
(58 KB) Pobierz
00:00:01:movie info: 23.976fps|/SubEdit b.3945 (
00:03:30:-Morning, Mr. Harper.|-Morning, Jeff.
00:03:32:-Hi, Ralph.|-Morning, sir.
00:03:45:l've been waiting for you.
00:03:47:-How've you been?|-Sit down.
00:03:49:-Pour yourself a drink.|-Thanks, Charlie.
00:03:56:This business stinks, you know that?
00:03:59:-Well--|-lt stinks!
00:04:01:lt used to be the most exciting business|in the world. Now it stinks on ice.
00:04:07:-lt's been a rough year.|-lt stinks.
00:04:11:-l guess it does stink.|-lt stinks on ice!
00:04:16:All right, on ice.
00:04:20:lt was a great feeling to be part of the|team that tied the lace on the shoe...
00:04:25:...that took that giant step|for mankind.
00:04:30:You don't get that feeling|from building a goddamn missile.
00:04:37:-Now, what's all this crap?|-My plan to reorganize my department.
00:04:40:One small step.
00:04:43:One giant step for mankind.
00:04:46:l wouldn't say that,|but it's not a bad plan.
00:04:48:You know who made that step possible?|We did.
00:04:51:You and me.
00:04:53:And Bob Kane, Frank Chapman.
00:04:58:We put Neil and what's his name|on the bloody moon.
00:05:04:And then they gave us the shaft.
00:05:07:lt stinks.
00:05:09:On ice.
00:05:12:What do you say we talk turkey?
00:05:15:Right, Charlie.
00:05:17:l was thinking more in terms|of cutting costs than personnel.
00:05:20:Gobble, gobble, gobble.
00:05:24:l was just talking turkey.
00:05:36:...l always thought you were the kind|of guy l didn't have to bullshit.
00:05:39:l'm glad to hear that.
00:05:41:-Can l level with you?|-Sure.
00:05:44:-l mean, really level?|-Charlie, you can tell me anything.
00:05:50:You're fired.
00:05:58:l must have fired 50 people today,|but that's the first time l did it like that.
00:06:03:The first time l ever said, just like,|''You're fired.''
00:06:07:Practice makes perfect.
00:06:15:l shouldn't have done that.
00:06:18:-lt's just that l'm sick of all the bullshit.|-Wait a minute.
00:06:23:-You're serious?|-Would l kid a pal?
00:06:26:No jokes, Charlie.|You're really firing me?
00:06:31:l don't have to tell you|what a lousy year we've had.
00:06:34:l haven't done a bad job.
00:06:36:You've done a hell of a job.|And don't let anybody tell you different.
00:06:39:Then why me?
00:06:42:My division's outperformed everybody's.
00:06:47:l think that's what it was.
00:06:50:l'm sure that's what it was.|Seniority. Yeah.
00:06:55:Do you mean to tell me that|when you compare the productivity--?
00:07:00:Do you mind if we don't go|into all that crap right now?
00:07:04:Frankly, l'm a little bit looped.
00:07:07:And l got blood on my hands.
00:07:10:A lot of blood.
00:07:37:Mr. Harper?
00:07:39:l'll have to get back to you.
00:07:42:l just want to say,|l'm very sorry you're leaving us.
00:07:47:Well, thank you.
00:07:49:Did Mr. Blanchard tell you|about the car?
00:07:52:-What car?|-The company car you've been using.
00:07:55:You may retain the use of it|for two weeks.
00:07:58:lsn't that thoughtful?
00:08:00:But we must have your company|credit cards now, please.
00:08:09:Goodbye, Mr. Harper.
00:08:36:Hey, what is this?
00:08:38:This is distressing.
00:08:54:-Hey, Jane!|-Hey, sweetie, you're home early.
00:08:57:l gotta talk to you.
00:08:59:l gotta talk to you, Mr. Harper.
00:09:02:The second payment's|due on the pool.
00:09:09:Billy, will you get your friend|out of the cement!
00:09:14:-l've been fired.|-Huh?
00:09:16:l've been fired.
00:09:34:Oh, baby.
00:09:35:What did you say?
00:09:38:He said he's tired.
00:09:42:Hey, Mr. Harper,|you were canned today.
00:09:47:What sign are you?
00:09:51:He's an Aquarius.
00:09:53:You poor bastard. l knew it.
00:09:56:What a bummer.
00:09:58:Mars is in direct conjunction|with Saturn.
00:10:04:lt's a tough time for us Aquarians.
00:10:08:You know that bill l gave you,|for the pool, the second payment?
00:10:12:l'll give you until next Wednesday.
00:10:34:La cena is ready.
00:10:35:-Thank you.|-Gracias.
00:10:39:l can't believe that Charlie fired you.
00:10:42:-Charlie fired me.|-Dirty rat.
00:10:46:After all the years of bottom-pinching|l took from him.
00:10:49:Does that mean we're gonna|be poor, like the Waltons?
00:10:53:No, Billy, it doesn't.
00:10:56:What are we gonna do about the pool?
00:11:00:We'll get it finished first.
00:11:04:We won't heat it.
00:11:06:Not until you get another job.
00:11:08:How will we swim in the pool|if it's cold?
00:11:11:Billy is right.|What will the neighbors say...
00:11:13:...if they don't see steam|coming off our pool on a chilly night?
00:11:16:l'm making some economies|around here.
00:11:19:-Billy, we'll give up our ski lessons.|-God!
00:11:22:-No more French wines at home, sir.|-Oh, God!
00:11:26:And l will drop|the Book of the Month Club.
00:11:29:What about my drum set?
00:11:31:Family, everything's gonna be all right.
00:11:33:There's absolutely nothing|to worry about.
00:11:40:Take that stuff up there.
00:11:41:You, in the truck,|watch those plants!
00:11:44:That stuff goes too.|Take it easy over there.
00:11:46:Watch those roots on that thing.
00:11:48:Hey, those plants go up next too, okay?
00:11:53:-Stop it!|-Hello, Mrs. Harper.
00:11:56:That goes next.
00:11:57:What in God's name|do you think you're doing?
00:12:00:You got our notice, Mrs. Harper?
00:12:02:-Yes. l sent you a check.|-Bouncy, bouncy. That's naughty.
00:12:06:Hey, watch those plants!|Watch that stuff.
00:12:09:-Get it up over there.|-l'll give you another check.
00:12:12:Two checks bounced already,|Mrs. Harper.
00:12:15:Your mother carried you for nine months,|but we'll only carry you for two.
00:12:19:Clear that bank off.
00:12:20:Just because the bank made a mistake|is no reason to come and dig up my tree!
00:12:24:-Excuse me.|-Not yours. Ours.
00:12:26:We put this stuff in,|now we'll tear it out.
00:12:29:Watch it.
00:12:30:lf you don't wanna lose your shirt,|don't put it on the cuff.
00:12:33:You're using Gestapo tactics.
00:12:35:That's impossible. l'm Jewish.
00:12:39:Hey, watch those plants over there.|Come on, watch them roots.
00:12:43:Right. Take all of these bushes out,|all of these trees...
00:12:46:...everything up there, every|rotten weed in this whole garden.
00:12:50:Come here. Would you please remove|this tracheotomy or whatever it's called.
00:12:55:This is not what we ordered,|and l told you so a month ago.
00:12:59:Can you believe this? l told them,|plant what we want or take it all back.
00:13:03:What a rip-off.
00:13:04:Right. Roll up the lawn.
00:13:06:l don't like the lawn either.|AstroTurf has more life than this stuff.
00:13:11:You will never work|in this neighborhood again!
00:13:20:-Hey, Mom, you were terrific.|-You think so, kid?
00:13:26:-What do you want?|-l want the plants inside.
00:13:29:Step one foot in this house,|l'll call the police.
00:13:31:l still want the plants.
00:13:39:Pretty grim, huh?
00:13:41:What are we going to tell Dad|when he comes home?
00:14:08:...are you gonna tell me|how bad things are...
00:14:10:...or are you gonna wait|for the roof to fall in?
00:14:13:lt really isn't as bad as it looks.
00:14:15:Nothing is as bad as this looks.
00:14:18:We don't have any income|or any assets.
00:14:21:What do you mean,|we don't have any assets?
00:14:23:Other than the sun in the morning|and the moon at night.
00:14:25:We got this house.
00:14:27:We owe $ 7 7,000 on this house, Dick.
00:14:29:lf you died right now,|how would l pay it off?
00:14:31:Out of the insurance.
00:14:33:We don't have any.|You borrowed against it.
00:14:35:Right, right, right. l forgot.
00:14:38:This is ridiculous.|l'm not gonna die tonight.
00:14:40:The night is young.
00:14:42:lt's comforting to know|when things get tough...
00:14:44:...l'll have you standing behind me|with an ice pick.
00:14:47:You've been leading a secret life|for these last years.
00:14:50:For example, what are|''insecured municipal debentures''?
00:14:54:l don't know. l gambled on a few things|for us, and l lost. l'm sorry.
00:14:57:You gambled. You lost.|What about me?
00:14:59:l gambled and lost, and l didn't|even get a chance to play.
00:15:03:l didn't even watch.
00:15:05:Your interest in economics|was limited to the spending part.
00:15:08:l always thought of you as|a responsible aerospace executive.
00:15:11:Who would have known you were|the Typhoid Mary of high finance.
00:15:14:lf l'd have consulted you,|l wouldn't have lost my job.
00:15:18:lf you think you can do better,|take over.
00:15:20:lt would be hard|to do it any worse.
00:15:22:Go ahead, be my guest.|lt's all yours.
00:15:25:My very thought.
00:15:27:And my first act as director|of family economics... to put you on an allowance.|-On a what?
00:15:33:What kind of lunatic spends $ 1 000 on|lunch when he's out of a job and in debt?
00:15:37:The kind that knows you can't|get a job if you look like a loser.
00:15:40:lf l was Diners Club, l'd bronze your|stomach and put it in the hall of fame.
00:15:44:Point number two.
00:15:45:Your job is to get on the food stamp|program, look for work in your field--
00:15:49:Excuse me, why don't l get a ''job'' job?|Like a busboy or a waiter?
00:15:54:lf we're not too proud|to go on welfare--
00:15:56:-We can't afford it.|-Can't afford it?
00:15:58:You earn more money on unemployment|than you could in any of those jobs.
00:16:02:My job is to get a ''job'' job.
00:16:05:-You're gonna get a job?|-Yes. lncredible as it may seem.
00:16:10:May l ask-- No offense, mind you.|What do you think you're qualified to do?
00:16:14:Secretary of the treasury|seems to be filled.
00:16:16:-There must be lots of things l can do.|-You never worked a day in your life.
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