom that dub nd in tk covnvl oj 1k uyodly nor
ir tk rasy of sin-, run sitklh in tk smt of t~ tcok~.
But his ddight is in th law of tb Lmd; and in kit krr &h Ik
meditats day and uigki. And k [this man of God of whom tha
Psalmist speaks] Ad! &
the natural and spiritual worlds, the more we
find them in harmony with each other. Hence
we conclude that they owe their existence to the same
suthor. The natural man is apt to place the laws of
Bture first, but the man of God knows that the spiritual
laws are the more important. In fact, it would seem as
if God actually arranged every thing in nature so as to
make clear to our understanding the great spiritual trutha
which otherwise might be beyond our comprehension.
We find many examples of this in the Scriptures. For
instance, the nation of Israel is repeatedly symbolized as
a vine tree, a tree which is quite useless except for one
PTse, fruit-bearing. Turn to the 16th $apter of
zeluel, and see what the Prophet says : And the
word of the Lord came unto me saying, Son of man,
What is the vine tree more than any tree, or than a
branch which is among the trees of the,!orest ? Shall
wood be taken thereof to do any work ? Who would
think of taking the wood of a vine tree to do any work I
-" or will men take a pin of it to hang any vessel there-
on ? Behold it is cast into the fire for fuel; the fire
devaureth both the ends of it, and the midst of it is
bmed. Is it meet for any work ?-Behold, when it was
a tru PhtJui by tk rivers of w,
brangdh fadk ku fruJ 8s ku sbnron; kss leaf ah shd d Whw; d
wktsocwr k dodh sW plos#u.'l-Fkrt Psalm, 1-8.
T HE more we enquire into the laws which govern
whole, it was meet for no work : now much less shall it
be meet yet for any work; when the fire ha# devoured
it, and it is burned ? Therefore thus saith the Lord God :
as the vine among the trees of the forest, which I have
given to the fire for fuel, so will I give the inhabitants
of Jerusalem." The Lord could have made the vine a
great tree like the fir or the cedar, but he did not choose
to do so, doubtless because he wished to illustrate his
purpose with regard to the nation of Israel, namely, that
the sole primary object for which he had chosen them
was that they might bear the fruits of holiness : " And
now, Israel, what doth the Lord thy God require of thee,
but to fear the Lord thy God, to walk in all his ways, and
to love him, and to serve the Lord thy God wit11 all thy
heart and with all thy soul, to keep the commandments
of the Lord and his,;tatutes, which I command thee this
day for thy good ? (Deut. 10 : 12, 13).
Ezekiel's prophecy was fulfilled in the year 70 A.D.,
when the nation of Israel was cast into the fire of trouble
and destroyed. Our Lord Jesus explains the reason in
the 21st chapter of Matthew, 43rd verse : "Therefore I
say unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from
you, and given to a nation bringing forth. the fruits
%ereof,"-the fruits of holiness.
Christendom has made the same mistake in this respect
as did natural Israel. Like the nation of Israel, the
Christian nations have depended on their own strength
and their own wisdom instead of on the Lord's, and they
have become great in the eyes of the world. They have
failed to see that the sole primary object for which the
Lord has chosen them is that they shoq!d bear the fruits
of holiness, as the Apostle explains : This is the will
of God, even your sanctification " (1 Thess. 4 : 3). For
this reason, the Lord is casting them off and is giving the
Kingdom to a nation bearing the fruits thereof, the holy
nation, redeemed out of every kindred and tongue and
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