Chronologia Rorispergius (Mach 37) comp by Elias Pandochaeus.pdf

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Chronologia Rorispergius (mach 37)
-Compiled by Elias Pandochaeus
144,000 BC Geneticists believe that an ancestral human population of about 2000
individuals who lived somewhere in Africa began to split up.
24,000 BC "Black Venus" figurine unearthed near the Czech village of Dolni
Vestonice in 1924. Also one at Willendorf. 11 cm tall. Discovered in 1908.
Oldest Paleolithic sculptures? Oldest known portrayals of women? 100 small
statuettes have been found.
6500 BC Catal Huyuk, neolithic site in Turkey (Central Anatolia) flourished...At
Catul Huyuk the goddess images were shown with the bull horns emerging from her
womb. (June Campbell pg 41)
4242 BCE Earliest recorded date in history. (in ancient Egypt). Egyptian
calendar which is regulated by Sun and Moon has 360 days with 12 months of 30
4000 BCE Astrology begins in Mesopotamia. Sumerians build ziggurats, the first
astrological observatories. The Sun, Moon and 5 visible planets are used.
Astrological knowledge is recorded in cuneiform on clay tablets.
3761 BC First day of Jewish calendar (according to Jewish sources).
3760 BC The Assyrian Calendar begins with the first recorded year of the
"beginning of civilization" (shooraya d'mdeetanayoota) as seen through the eyes
of the ancient Bet-Nahranaye (Mesopotamians). These ancient inhabitants of
Assyria, Babylon, and Sumer believed that civilization was a "gift from the
gods" and it was marked from the time "kingship was lowered from heaven."
3200 BC Writing in Sumerian tablets
3100 BCE Pyramid Texts [egy].
2953-2838 Chinese Emperor Fu Hsi, produced first w.v. of I Ching
2700 BCE The Great Pyramid of Khufu is built in accordance with astronomical
2494-2345 Pyramid Texts [egy].
2340 BC First Imperial Dynasty of Egypt
2300 BC Astarte, one of the ancient forms of the universal great goddess, was
worshipped by the Iranians in her form as Anahita. Her image was found in
Sumeria around 2300 BC. In the Tibetan pantheon she is a manifestation of the
sky goddess Kaladugmo ( or Ma Namkha (ma.nams.mkha) or 'Mother
2000 BC Indo-Aryans left Proto-Aryan homelands (eastern Iranian steppes of
ancient Sogdiana, Chorasmia, and Bactria (Yarshater: 685)...
Indo-Aryans crossed the Caucasus Mountains and established the Kingdom of
Mitanni on the NW frontier of the Kassite Kingdom. (James:1963)...Aryan
migration into Anatolia around 2000 BC"..(Lincoln: 181) Harran founded
as a merchant outpost of Ur, situated on the major trade route across northern
Mesopotamia. The name comes from the Sumerian and Akkadian "Harran-U", meaning
"journey", "caravan", or "crossroad".
2000-1900 Abraham, b. in Ur, according to Bible lived to age of 175.
1857 BC Birth of Shenrab in the 1st Wood Male Mouse Year, the son of King Gyal
Tokar and Queen Zanga Ringum (Wangyal: 30)
1800 Enuma Elish, Bablyonian Creation Myth.
1700 BC 17th and 15th centuries BC...Asherah was their mother goddess. The
consort of Jehovah. 'She who treads on the sea'..."-(Petty: 1990)
1760 Gilgamesh Epic.
1600 Orig. Egyptian Book of the Dead. (Book of Coming Forth by Day).
1570 Ebers Papyrus
1550-1450 o.c. Rig-Veda, Sama-Veda and Yajur-Veda
1500 Indo-Europeans invade India. Vedic Culture.
1500 (ca.) Volcanic destruction of Thera, thought to be the origin of Atlantis
story. Harranians established a pilgrimage site at the Giza Plateau in Egypt.
1400 BC The roots of Mithraic belief are found in the worship of the Sky Goddess
Mitra in northern Mesopotamia. Avesta composed in Avestan (an East-Iranian
1200 Origin of Judaism, o.c. of O.T., starting with the Torah (the first 5
books). Sophocles claimed dice were invented by Palamedes during the siege of
Troy. Herodotus attributed them to the Lydians in the reign of Atys.
1194 Fall of Troy (events described in Iliad/Odyssey).
1100 (ca.) Rise of Mayan culture.
994 - King David captures Jerusalem.
10th century BCE Solomon, son of David, King of Israel flourished
950 Torah/Pentateuch, Song of Songs.
900 BC "The sacrificial deities, Agni and Soma, as personifications of the
ritual order, effectively survived the transition from theism to pantheism in
900 BC." (James: 77)
800 - The Iliad and The Odyssey were recited by a blind poet named Homer;
Hesiod: Works and Days, Theogony; Upanishads
751 – Rome was founded
740 O.T. Book of Isaiah.
628-551 Zarathustra/Zoroaster
600 - Taoism (or Daoism) is established in China as a religion by the legendary
580 - 530 – Pythagoras was initiated into the Egyptian mysteries (disciple of
560 – Buddha was born
c. 550? Bon was introduced to Tibet when there occurred a mass migration of
Iranians from Sogdhiana in north-east Iran to the northern parts of Tibet. They
brought with them an ancient form of polytheistic Mithraism and the Araimic
550 - The Celts invade the island of Britain.
535 BC Pythagoras sets up esoteric colony near Crotona in southern Italy where
scholars learn about numerology, astrology and the occult arts, which Pythagoras
learned during his 20 years of travels in Babylon and Egypt.
500 BCE w.v. Gensis, Exodus, Numbers. (O.T.)
475 BC Empedocles of Agrigentum introduces the 4 elements, Fire, Earth, Air and
Water, into astrology, as the 4-fold root of all things. He discovered the idea
that nothing can be destroyed (or created) only transformed.
427-347 Plato
400 BCE Books of Proverbs, Job (O.T.)
384-322 Aristotle
370 BC Eudoxus of Cnidus devises calendars using zodiac with 12 equal zodiac
signs. Invents geometrical theory of proportion.
360 Critias by Plato: the origin of the Atlantis story.
356 - Alexander the Great born
350 BC Petosiris, chief administrator of the Temple of Khumunu (Hermes) near
Hermopolis becomes known for mastering egyptian esoteric astrology.
350 (hist.) Tao-te Ching. [tao].
340 Writings of Chuang-tzu. [tao]
c. 330 Manetho of Sebennytos Egyptian historian, priest at Heliopolis under
Ptolemy I and Ptolemy II wrote Aegyptiaca a collection of three books about the
history of Ancient Egypt, commissioned by Ptolemy II in his effort to bring
together the Egyptian and Hellenistic cultures. Mentioned 36,525 manuscripts of Hermes.
These books state that the world was made out of fluid; that the soul is the union of light
and life; that nothing is destructible; that the soul transmigrates; and that suffering is the
result of motion.
330 BC Alexander the Great (356-323 BC) helps to spread astrology from Babylon
and Egypt throughout the Middle East. Greek Philosophers exposed to new occult
ideas from Egypt and Babylon. Astrology is personalized in Greece. Alexander
founds Library of Alexandria.
300? BCE Euclid
290 BC Alexandria in Egypt becomes center of astrological research.
Eratosthenes, Arristyllus and Timocharis are its leading astrologers.
285 Septuagint, first Greek trans. of the O.T.
c. 250 BCE Salmeschiniaka. Asrological work lists images and interpretations for
each degree of the zodiac.
c. 200 BCE Buddhism comes to central Asia.
Nechepso Egyptian pharaoh & Petosiris, his priest, said to have invented
astrology. Astrological textbook bearing their names was written or translated
into Greek= an encyclopedia of cosmogony, astrology and magic, of which we have
citations from the fourteenth book.
200-150 BCE The Book of the Watchers.Aramaic. Parts of its text have been
identified on several copies from Qumran cave 4; the earliest fragmentary
manuscript(4QEnocha) dates.
196 - The Rosetta Stone was engraved
164 Book of Daniel (O.T.).
160 O.T. Apocrypha: Tobit, 1 Esdras, Enoch, others.
150 Yoga Sutras of Patanajali; Early Qumran (Dead Sea Scrolls).
150 BC Esoteric form of astrology based on the teachings of Hermes or Thoth
circulates in numerous works under such titles as: Astrologoumena, Hermaikai
Diataxeis or Doctrines of Hermes, Apokotastasis, Liber Hermetis(listing of decan
images), Asklepios.
130 BC Greek astronomer Hipparchus is credited for the discovering the
precession of the equinoxes which was already known in Babylonia centuries
86-82 BC Rhetorica Ad Herennium Latin rhetorical treatise on the classical art
of memory attributed to Marcus Tullius Cicero.
70-19 Virgil
67 Pirates based in Cilicia (a province on the southeastern coast of Asia
Minor) were practicing secret rites of Mithras.
46-120 Plutarch
20 BC - 45 Philo of Alexandria, Jewish Platonic philosopher
10 BCE Apollonius Of Tyana
4? BCE-33 CE Jesus founds Christianity. Diamond Sutra. Heart Sutra.
1st century CE Apollonius of Tyana flourished. Nagarjuna - first order 4 Magic
Square, in India.
1st to 3rd CE (?) Testament of Solomon composed
17 Egyptian zodiac at Denderah is erected.
30-96 New Testament.
50-63 (N.T.) Colossians, Philemon, Ephesians, Philippians.
c.50 Chaeremon Egyptian stoic philosopher and grammarian, superintendent of the
Alexandrian library kept in the temple of Serapis, and as custodian and
expounder of the sacred books belonged to the higher ranks of the priesthood.
Wrote an account of the Egyptian Priesthood preserved by Porphyry on the
sanctity and symbolical secrets of ancient Egypt.
60-80 (N.T.) Acts of the Apostles.
68 Destruction of Qumran community. (Dead Sea Scrolls).
70 (N.T.) Gospel of Mark.
70 Destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem by the forces of Emperor
Vespasian. 2 Enoch, or the Slavonic Apocalypse of Enoch, was written late first
century C.E. in Egypt by a Jew. It survives only in late Old Slavonic
manuscripts. It may have been composed originally in Aramaic or Hebrew, later
being translated into Greek, and later still being translated into Old Slavonic.
80 (N.T.) Gospel of Matthew.
80 (N.T.) Gospel of Luke.
c.86 Apollonides Archprophet Orapis of Memphis wrote in Greek on Egyptian
90 (N.T.) Gospel of John.
81-96 Revelation of St. John.
123-170? Apuleius, The Golden Ass
100-300 CE composition of Corpus Hermetica
100-185? Pistis Sophia
120-189 R. Judah the Prince, redactor of the Mishnah. Gave Merkabah teachings to
R. Yochanam.
c.120 R. Akiba ben Joseph
130 Theon of Smyrna: Biblion - natural square often cited as magic.
d. 132 Rabbi Ishmael. Attributed to him is 3 Enoch, or the Hebrew Apocalypse of
Enoch, supposedly written after his visionary ascension into heaven
132-5: Bar Kokhba rebellion in Palestine. Jerusalem is leveled and Jews are
forbidden to live there, removing any hope of establishing a Third Temple
c.150 N.T. Apocrypha. Lotus Sutra. Cyranides(Hermetica which catalogues the
occult properties of birds, fishes, plants, and stones for the 4 elements of
air,water,earth and fire. Its first book has 24 chapters each beginning with a
letter of the Greek alphabet.)
Ptolemy writes The Tetrabiblos, the most comprehensive work on astrology to
date. Already aware of the precession of the equinoxes, Ptolemy cautions
astrologers to use the tropical spring equinox as the start of the first zodiac
sign. Other astrologers such as Hephaestion of Thebes and Julius Firmicus use it
as seminal work.
circa 150-250 Nagarjuna passes along Prajnaparamita sutra.
185-254 Origen of Alexandria
200-245 Julius Sextus Africanus: Historian and alchemist. Eusebius describes
Africanus as being the author of a work called kestoi(The "Embroideries").
Suidas says that this book detailed various kinds of cures, consisting of charms
and written forms. It had originally twenty-four books in which the author
discourses of magic, divination and medicine.
c.200 Desert Mothers and Fathers. Ascetic Christians in Egypt practised a
method of intensive meditation, combined with physical exercises, that they
called Hesychasm (from the Greek, hesychia=silence, q.v.). Parallels have been
observed between medieval ecstatic Kabbalah and Hesychast practice.
204-270 CE Plotinus, Neoplatonic philosopher and mystic (born in Egypt)
c.210 Clement of Alexandria Stromata book 6 chap.4 describes sacred ceremonial
procession of Egyptian priests carrying the 42 books of Hermes(emanation of Re)
215-220: Origen (185-253/4), then catechist for the Christian community of
Alexandria, preaches his Homilies on Genesis along with a lot of other works
216 to 276 -- Life of Mani, the Illuminator, who founded Manicheism, based on
ideas from Judaism, Christianity, Zoroasterism, Gnosticism, etc.
244-261 Mani sent a mission to Egypt under Adda and Patteg reaching as far as
Alexandria and another mission was led by Ammo penetrating to the far north-east
of the empire, to Parthia and Marv and beyond where he founded communities.
250-325 CE Iamblicus, neoplatonic philosopher, was born in Chalcis, Coele-Syria
261-62 Manichaean mission, led by Adda and Abzaxya made converts among the
Christian in Karkuk.
262-310 Porphyry of Tyre, student of Plotinus
c. 270. Christian monks begin congregating in the deserts of Syria and Egypt; of
them possibly the most reknowned, Anthony, undertakes a life of solitude.
c. 275: Porphyry publishes the Enneads, a distillation of the lectures of his
teacher Plotinus (204-270). In the minds of historians of philosophy,
Neoplatonism instantly replaces Middle Platonism.
c.300 Zosimos of Panopolis(Akhmin). The work named "Cheirokmeta" (dedicated to
his *sister* Theosebeia) which consisted of 28 books probably with 24 chapters
for each of the 24 of the letters of the Greek alphabet including COMMENTARY ON
THE LETTER OMEGA(extant). The Holy Eucharist or Mass, was regarded by C.G. Jung as
an alchemical work connected with the Third Century Gnostic alchemist Zosimos of
Panopolis, in whom he placed the historical point of the convergence of
Gnosticism and alchemy. Zosimos accepted the Hermetic teaching that the origin
of the term "chemae" was from the books of the Divine Art of attaining
immortality given to man by the fallen angels.
313: Under Emperor Constantine, the Edict of Milan makes Christianity a legal
religion throughout the Empire. A few years later, Constantine begins building a
new imperial capital on the Bosphorus, which he modestly names Constantinople.
c.318 Pachomius left his hermitage at an old Serapis Temple and founded the
first known Cenobitical or "communal type" monastery at Tabennis near Denderah,
325 Council of Nicea, Can. of Christian Bible. (to 13th Cent.) Puranas.
Iamblichus: On Nicomachus's Introduction to Arithmetic - first
mention of Casting Out Nines.
ca.340-420 Jerome studied Hebrew with Jewish instructors in Bethlehem.
346 St. Pachomius dies.
350-407 John Chrysostom
350? Abbaye Jewish Babylonian teacher expounds on the decans.
363 Last Pagan Emperor Julian stopped at Harran at the beginning of his Persian
campaign. He consulted the oracles at the Temple of the Moon.
380 HEPHAESTIO OF THEBES. COMPENDIUM, delineations of the decans and contains a
very long excerpt from Nechepso/Petosiris on detailed eclipse delineation. Preserves an
ancient Egyptian method of prediction using the Dog-Star alone.
c.380 Sepher Ha-Razim (the Book of the Mysteries) A Jewish mystical and magical
grimoire from Egypt. Related to the Sepher Raziel.
385 d. St. Gregory of Nyssa
386: Augustine (354-430), a rhetorician of North African descent currently
working in Milan, accepts baptism into Catholic Christianity from Bishop Ambrose
of Milan.
391 Second burning of library at Alexandria (by Christians).
401 Confessions of St. Augustine.
404 Cod. of the Vulgate (Latin Bible). Jerome (345-420) produces a new
translation (from both Greek and Hebrew) of most of the Christian Scriptures
into Latin.
410-485 Proclus: Epistles on alchemy. Commentary on Euclid's Elements.
411: Rome is sacked by Alaric the the Visigoth.
5th century Latin text, Liber Hermetis, translated from the Greek, gives special
attention to the decans: "Man is called by the informed, a World, since he is
wholly correspondent with the World’s nature. Indeed at the moment of conception
there spurts from the seven planets a whole complex of rays that bear on each
part of the man. And the same thing happens at the birth-hour, according to the
position of the twelve signs."
c. 420 "De nuptiis philologiæ et Mercurii" Martianus Capella
475-525 Boethius
c. 475 HORAPOLLO of Nilous Hieroglyphica. Suda refers to him as a leader of
one of the last pagan philosophical schools in Menouthis near Alexandria, under
the reign of Emperor Zeno (474-491).
500 CE (circa) Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite flourished, probably a native of
507: The Frankish leader Clovis defeats the Visigoths at the Battle of Vouille.
The Visigoths retreat into Spain
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