Tricky Tutorials 1-6.pdf

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Basics of
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There are many things thai ,Me ATARt computers can do either beller or easfer than o l hersmall computers The folloW ing series
01 programs Is designed lor anyone who Is at teasllamlliar with BAS IC p rogramming. What each tu torial o ffers Is similar to an
extensive magazine article with all dlsousslon In as simple language as IS possible. plus you gel MANY eKsmples already typed In
and running Theta Is IItlle overlap In what Is taught, so each lutorial wililurther convince you Ihal buying an ATAR t was Ihe rlghl
This program teaches you how to alter the program in Ihe
ATARI that controls the lormat of the screen. For 8)(ample.
when you say graphics 8 the machine responds with a large
graphics 8 area at the lop 01 the screen and a small text area
at the bottom. Now, you Will be able to mix various modes on
the screen at the same time Just think how nice your pro--
grams could look With a mix of large and smaillexi. and both
high and fow resolution graphIcs The program has received
rave revlews tor the way II does all the calculations of the dIf-
ficult things (like counting scan lines). You will guiCkly be able
to use the subroutines Included in your own programs. 16k
memory requtred lor tape - 24k for disk.
ThiS p rogram shows you how 10 anlmale sim ple shapes
(wilh sound using the PRINT and PLOT commands, and also
has a " Ice 1I111e PLAYER/MISSILE G RAPHICS game you can
play WIUl The P/ M example Is well commented and will get
you s'tarted on this complicated sublect (more l ully explained
In TTIfS). This would be an excellent way to start making your
p rograms come alive with movemen ll Recommended tor be-
g Inning users. 16k lape - 24k disk.
This Is the big onel We start by showing how tocrealeaslm -
pie shape called a player. lhen take you th rough over 25 exam-
ples until you have created a com plete business application
and a small game. AlSO , we Include a utility to c rea te th e
shapes and choose the colors, then store the players and mis-
slas In data statements. Later YOUR programs bring these
shapes back in when needed. Plus m uch mo re! 32k tape o r
The information you put on the screen, either graphiCS or
text, can be moved up, down or sideways. This can make for
some OIce eHects. You could move only the lext on the bot-
tom half 01 the Screen or perhaps create a map and then move
smoothly over it by USIng the joystick Includes 18 examples
With severaJ using a small machine language subroutine lor
smoothness. As always, our examples can easily be used in
your own programs. 16k tape.24k disk.
One 0' the famous programmers for o ur great m ach ine of-
fers this one through us. Un less you have spent many hou rs
experimenting with the four voice channels, you w ill learn alo t
from this onel The nicest part is t he MANY examples of special
sound effects that you can refer to w hen you need them for a
program or to impress a friend. 16k tape - 24k disk.
Normally you have to redraw the screen every lime you
change the picture or text. Now you can learn how to have the
computer draw the next page you want to see while you are
slill looking at the prevIous page, then flip to it instantly. You
won', see it being drawn so a complicated p icture can seem 10
just appear. Depending on your memory size and how compli-
cated the picture, you could flip between many pages, thus
aJlowing ammatlon o r other special effects. We have found
that many people skip this tutorial either because il sounds
hard, or they think they will never use It. The basic method
takes only 12 lines and the usefulness is infinite. 16k tape - 24k
Software Inc.
4565 Cherryvale Avenue
Soquel, Ca . 95073
(408) 476·4901
Atari 400/600 are reQistered trademarks of Warner Communicati ons
@1961 & 196 2 BY
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I~tr~d~cti~~ T~
S~~t~ Cr~z
Hi~ First let us thank you for purchasing our programs. We want to
start out by telling you a little about ourselves and our company.
Santa Cruz Educational Software is the result of .ev.r~l local
programmers who initially purchased the ATARI computer as a home
machine around the time the 800 was first sold. At that time, and even
today~ we found a lack of information about how to u.e the power of
the machine. As you have seen in a few of the better programs being
sold, the ATARI can do more than any other computer in it's price
range, but how could we learn the many "tricks" that were contained
withen the machine??
Well, our local club, although it had several HUNDRED members,
ignored most of our questions. Fortunately other clubs across the
country have some excellant newsletters full of programs and facts.
Also~ ATARI(tm) has given we owners the Operating System and Hardware
manuals. Finally, many magazine articles and several books have be.n
All this is great for programmers, but what about the average
owner who doesn't understand much of what is said in the magazines?
Even as a programmer~ I have to spend many hours studying all of the
information that is now available inor der to understand some of unique
things about our machine.
The story ends when I asked some local club members to submit
their best programs for us to offer to others at the lowest possible
price, ie. a price WE WOULD be glad to pay to buy these programs. I
myself wrote most of the TRICKY TUTORIALS(tm) ~nd the MASTER MEMORY
MAP. Now, others across the country have offered programs for us to
sell, all meeting the goal of: minimal on fancy artwork and a few
spelling errors, but worth ever y penny .
Write us with new ideas or memory locat i ons to share, and if it's
something we can use, a reward will be sent back to you as soon as we
can. Also, please remember that this is only a part time business. We
are usually late in getting new programs out due to last minute
debugging at midnite<no kidding, I d o all this after my regular job).
This doesn"t mean we don't care!
My thanks to all of you who have raved about the Tutori~15. I will
try to keep a new one comming out every three months or less, and also
to get out those bugs that remain.
ROBIN ALAN SHERER (owner, programmer, and janitor)
- ii -
TAPE ••••••
First, if you haven't cleaned your tape recorder heads lately,
please do so now. SEE ANY STEREO SHOP FOR THE RIGHT TOOLS. Place th~
tape with the label side up in your recorder. Make sure it is r~wound
and also reset the counter to O. Push PLAY on the recorder. TYPE
RUN"C:/I AND PRESS RETURN. If this doesn't work you might try CLOAD. We
also include a backup program on the shorter programs we sell (not the
TUTORIALS), and these sometimes require CLOAD. If the program won't
start to load, try positioning the tape forward or backward a little
bit at a time. The easiest way would be to LISTEN to the "noise" on
the tape with a regular tape recorder. When you find the steady tone
that lasts for about 8 seconds, you have the beginning of each
program. We recommend you write down the number on your recorders
counter as each program starts. This will make it easier to find each
part later on if needed. W. occa.ionally get a bad tape from our
supplier, so if yours won't load on both your own 410 and a friends
(or your DEALERS), call (408) 476-4901 for a replacement.
Once the program starts, it will load in the remaining parts. The
multiple parts are needed so that machines with only 16k can enjoy the
TRICKY TUTORIALS. With more memory you can go beyond these simple
tutorials. After each part, the computer will beep. This is your
signal to press return to load in the next part. SOMe newer programs
will start the next part without pressing return. Most programs will
run themselves when done loading.
The reason for several methods of running tape. is that as we
improve the programs, we change the masters; however, the manuals are
printed in large amounts, so changes are VERY hard to get into your
To load & run the disk you first have to turn on the drive. When
the busy light goes out place the disk in the drive. Now turn on the
computer with the basic cartridge in place and the program will load
each part and run by itself (aren't disk drives nice!).
- ii -
Educational SoftlNare
Display Lists consists of a set of
programs that are simple to use, but
deal WiTh a compl icated subject. Until
now, only a few programmers have
understood enough about modifying the
ATARI's Display Lists. Using the
examples and manual inside, you have
only to follow a few simple directions
to create your own custom screens.These
scr~ens can consist of any of the
ATARI'S regular Text and Graphics modes
plus 5 new ones. Imagine up to 20 modes
on the screen at once~ ••• real special
effects in all your programsl
This program requires very little
actual programming experience. It is
especially designed to allow you to use
iT now, and go back and learn the actual
method within the program at any time in
the future.
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