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Frank Kern
MDL 2.0 Roadmap
Live Q&A Call Recording #2 of 5
Audio Transcript Part 2 of 2
Thomas: Bob, the one question that I have is one of my
warmest prospects is a little bit squirrely. He owns multiple
businesses and what I'm mainly concerned with if I go in
there and I pitch them the licensing deal is what's really to
prevent the guy from learning the secret sauce and just
replicating it without me on the back end for his other
businesses? Especially if I don't know what those other
businesses are.
Bob: Well, I covered this a little bit on the prior call,
but first of all, you have a contract in place.
Thomas: Right.
Bob: Most people are honest, and they're not going to
take advantage of you. If you're on his list, which you
should be, he's probably mailing all his offers to all his lists,
so you would know if he's using it. You can then approach
him and say, hey, we have a written agreement you're using
this, you need to compensate me. If he says Oh, forget you.
I'm not compensating you. Well, all you have to do is call
any attorney who understands contract law. And they use
treble damages. And they'll take the case on contingency for
you for free.
But I've never had that happen in my business. And I've
never had an MDL user report that happening. So, first of all
most people are honest and as long as you're making the
money, they're actually going to come to you. And I think
somebody on the last call spoke about that, they already did
their first deal. The first thing the client said is, what else can
you do for me?
The other thing is, once the deal starts to work, once the
campaign is out and it's starting to work, at that point I tell
them, hey, by the way, this thing's going great. When it's
done, and we've had some time to relax, I've got two or three
more ideas for you that I think will make you a lot of money.
And that's when you're going to bring in the other
Big Profits from Small Efforts Roadmap
MDL 2.0 Roadmap
campaigns, but you're never going to tell them about those
other campaigns. You only want to sell one thing at once
because you'll kill the deal if you try to talk about multiple
But when you dangle that carrot in front of them of other
things coming, it also helps to keep them honest, because if
they're thinking about cheating you, they then have to think,
why would I do this if Thomas has done so well for me and
he's got a couple more things, I can do two or three times as
well, why would I cheat him just to make a little extra
money. So, between those two mechanisms, I personally
have never been cheated and we don't have any reports of
any of the buyers. Which is, you know, over a thousand
people now ever having e-mailed or called and said, hey can
you help me, I'm being cheated, what do I do.
Thomas: Another question I have for you, if you do
require a copywriter for a campaign like to write a white
paper or some other marketing piece, whom typically eats
the expense of that? Would it be us or would it be the client?
Bob: Why would you need that?
Thomas: Say, for example, I don't want to write the
white paper and nor does the client.
Bob: What white paper?
Thomas: In other words, like the free you know, the
free gift for acting now.
Glenn: This is back from the fast start menu.
Bob: Yes, you’re talking about the fast start, and we
don't do that anymore in 2.0. That's been eliminated.
Thomas: So you're not even, you're not even going to
use that enhancement?
Bob: No, when we get to P-C-R, you'll see that we've
replaced that. So, that was a good question. In the old days,
the answer is the customer page worked but we don't do that
anymore. And, the reason we don't is not a whim but we
tested for a number of years both with or without the extra
Big Profits from Small Efforts Roadmap
MDL 2.0 Roadmap
bonus and the bonus didn't make any difference. The real
element that makes the difference is what I covered in the
lesson. If you remember I talked about Reason Why
And Reason Why Marketing is very simple. So, when a
company goes out and they make a sale, or they create a
sale, like a holiday sale or a discount sale, there's no reason
for that sale. It's transparent that it's just a sale, but when you
have a reason attached to it, and that reason can be
something as simple as, hey I wanted to take the time to
thank you for your support. It's a very powerful
psychological trigger.
I'm going to go off on a tangent just for a second, but
there's a book called Influence: The Psychology of
Persuasion by Dr. Robert Cialdini, and he did decades of
studies that proved that when you tie an offer to a reason,
and it doesn't even matter what the reason is, that you're
going to increase the effectiveness of that offer by 60 - 70%.
That's what makes the letter work. And so, we found that the
bonus didn’t make any difference. When we split test 50-50
over a year, we found there was no difference between the
people who, the number of people who bought the offer with
the bonus or without it, it was always the reason that drove
the sale so we removed that.
Thomas: So are your own personal licensing campaigns
all MDL 2.0 from this point and forth, or do you still revert
back to some of your older campaigns.
Bob: No, I'm not using any of the old stuff anymore.
Thomas: Well, very good. Excellent. Well, thank you
Bob, that's all.
Bob: Hi Adam.
Adam: Hi Bob, thanks for taking my call and I have a
couple of, a bunch of short, specific questions about the
campaign. I'm going to go with the restaurant owner, it’s a
medium restaurant, and he's collected things like on a card,
you know with the table. There's a card they fill out and I
think the only marketing he's ever done is just send people a
birthday, you know, a discount birthday thing.
Big Profits from Small Efforts Roadmap
MDL 2.0 Roadmap
Bob: Yes. Sounds familiar.
Adam: Just to clarify again, let's say he has a list of
10,000. I'm just going to take the first 20% for free, but I'm
still going to make a commission on the profits produced by
the test of the first 20%, right?
Bob: No. The first 20% you're doing the whole thing for
Adam: Ok. And then the remaining portion of his list I
don't take the retainer but I get the 20% of the profit we
Bob: Exactly, exactly because the whole thing here is
when you're first starting out. I mean really the road map
approach is really simple. All it is, you're going to take a
success and you're going to use that to create another success
and another and another. And once you've got a whole big
cluster of these, you then have so much momentum that it
creates a snowball effect, or what I call the domino line
dropping where you just keep getting more and more
In fact, after a while the business comes to you because
they've heard about your successes. So, the reason you do
the first one for free in any niche market is simply to get that
success story that you can use, and then things really pick
up. But at the same time, if somebody has a big enough list,
there's no reason to do the whole thing for free. You still get
the same benefit and they get the same benefit of being able
to test it at no cost. So, they look at it and it makes perfect
sense. Well, this is great. Okay, we can do a quick test, it
costs me nothing, I'll know if it works or not.
And also, particularly if somebody is doing a physical
mailing, it makes sense to test a much smaller segment
anyway. Because, let’s say it costs roughly a dollar per piece
to mail by the time you print it and have a stamp on it. Well,
if they are mailing a 1,000, then their only risk is $1,000
dollars. If they're mailing all 10,000 of them they may balk
at the idea of putting up even $10,000 to test something.
Big Profits from Small Efforts Roadmap
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